
"Not again grandma. I wish if I could band this app," shouted Marina.

"What happened did your grandma finally got you a date?" asked Lisa.

"Shut up! why doesn't she understand that you can never find your true love on social media apps?"

 My name is Marina Smith and I'm 23 years old. I live in a small town in Texas with my grandma. My grandma is the greatest support for me in my life. One thing that I hate about her is that she wants me to get married to someone who loves me, I don't understand how to tell her that there is one in my life who loves me more than her. 

"Yes I'm single but I'm happy and I don't want anyone to take my happiness away from me." 

 "That doesn't make any sense to me. What's wrong to have a boyfriend? I have two boyfriends and see I'm happy." said Lisa 

 "Enough! Lisa, can we go home now? I'm seriously tired.

 "Okay, let's go."

  ******** at Martin's place ********

Marina isn't the only one who's family and friends are forcing her to go on a date. There is someone who's a friend who is even crazier than Lisa. And is forcing Martin to go on a date.

  "Anesthesia Clarke is looking for her perfect match. See isn't she beautiful?" said Zayn.

 "l have told you Zayn, that I'm not interested.

said Martin.

  "I don't know but Martin you are going on this date. Do you understand? shouted Zayn.

" No," he said

 "Martin you are going on this date and yeah I will be there with you because I don't trust you, I know you will just leave the girl alone there.

  "You don't need to do that. And why do you think that I'm going to take you with me on my date?" said Martin 

 "So this means that you are going?"

 "But where do I have to go?" asked Martin 

 "Yes! I knew it. She'll meet you in Olive Garden restaurant. At 8 o'clock sharp. Be there on time okay? 

After this busy day, Marina returned home with her friend Lisa.

  "What is this grandma? 

  "This is a blind date invite for you. And you are going there, my child. replied grandma.

  "Grandma I don't want to go there. I don't understand why you always keep on insisting me to go on a date or lunch with strangers?"

 "What is wrong with this? going on a date with someone isn't a bad thing Marina. I care for you that's why I'm doing this. One day I'm going to depart from the world and at that time I don't want you to be alone. At that time you will need someone to hold your hands, with whom you will share your life with. The one who loves you and cares for you. I wish you to get that man as soon as possible. Now promise me that you are going on this date?"

Grandma was right. We all need someone in our life to love us, to trust us, and to hold our hands at the most difficult time. With this hope that I will find someone like this, I agreed to go on this date but I was so nervous as I have never been on a date with someone. At the same time there were so many questions in mind, how will I recognize him? and what if he didn't come? but the biggest question was what am I supposed to wear?

 While Lisa was busy selecting clothes for me, I was looking at her as she was much more excited than me.

 "Okay! as it's your first date so I think that you should wear a red dress," said Lisa.

 "I don't have any red dress and stop being so much excited. I'm just going to meet him, I'm not getting married tomorrow."

 "What do you mean by this? you're just going to meet him not getting married? 

"If you're so much excited so why don't you just get married to him?"

 "You're joking right?"

 "Lisa, please shut up!"

"I'm gonna give you my clothes for your date. Okay?"

 "Do what you want." 

I was so confused, I don't know what to do. I've never been on a date before. 

 Later that night grandma came to my room.

 "honey?" whisper Grandma.

 "What happened, granny?"

 "Are you okay? I know how you're feeling right now but trust me you'll be fine. Endeavor to give someone a chance to love or care for you. I'm not forcing you to love somebody you don't know but at least give him an opportunity to love you. okay?"

 "Alright, granny but what's his name?"

 "Charles blake".

 While Marina was all set for tomorrow's date but Martin was still not convinced to go.

 "Hey man! what do you want?" asked zayn

 "What did I do now?" asked Martin 

  "Did you try to cancel your date?" asked zayn

  "No, I didn't but now I will. see I know she'll reject me.

  "Why do you think so?"

  "Zayn you know very well."

  "Okay then just don't tell her about that. okay?"

 "What do you mean? do you want me to hide it from her? see I'm not going to play with someone's trust.

 "I'm not asking to play with her trust but for now just don't tell her. okay?"

"Okay, but what's her name?"

 "Anesthesia Clark."

Marina and Martin were going on a blind date at the same place and at the same time but with someone else. They were going to meet two different people Anesthesia Clark and Charles blake but who knows what's gonna happen next in their lives.

   *********The big day*********

 "Lisa this dress is too short," shouted Marina

 "Yeah I know because it's a frock."

 "But you know I don't like frocks, Lisa."

 "listen you are going on a date, not on a business dinner "Marina you are looking amazing. Now come on let me drop you to your destination."

 "But where do we have to go?"

 "Well, it's Olive Garden restaurant. now let's go."

********At Martin's place********

 "Oh! man, why are you taking so long? it's just a date, not your wedding. Are you in there? asked zayn

"Shut up! I'm right here."

 "Come out and show me." 

 "Tell me how's it looking?"

 "you're looking, good man! you're all set for your date now let go.

 "Wait what am I gonna say to her?" asked Martin.

 "Not again bro! just say hello with a decent smile, ask her about her hobbies and that's it.

 "Why don't you join us there?" asked Martin

 "What are you saying? I can't join you cause it's your date but I will be there at a different table. okay?"

  ****** At the restaurant*******

 "Oh man look at this restaurant it's so beautiful." said zayn.

 "let's go inside," said Martin.

 "Wait you forget the flowers. Take it and don't be nervous"


 Martin entered the restaurant while Marina was waiting for Charles at the table. Martin looked for anesthesia and then he saw Marina there she was sitting alone so he thought that she's anesthesia so he walked forwards to her table. While zayn went to the corner table.

 "Hey, it's my seat! said zayn

  " What do you mean it's your seat? I sitting here right now" said Lisa.

 "but you are sitting alone can I join you?

  Lisa first look at him and then after getting impressed by zayn's looks she allowed him to sit. Both Lisa and zayn were sitting quietly watching their friends.

 "hey! said, Martin with a little smile on his face.

 " Hello," said Marina

 "you are looking so much pretty in this dress" 

he said while giving her the flower.

 "Thank you so much for your compliment and for flowers as well. 

 For a while, there was silence at their table because both were nervous and confused.

 "Sorry, I'm so much nervous as I have never been on a date with someone," said Marina 

 "That's totally fine because I'm more nervous than you."

 "Thank God you came otherwise I would have gone crazy, on my grandma," said Marina

 "Why on your grandma?"

 "Because she is the one who wanted me to go on a date. She cares a lot for me that's why she wanted me to get along with somebody."

 "That's very thoughtful of your grandma. did she forced you for this date?" 

 "No, she never forced me for anything but now I guess she was right I should give a chance to someone. 

"My friend zayn is just like your grandma. he really wanted me to get along with a partner with whom I can share the rest of my life. Even I wanted a partner with whom I can share whatever I have. I was in search of my perfect soul mate. I never believed in love at first sight but now I think that it's true.

 His words won my heart. He kept looking me with an innocent smile on his face. he had purity in his heart which made me fall in love with him. at that moment there was no need for words the eyes were enough. 

"What would you like to have mam? asked the waiter

Marina and Martin were still looking at each other. The waiter raised his voice and asked once again; "What would you like to have sir?

 " Oh! sorry said, Martin 

 "What would you like to have? Martin asked Marina.

 "Nothing I will just have a glass of water," replied Marina

 "That's not happening now tell me what would you like to eat? you told me before that you have never been on a date before so now I want to make this day special for you," said Martin.

  While Martin and marina we're having their meal, Lisa's phone rang it was the call from the bureau and they informed her that their date has been canceled or today. After knowing this Lisa was shocked because her friend was in the middle of her date. she really wants to tell Marina about that but at that moment Marina was busy. 

After having their meal Martin asked Marina if they could meet again tomorrow? She was convinced to meet again. Marina said goodbye to Martin and walked out of the restaurant while Lisa followed her.

 "What are you doing here?" asked Marina 

 "I have been watching you this whole time see I really want to tell you something."

 "Are you stupid Lisa?"

 "See he's not the one with whom you were supposed to go on a date with," said Lisa

 "What do you mean?" said Marina

 "I got the call from the bureau and they told me that your date has been postponed for today. Did you ask for his name?

 " No, but Lisa I really like him," said Marina

 "Now what are we going to do? why did you ask his name?"

 "Because he came to me and sat with me and he was there for a date as well that's why.

How am I supposed to know that he's not Charles? after all, this was a blind date.

"Just leave him don't spoil your mood because of that stupid person," said Lisa

 "Lisa you don't understand why I love him and he asked me to meet tomorrow and l accepted he request."

 "See it totally depends upon you if you want to continue this relationship with him now let's go home."

 "How was your date? asked zayn 

 "It was amazing and I really like her. We are going to meet again tomorrow and I have decided to tell her about my first marriage tomorrow. I hope that she'll accept me.

 "What about your child? do you think she will accept that also?" asked zayn

 "What do you mean? I asked to mention my information before setting a date with someone. Did you mention that I'm married and have a baby?"

Zayn remembered that he didn't mention that on his profile but he did mention that he's married but both zayn and Martin still don't know the whole truth. while Martin was so much excited for tomorrow but on the other hand, Marina was still confused. 

    *****The next morning*****

Martin was happy today because he was going to propose Marina. He believes that Marina is Anesthesia Clark and knows that Martin was married and has a baby. while Marina was totally uninformed about Martin.

Martin was waiting for Marina in the coffee shop and after half an hour marina reached there. 

 "How are you Anesthesia?" asked Martin

 Marina knew that Martin has not been informed about what had happened.

 "What's your name? asked Marina 

 Martin got confused by her question and looked at her for a while. 

 "My name is Martin" he replied

 Marina was so embarrassed at that moment and she decided to tell him the truth.

 "My is Marina. I'm not Anesthesia, Martin.

 "What do you mean your name is Marina? wait aren't you Anesthesia Clark? asked Martin in a confusing manner.

 "Yes, my name is Marina and I'm not the one you were supposed to meet for your blind date. I'm sorry its all my mistake I should have asked your name first."

 "It's not your fault it was me who sat at the wrong table I'm sorry Marina."

Martin was completely heartbroken he never expected that things could go this wrong but one thing he knew was that he was in love with that girl who's name is Marina, not Anesthesia. 

 "Marina I don't know what to say to you but trust me I didn't lie to you at that time. I was uninformed from the truth but one that I know is that I love you."

 "I know I saw that love in your eyes. Charles or Martin, I don't care what I know is that I love you." 

  Martin got happy after knowing that Marina also love him but the thing that was bothering Martin was that he knew that Marina doesn't know that he is married and have a baby. He wasn't sure if she'll accept him or not after knowing the truth.

 After returning home Marina was all set because she finally found somebody with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life.  

Martin was so much bothered after knowing the truth. He knew that he love Marina and Marina loves him too but he wasn't sure to tell her as he didn't want to lose her.

 "Did you proposed her?" asked zayn excitedly

  "No" he replied

  "Why? you told me that you love her so why not?"

  "Because she's no anesthesia she's Marina.

it's all my fault she was there on a date with someone else just like me and we considered each other as our blind date."

 "Who is that even possible?"

 "Why not well it was a blind date which means that you are on a date with someone you never met." 

 "So did you told her that you were married and have a kid?"

 "I tried to but somehow I couldn't have the courage to tell her but I have to inform her about that."

Marina told her grandmother that she's finally in love and wanted to get married to him. Grandma was also very happy for her and asked her to see his picture but Marina didn't have any so she searched Martin on Facebook and finally, she found his account she opened his profile and started looking at Martins pictures but then she noticed that in most of his pictures were with a woman and a little baby. It didn't take her long to understand that the woman in the pictures was his wife and that baby was also Martin's. This really broke her heart and she felt like being cheated by Martin. At the same time, Lisa came to Marina's place. The phone dropped from Marina's hand and she started crying. 

 "What happened Marina? asked Lisa

 "He cheated me he's already married and has a baby." cried Marina 

 "What he's married? did he tell you about this? asked grandma

 "No, he never told me about that before. He's a cheater and I will never forgive him. 

 "Wait, Marina stop shouted Lisa"

Marina went inside her room and shut the door. She keeps on crying then her phone rang it was Martin's call but she didn't answer his call.

 "She's not responding to my calls I'm going at her place and I'm gonna tell her everything.

 Martin got in his car and went to Marina's place.

 "Where is Marina?" asked Martin

 "She's in her room" replied Lisa 

 Martin went towards his room and knock the door. Marina opened the door and slapped Martin and asked him about her wife.

 "Yes I was married and I do have a baby but it's not what you think," said Martin

 "Then what is this?" shouted Marina 

"I loved my wife but she passed away two years ago and after her death, I was completely heartbroken it was really getting hard to take care of my baby so I wanted to get married again. Zayn searched for someone who can marry me after knowing about me. I was there on a date with anesthesia but somehow I met you and I don't know how but I really fall in love with you. I wanted to propose to you at the coffee shop but after knowing the truth I couldn't tell you because I didn't want to lose you and if now you don't want to marry me that okay for me. just stay happy." 

 "I want to stay happy but with you, I'm sorry I should have understood at you. You were going to propose to me at the coffee shop right? but now I'll ask you, will you marry me?"

Martin looked at her first and smiled.

 "yes, I will."

August 28, 2020 20:08

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Rahim Khan
22:30 Mar 20, 2021

Amazing 👏


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Ari Berri
21:03 Dec 10, 2020

This is awesome! Great job!


Laiba Rahim
04:20 Dec 12, 2020

Thanks 😌


Ari Berri
18:56 Dec 12, 2020

No problem.


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