The Ware House

Submitted into Contest #206 in response to: Set your story in an eerie, surreal setting.... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

It was an old medical hospital used during WWII, but instead of medical tools, there were bloody chains, and the walls were scarred with still-wet blood. Daggers carved into hideous shapes were scattered around the place. Some looked like lizards, others like snakes, and some in indescribable figures. In the warehouse, there were giant humanoids dressed in crimson red cloaks with their faces mostly covered except their mouth. They stood in a square with a pregnant lady in a bathtub full of blood. There was a humanoid next to the bathtub full of blood. He was the group’s leader. “Oh, the Scarlet King, you shall step foot on this mortal land and end it once and for all.” He chanted. The lady screamed in agony. Her stomach grew bigger and bigger until the womb exploded and came out a portal, and from there, the Scarlet King formed. There was a bang on the door. Bam! It busted open….

             3 Weeks Ago…

“Good morning, Boss,” “Morning, Carter,” “Anything new in the state?” Agent Carter asked. “Actually, there is.” Replied Dr. Green. “Really, what so?” “Well, there are many things. I’ll start with the most boring. There was a robbery in our café. Then SCP 049 escaped for the 4th time this month.”. “Really!?”. “Yeah, and another SCP 799 was spotted. “Which one was that again?” asked Carter. “The Carnivorous Blanket. And finally, people have reported paranormal feelings and sightings in a warehouse in Onancock. Like, huge amounts of lizards appeared near the place also, giant snakes and spiders were spotted there, and some have claimed to see giant humanoids in the area. Your team is going there on the 26th.”. “Spooky, so what am I going to be doing today?” Questioned Carter. “It’s your turn to feed the Boogey Man today, then your goanna be monitoring Shy Guy, and then after that, you will do more research on the warehouse that I told you about.” Dr. Green replied. “Okay, got it.”

“John, it’s your turn to monitor him now; remember not to look at his face, or he will kill you at all costs.” Shouted Agent Carter after his shift with Shy Guy was done. Okay, now on this warehouse. What is happening with it? He thought. “Spooky warehouse in Onancock, Virginia.” He searched up. The results showed, “People in Onancock have reported paranormal feelings around this town, and a woman in this town is missing. Near the warehouse, giant spiders and humanoids have been reported. This warehouse was originally a medical hospital for WWII, but then an anonymous person with a strange voice bought it and said they were using it as a warehouse, and at the same time they bought it, paranormal feelings and sightings started to occur. The person who bought the place has still not been seen or identified, and the people who helped make the hospital into a warehouse have gone missing. No one has entered the warehouse, and whoever has tried has said it’s extremely locked up.”. “Spooky!” exclaimed Carter.

The next day Agent Carter did more research on the warehouse. He found out the woman who had been kidnapped was Maria Scarlet, and she was pregnant before she went missing, but her husband was unknown. She went missing 8 months ago, and the old hospital, now the warehouse, was also bought 8 months ago. “Boss, can I have some troops with me to go to the warehouse on Monday?” he asked. “Uhhh, sure, you can go Monday.” The boss approved.


“Medical troops!” yelled Carter. “Here,” they replied. “Check. Does everyone have a sidearm pistol?” “Yes.” “We are good to go.” Said Agent Carter. When they got there, it was misty; the building looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years. “Okay, try to make the least amount of sound as possible. We’ll enter through the windows, got it?” Said Agent Carter. “Yes, sir.” The troops replied. When they entered the building, they felt shivers. “Everybody in?” asked Carter through the Walkie talkies. “Yes,” They all replied. It was dark; the building was mostly empty, except there was a stadium as it was made for rituals. The stadium was built around a bathtub. It was silent until it broke. They heard someone sobbing. “Hello,” Carter shouted. He waited for a response. The sobbing continued. He followed the sound, and they reached a room and it looked like that’s where the sobbing was coming from. He opened the door and saw a girl. “You’re the girl who went missing!” exclaimed Carter. “Please don’t harm me.” The girl sobbed. “We’re not here to harm you; we will rescue you.” Comforted Carter. “They’re coming.” She said. “Who’s they?” “The people who took me.” The girl replied. “All teams, I have found the women,” said Carter through the walkie-talkie. “Coming righ-......” The talkie goes static. “All teams, man down, evacuate the building,” Carter shouted through the talkie. Then he heard a loud screech. He turned around and saw a massive humanoid creature wearing a red cloak with giant arms. Carter started firing at the creature, the creature was killed, but more were coming. He saw a creature smash one of his troop’s head open. “Open fire!” Carter yelled at his troops. He is making his way to the exit, out the window with the girl. He looked back at the warehouse. He saw one of the creatures look out of the window, but when his face was in sunlight, the face started melting then the creature went back into the building.

Only a few of them came back alive. One of them brought one of the creatures as a specimen.

 “You, with the creature, make sure no sunlight hits the creature,” said Agent Carter. 

            They came back to the lab. Agent Carter studied the specimen and found that the creature had no organs but seemed made from blood. He took a blood sample from the creature and compared it with blood samples from other S.C.P. creatures. “Doctor Green, come here, please. I was comparing blood samples of the creature to other S.C.P.s’ blood samples, and it matched up exactly with the Scarlet King.” Said Agent Carter. “Why would the Scarlet King want minions of his here. He already has his seven brides; what else does he want?” Questioned Green. Carter then interviewed Maria. “Why did they take you to the warehouse?” asked Carter.

They don’t want me; they want what I’m about to give birth to. She replied. “Your last name is Scarlet, right?” asked Carter. “Yeah” “Who is your husband?” “He is no human being. He wants to bring havoc across the multiverse; he is the Scarlet King. But he is also my child.” “What do you mean?” asked Carter, confused. “He wants to destroy this universe, but a creature is stopping him from coming here, so the only way to come to this universe was by me giving birth to him here.” “There must be some way to stop him.” “Just don’t let those creatures take me back to the warehouse until I die.” “We can do that.” Said Carter.

                       Two weeks Later

Carter arrived at the S.C.P. building. He went upstairs to check on the small room Maria was living in. When he went there, he saw Maria’s room’s wall broken down. He went to Dr. Green and saw him dead. His head was split in two. He quickly went over to the army and collected some army troops. “I need some army troops to go to the warehouse A.S.A.P.!” Shouted Agent Carter

It is an old medical hospital used during WWII, but instead of medical tools, there are bloody chains, and the walls are scarred with still-wet blood. Daggers carved into hideous shapes were scattered around the place. Some looked like lizards, others like snakes, and some in indescribable figures. In the warehouse, there were giant humanoids dressed in crimson red cloaks with their faces mostly covered except their mouth. They stood in a square with the pregnant lady in a bathtub full of blood. There was a humanoid next to the bathtub full of blood. He was the group’s leader. “Oh, the Scarlet King, you shall step foot on this mortal land and end it once and for all.” He chanted. The lady screamed in agony. Her stomach grew bigger and bigger until the womb exploded and came out a portal, and from there, the Scarlet King formed. There was a bang on the door. Bam! It busted open.

“Everybody freeze!” yelled Carter. Then he saw the dead women and the portal and opened fire, killing all the creatures there. The portal kept growing, and parts of the Scarlet King started appearing. The Humanoid’s leader moaned and said, “It is done.” The Scarlet King was fully formed and yelled, “I will destroy your entire universe”………..

July 15, 2023 01:53

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