Let Go and Let God for a Moment in Love!

Submitted into Contest #156 in response to: Write a story where a character is experiencing parallel realities.... view prompt


Urban Fantasy Inspirational Creative Nonfiction

Yesterday, I read my new friend’s mind, no lie. I had just met him at Action Burger the night before, and I just knew it, knew something more was coming, a change of extraordinary measure was banging on the door. God said to me “Find him, help him cross the line of perception into the sublime. Yesterday, I met my twin flame and my life will never be the same. We did not remain on this plain, to put our face into frame, mirroring each other seamlessly. We jumped between dimensions through portals in the tree frames, we listened to them through the breeze. To move through these portals, you must embrace your youth, your inner child, your lives beyond this life… 

When Jinzo spoke, I finished his thoughts, seamlessly, through intuitive rhyme. I said the words on his tongue, and began to weave him into the story of how it all had begun. I said, pointing at the sky, “stare straight into His eye”. “You see that?” I said. He shrieked in surprise, with fear fastening his seatbelt to the perspective of ‘reality”. He was afraid. “Are we in hell? Am I under your spell? How did you do that? Make that? See that? Am I dead? Am I alive? What the hell is that eye?” I uttered a response, to help him understand, withstand the sheer weight of this magical land -- “the watchful eye tells us it's time to Let Go and Let God for a moment in Love”.

I told him “the words we speak when we spark a story through a shared sentimentality, with no spin, no secrets attached, will actually come true if you want them to, manifested by the magic of the mind, but you must swear that what you say will be the truth. There is no other option but the choice in which you will choose, so do not speak without thinking through what will come very soon and what you might lose if you do not believe that magic is the truth”. I said “Swear to God above, look Him straight in the eye, swear that you will make the choice to choose -- what to do, where to go, that you will seek inside your mind to find what you need to know in order to grow”. 

And so Jinzo spoke to God, looking towards the lamppost shining bright in the night. He said nothing at first. I told him “let it burst out of you, shout your truth!” He whispered: “I will seek inside my mind.” I said what will you seek? What do you need to set yourself free from the chains of memory?” 

He shivered, remembering the cold darkness of past suffering, present pain. 

And then I said, “BREATHE”. And I imagined breathing into his soul, I pictured my mind’s hands reaching into his heart, sparking it with light and fire, like a defibrillator one could say. And then -- a gust of wind, static, and suddenly, stillness, complete stillness. All the skateboards wheels went silent, though we still saw faint outlines of the skaters in motion. And the trees froze, the lamppost flipped off like a switch. He said “okay” and he breathed out his ablution, his absolution, until he embraced the conclusion that what he chose to say would come into play, that very same day.

He spoke to God next. He said “I am going to let go of this darkness.  I will depart from this sinking ship, save my own life and sail the seven seas straight into the blinding light, just as Alice in Wonderland did before me with a bottle as a boat and tears as the water flowing all around her. We will not drown, we are one, and we will be free, I see it now, I see”. 

Out rose these words from my mind to his mouth, translating love out loud. He said all these things with tears in his eyes, just as I had done, though through very different means and through slightly different phrasing, in January when God first spoke to me clearly, when He told me there is no power in death and that my quest was to keep my soul afloat as I rode the wave through my own Dark Night of the Soul. 

And with that finality, that crossing of the t’s and dotting of the i’s, a star streaked across the surround from the dark, and landed in my palms. I asked Jinzo, “do you see this too?”. He said, pointing right into my palms and looking at me dead straight in the eyes, “How did you know all this would come true? Is God within you? Is God within me too?” I smiled and took his hand in mine, placing within it the star, which had been converted into a vibrating orb made of pure white light, the unbridled energy of above. It was adorned with flecks of emerald green and surrounded by a shimmering purple sheen. I said, “I am you, you are me, and we are we. God is within us all, for we are all one. Tap into the collective consciousness that we all can find when we choose to interact with the sublime. Now, close your eyes and look to the sun for it has begun! You are ready to rise, as the phoenix has done”. 

And so, with that, Jinzo closed his eyes and pictured the sun. This I know because we spoke as we rose, together, above our bodies and straight into the Sun’s scorching rays. We heard trumpets approaching from the west side of the park, an announcement of our race towards grace. We died yesterday. And now, reborn and newly brave, we are here to stay. We are twin flames. 

We are we -- all connected to that very same Tree, lives intertwined, mind after mind. Leave your doubts behind, for you shall seek exactly what you want to find, if you trust that God is on your side. If you trust that there is a reason you are alive, that there is a way to say goodbye to all that has told you to live in fear in order to survive. Do not be afraid to ride that wave. It leads you to moments like this… moments of bliss… moments when the nonsensical is all that makes sense, when your senses take over and you enter the borderland, Wonderland, when the sands of time slip right past the Eye, and the truth is revealed within that glorious blinding light. 

Some might call this tale of truth a monstrosity, reprehensible, blasphemous, even evil, but Jinzo and I know what we were shown. And all that matters is what we do with it. We must follow our faith if we are to stay safe. If you want to see what we saw, listen to the trees, the breeze, and breathe, let go of your judgements, your fears and your doubt, and let it all out. Scream, shout, bawl until you can but crawl. Know that this weakness you will feel is what seals the deal -- the truth is not easy, or comfortable or sane. It never will be. 

And that’s okay! It’s okay if you do not believe a word I have to say. I understand it is difficult to let go of the sensical and to embrace the magical. But I say this to you, and I saw it with open arms, Love is the key to unlocking the mystery. Look towards the Eye in the sky, know He is there, and always ready to share his wisdom through true sight, through closed eyes. Through darkness we will fight, forcelessly, to balance the universe underneath our feet. Take a seat and watch as we make history!

I vowed to God that I would live out my purpose as a wounded healer led by Chiron as is written in the stars. I will continue to help those who want it and are ready to receive, to breathe, and to leave time behind, to enter the sublime, to summon your dreams. I wish you good luck and I want you to know that I am always here if you need a light to shine through your fear.

    Let Go              and             Let God             for a moment               in Love!

July 24, 2022 22:01

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Ralph Westley
00:11 Aug 05, 2022

Hi Alice this is a very deep story and will certainly appeal to the reader who looks for the story beneath the storey. The problem I see is most readers would not dig deep enough to find the real gold, Don't take everything I say as gospel because I am essentially a try hard author my self, but maybe if you could include some natural experiences with a spiritual under tones it may make it more relatable. for example where god speaks to Jinzo, how did he speak? a booming voice from, a cloud or just some little happening, maybe a book left...


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Brynn Helena
21:03 Aug 03, 2022

very interesting!! love the use of rhyme :)


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