Tasha and her Mum

Submitted into Contest #103 in response to: Write about a character looking for a sign.... view prompt


Bedtime Sad High School

Tasha is Raised by a single mum in a lovely Cabin. She’s average height, very beautiful, and just turned 18. Wake up and see beautiful trees as she opens the window and look up the sky sad, like she’d no reason living. Made the bed, clean the house, prepare breakfast, took a bath before she wakes up her mum and walk her to the living room. She was a good girl, her mum was proud. Pick up her bag and hug her mum so tight as she gets off for school as if she doesn’t want to let go. This was her daily routine. Her Mum had been suffering from an illness over the years. She was an accountant, intelligent, and a top student of her class with a 3.7GPA. She was timid, although having a lot of friends. She was sad in school most of the times. When friends ask about it, she’ll say ‘I don’t want to border you guys with my problems”. She’d no boyfriend, she pushes them away every time. She was so tired of worrying about her mum because her mum had been ill since she was just 10. Some days at school, she’ll rush to the toilet and cry asking God to show her a sign or something she can hold onto that’ll give her strength to keep living. On Tuesday, classes where over and Tasha is coming back from school, swinging the two arms with anxious to see her mum when she show up home. As she draws near, her uncle was standing just outside the main door. He looked worried. With quick instincts, she shouts out 'mummy' racing into the house just to see her mum stiff on the bed struggling to breed. Her uncle had called for the ambulance and was waiting outside. 

Tasha dropped her bag and followed her dying Mum to the hospital, where they put her on oxygen and the doctor attended to her. She underwent x-ray and the illness had gotten worst. Tasha is by her side, twirling her hair and watch her struggle with life until finally gave up the ghost after three days in the hospital. She knew this day will come, but she couldn’t help it but shed tears. After her mum’s funeral, she got home and In tears, she coincidentally found her room. Locked the door hard. Get down on the carpet and incline toward the bed edge. Listening to the birds sing and the breeze blow across the window, she felt like the world is crumbling. She was depressed, lonely, and lost. She locked herself up for days and didn’t border about classes. Her instructors connected with her since her GPA was slipping. She Dropped out and all expectation was no more. Her uncle requested to come and lament at his place so he could watch after her. She said “I need to be left alone “. She could barely even eat and was getting thinner. One sunny day she took a walk down to a bridge, shouting for all to hear asking God to give her a sign to continue to live. Tom her friend at school saw her on his way from hiking. It was a weekend. He saw her crying. They told him what had happened. He came and comforted her, asking her to stop crying. And reassured her that any where her mum is right now she’s happy and she’ll want you to move on with your life, get back to school; get good grades, get a good job, and make her proud. She smiled with tears rolling down from her eyes and told him she was not emotionally and psychologically ready to get back to school. Tom advised her to go slowly and that God will give her an indication when she's prepared. She was a little relieved when Tom said because ever since her mum got sick she always ask God to show her a sign that He’s up in heaven looking after her. She hugged Tom like the way she used to hug her mum, thanking him for caring. Tom then walk her back home and told her they were writing exams in two weeks as he rides his bike off. Tasha is now home alone. She went upstairs to her mum’s room and saw mum’s photos lying down at the corner. She picked them up, admiring them, and placed them on her chest as though she’s embracing it. She folded her mum’s dresses and put them in boxes, also shoes. Get these boxes outside leaving only a photo that she took with her Mum. She had to burn all of them because she cries every time she sees her mum’s stuffs.

Her phone rings and is Tom on the phone. She picks it up and he asked how she’s doing and then ask her if they could go and take a walk, Tasha gladly accepted. They went out into the woods, talked, make jokes, and laughed. Tom is happy to see her smile. He inquired as to whether she is all set back to class. She sighs bowing down her head and he advised her not to stress that he will help her breezed through her approaching coming semester tests. Tasha asked Tom why he was so kind to her and he told her “I had been nice to you ever since remember?, but you are always the one that pushes me away every time”. And went on to say tell her he didn’t want to meddle. Tasha told him she was going through a lot in her life and was so depressed that she could not talk to anybody. Tom told her that he will be there for her anytime that she needs him. They hugged and held hands as they came back. Tasha is on the bed and continue to picture the minutes she had with Tom in the forested areas, how delicate and cherishing he was. She was falling head over heels for him. Tom and Tasha started dating and somehow there’s hope. Tom helped her study for the exams, she was smart. She went to her Mum’s grave to tell her that she’s going in for the semester exams and asked if she was happy where she is, also she told her she’s getting married to Tom on her graduation day if she passed. Tom had proposed to her and she accepted. Tasha wrote the exams successfully with Tom. The results came out and they passed, graduated, and got married. They later got Jobs and Tasha went to church to thank God for sending Tom to her. And she visited her mum’s grave on her birthday, to give her flowers. Tom and Tasha lived happily.

July 23, 2021 10:47

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