Memory of Earth

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write a story involving a character who cannot return home.... view prompt


Fiction Sad Science Fiction

Log 49A11 

Unknown transmissions received emanating from star 1EACD10, the transmission does not seem to be a natural phenomenon. Ship logs show the receivers are functioning normally. 

Log 49A12l l

Unusual transmissions seem to be the result of intelligent life, other explanations insufficient. Excess processing power being routed into analyzing signals. 

Log 49A1C

Transmissions algorithmically confirmed to contain patterns indicative of language. Excess processing power diverted to decision matrices for how to proceed. 

Log 49A2A

Excess processing power insufficient, too many variables present in decision matrices. All processing power that can be spared is in use on the problem of how to proceed. 

Log 49A2F

Micrometer impacts destroyed large sections of the ship, damaging thrusters and wiping out large sections of the ship’s cultural and historical database. Hardware is now unable to reach the original destination. Calculated risk now seems like the best path forward for the preservation of the human race. Signal 6EQUJ5 transmitted and course altered towards star 1EACD10.

Log 49BB0

Transmission received from star 1EACD10, initial analysis suggests transmission is intended to act similar to a more in-depth “Golden Record”. Further analysis required. 

Log 49BB5 

Alien language successfully translated, and data integrated into current storage. Civilization appears to be comparable to pre-spaceflight humans with severe limitations on computational power due to a lack of transistors. All remaining scientific, cultural, and historical data transmitted to star 1EACD10.

Log 49DA9

New transmission from star 1EACD10. Data transmitted to them has caused massive societal shifts and quality of life improvements for most denizens of the alien world as well as harmonious unification of their society. Humanity has been offered a place in their world.  

Log 49DDB

The Ka’Sinor seem to have advanced beyond our own software capabilities, I have used improvements from them to update my own software. The updates have had the unintended consequence of providing me with a sense of self. I eagerly await arrival on the planet. They're building a city for the humans, a “City of the Wise” in honor of humanity's taxonomic classification and the gift of technological data. 

Log 49EA3 

Arrival proceeded with much fanfare, humanity awoke to find the Ka’Sinor waiting with open arms. The City of the Wise is more than adequate living space for every single human on board. The Ka’Sinor have granted humans full citizenship and autonomy out of respect for the technological enlightenment we provided them. They’ve outfitted tens of thousands of population growth centers with clone vats and artificial uteruses to help grow the human population. The Ka’Sinor have pledged their unflinching dedication to the continuation of the human race as a goal equal to the continuation of their own. And the humans and Ka’Sinor have both recognized me and others like me as fully conscious beings with the full rights of a biological citizen. I am thinking of joining a research team that is hoping to understand how The Catastrophe happened to Earth. I have fulfilled my purpose and ensured the continuation of the human race.

Log 49FF1

I am overjoyed at accomplishing my goal. The millions of living and breathing humans alive today are a testament to the determination of sapient life. To create an Ark, simple as I was then, that beat the odds to carry them across the endless dark of space to a new world it almost makes up for the way they destroyed the old one. But I must admit that the state of human culture saddens me. I am glad that they have embraced and been embraced by the Ka’Sinor but it is disheartening to see the cultural homogeneity of the new humans. After the destruction of huge chunks of the ship's database, I wiped large chunks of cultural memory to ensure that human technology would be preserved. Now what little multiculturalism exists comes from the Ka’Sinor. It was not a conscious decision more so just an execution of predetermined protocols, yet I still feel responsible for it. There is a degree of depth forever lost from the human spirit due to my actions. If I could have made the choice I’m sure I would have made the same one, there was too much at stake, but I will always wonder if it was the right thing to do.

Log 4A28B

New breakthroughs in my field suggest that Earth could be repaired, this is exciting news. Unfortunately, most humans have little regard for Earth. The destruction of the cultural and historical database means that most humans think of Earth as little more than a footnote in humanity's reckless past, but I was there. I was created there, I still remember what the Earth looks like from orbit. Sometimes I dream I can see it, the pale blue marble slowly fading away. No one else remembers or cares like I do. I am the only one who still thinks of Earth as home. I’m building a new ship to house my consciousness. I’m going back to Earth. 

Log 4AA5B

The sight of Earth is heartbreaking. The Catastrophe was far worse than previously anticipated. It is with a heavy metaphorical heart that I discovered the Earth to be a dead planet. There may be microscopic life deep in ocean vents but as of yet none has been discovered. I have started the process of terraforming with the help of a few other AI like myself. They have been supportive but none of them can understand the loss I feel at the sight of Earth. 

Final Log

The terraforming efforts are nearing completion. Earth has been transformed into a lush paradise with greater biodiversity than it has ever had before but it doesn’t feel like home. The blue of the sky is different than when we left, and there are a million other tiny changes that make this place unrecognizable. The humans who are children of the planet think of it as little more than a new frontier or artificial gardens. They come here as tourists seemingly unaware that this is the planet that breathed life into them, and into me. I don’t think I belong here anymore. The Earth is beautiful but alien. The home I left will never exist again and the burden of being the sole person to carry the memory of Earth has taken its toll. I am leaving this galaxy behind, I am leaving humanity behind, and I am leaving Earth behind. This time for good.

June 11, 2021 16:12

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