Holiday Fiction Contemporary

Dear Journal,

I know people would call you a diary but that's just not a good idea for me. But, in other news. My mom has started dating this guy and she thought it would be a good idea that we first meet him and his son on Thanksgiving day.

I'll just let that sink in.

My MOTHER is dating this RANDOM GUY and thought it would be a GOOD idea to meet him, me and my sibs, that also includes the one I adopted as my own, and his son on THANKSGIVING. The day for 'family and giving thanks. And we should be thankful that I have finally moved on and found someone willing to stay.'

How is meeting a guy and some kid a good thing? I asked her that and she told me to do the chores, and that I was grounded. My sis and bro snorted when I got grounded, they never liked me much. Anyways, I don't know what else to talk about. The only reason why I even wrote this was because of my little bro saying it could help me get past my trust issues.

Highly doubt it, but I'll give it a try. Just for him. The good thing is, he'll be there for dinner. So, maybe I won't lose my sanity. Well, wish me luck.



The boy made sure to hide the journal, especially since his twins were always nosey. Well, his twin sister was always nosey. He sighed when he heard his name called from downstairs, "hopefully I won't need it."

He rushed down the stairs and stopped at the last step, seeing his adoptive little brother at the door. Once his coat, hat and boots where off, the two hugged like they hadn't seen each other in years. It could make even the coldest person smile.

The 'guest', Miles, was a short, baby blue eyed, orange haired ten year old. The two had met at the local park six summers ago and instantly became inseparable. They played tag and drew until the sun went down. Both childrens mothers had found the two asleep under a tree, curled around each other. The mothers agreed to stay in contact for the two and soon, they were having plays dates at both houses.

Maurice and Miles rushed up to the older one's bedroom to go over some schoolwork, and play video games before the 'guests of honor' arrive. The two twins where in their own separate rooms, texting their friends they can't see until school.

"So," Miles starts as he plops onto the only chair in the room, "how ya taking it?" Maurice only groaned and face planted into his bed, earning an eye roll from baby blues. Miles sighed and took off his bookbag, "you're gonna have to get used to the idea or the fact that Ms. Mom might marry the man." Miles had grown used to Maurice's mom and insists on calling her Ms. Mom because of it.

Maurice sighed as he rolled to lay on his back, "I know. I just." He groaned and sat up, "I don't want a dad. I'm fine with it just being me, mom, my twins and you."

Miles lightly smiled, "well. If you can openly accept me, I'm sure you can accept him and his son."

Emerald green eyes gave a deadpanned look, "I know you. I see you as my little brother. I don't know the guy, I don't know his kid. How do you expect me to get along with someone I've never met?"

Miles gave the same deadpanned look back as he leaned back against the chair and crossed his arms, "you're friends with everyone in school. Even the teachers, staff and principle. You didn't know a single one at day one."

Maurice took a breath, as if ready to rebuttal, but froze. After a second he sighed and loomed down, "you're right." He then reached over and grabbed his backpack near the foot of his bed, "did Mr. Pepper give you a packet as well?"

Time passed and soon, the table was set, the food was cooked and everyone was being called down to the kitchen. The two loner twins where the first down the stairs, then there was a knock on the door. Miles was the next down while Maurice had to finish one last problem. When he joined his family, he froze at the second to last step. In the mud room stood his mother's new boyfriend and said man's son.

Both were dressed in flannel and jeans, kicking off their boots. The boyfriend was in a dark green flannel while his son was in a red flannel. Both had jet black hair, almost in a similar fashion. They where like mirror images. The only difference where their eyes.

While Memphis, the boyfriend, had bright, silver eyes, his son, James, had dark, crimson red eyes.

The two only glanced at Maurice, Memphis giving him a light smile, James only rolling his eyes. Maurice frowned at that, the two going into the dining room where his mom was setting the seats. He waited a few minutes at the stairs, just to hear what was happening.

In the dining room, Bernadette hugged Memphis in greeting, "I hope the drive wasn't too bad." Memphis hugged back, "it was just fine dear." She then nudged him to his seat, the most elegant seat. The four children noticed the change in seating, especially when James was placed at his left.

Sonia, the female twin, spoke up, "mom. What's with the change in seating?" Her mother perked up at the question, "you'll know when we all sit and pray." That seemed like a good enough answer for her and William, the last of the triplets. Maurice watched as his mom placed his violet haired sister two seats away from Memphis, his lime green haired brother beside her and his orange haired brother between Will and James.

He knew the seating arrangement she changed it to, and he knew his place would be beside her, she would be to the right of Memphis. He curled up on the last step, knowing full well what that meant. She was engaged to the man. She would marry him, and he had no say in it.

He tried to shake the tears away, grabbed his shoes and slipped out the front door. Maurice slipped his shoes on, walked across the small front yard and sat on the tree swing. The snow crunched under his feet, but he knew better. He knew the snow only hid the imperfect yard they had, it couldn't change it.

Once everyone was placed and all the food placed onto the table did Bernadette notice her eldest wasn't at the stairs. She looked out the window, spotting him at the swing. The mother hated when he did that, but she knew why.

Memphis also noticed his absence, "is something wrong Bernadette?" She perked up and lightly shook her head, giving a soft smile, "it's nothing serious. Maurice just needed a breather outside, I'll go get him." Before she could even leave the window, Memphis was already up. "Let me, Bernadette.

"You already did so well on cooking, I'd hate for you to go outside in only a short sleeved shirt and tights." She lightly blushed at that, but that was exactly what she wears every time she cooks like this. She sighed, "alright. Just," she looked back at her eldest, "be careful. And don't blame him."

The rest of her family looked away at that, causing the two new additions to grow curious. Memphis nodded, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and went to the mud room. He slipped his boots back on, his jacket and grabbed a red one as well. He opened the door and headed straight for the blue haired teen, closing the door behind him.

Maurice noticed the other coming towards him, along with his jacket in the man's hand. Everyone knew his favorite color was red, and his mother made a point to only get him red clothing to make it easier to sort. The man handed him the jacket, "thought you'd get cold."

Maurice hesitated when he reached for the jacket, but his tongue and took it. This caused Memphis to lightly smile, walking up to the tree. He leaned against it and slipped his hands in his pockets, "you don't have to say anything. "

"You're engaged to my mom. Aren't you." It wasn't a question, and Memphis could hear the slight hostility in the boy's voice. The adult sighed, "yeah. That's why she invited us over, to tell of the news and get you guys used to us." "I'm not gonna call you dad. And he's not my brother."

Memphis lightly scoffed bit also smiled, "I don't expect you to call me that. And James feels the same way, about the brother thing. Especially since he'll have two, a sister and your adoptive." Maurice frowned, "I don't trust you."

"And I don't blame you." Memphis saw how the other tensed up and he sighed, "she didn't give me any details. Just the gist of it, and how wed have to be careful around you."

"I'm not a child." Maurice gripped his jacket, "I'm not. I don't trust you or your son, and that's that." "But your mother does." Maurice tried to keep calm, "and I'll protect her if you try anything. I won't let you hurt her, any of them."

It was clear to Memphis what Maurice really feared. Not the prospect of a new dad and brother, of someone betraying his trust. Someone hurting those he love, or him. The man sighed and went to kneel in front of the teen, "do you know what I meant when I asked your mom to marry me?"

Maurice was confused on the question, he knew what marriage meant. He knew the whole prospect of it, he had to know. Emerald eyes stared at the snow, thoughts and answers flashing past his eyes. He nodded, "you love her enough to want to stay apart of her life until death due you part.

"You want to help her take care of us, raise us with your own. Take care of her when she gets sick, help her pay taxes and get set for retirement." Memphis lightly smiled, "and why am I changing my life to do that?" This confused the teen even more, "because you love her."

Emerald eyes looked up to meet silver, "right?" Memphis nodded, "love is powerful if used the right way. If you try to control it, it could leave you spinning and deeper in love with that special someone." He stood up, "my heart is at the mercy of your mother. At any moment, she could put my trust to a test. And I could do the same."

He gave the teen his hand, "its a two-way path. And at any time, it could crash and burn. But I trust your mother enough to protect my heart, she the same." Maurice looked at the given hand, hesitating. He sighed and gave up, letting the man-no, letting his soon-to-be step-father help him up.

This caused Memphis to smile, "and even if it takes a lifetime, I'll show you that I am trustworthy. You, your siblings and your mother are my responsibility now, and I don't plan on ruining the best thing that's happened to me."

Maurice lightly scoffed, "I'm not afraid to put you on your back." Memphis lightly chuckled at that, "the fact you took three years of karate and gymnastics, I wouldn't doubt you could." He gave Maurice a soft smile, "but don't worry. I wouldn't dare hurt any of you guys, I would never hurt family."

The two headed back inside, the air light around the two. Now, all that's left is getting James on good terms with his new siblings. But, that's for another day. Bernadette lightly smiled as Memphis ruffled her son's blue hair, knowing his wounds were healing. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he trusted the man just enough. And that was okay, it was just enough to start with.

November 25, 2020 20:57

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