The Only “Change” is That No One Wants To Face or Hear is the Truth

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt

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The biggest fear in the world human beings and probably some aliens and animals if they could talk are facing today is “change”.

Imagine that you come home early from work and tell your wife and kids that by next week we’ll be living in Budapest. What the @#!$ their first thoughts! Some families may look at that situation optimistically and think, Hey Bread Winner, "That’s great, I can’t wait to see what a new culture and people I can learn from!" Other, families however, may look at that same exact statement from you and immediately experience fear, dread and “change”. They may think, "Oh great, now we have to uproot from a normal peaceful life just because you have a better opportunity to provide for us. The kids. What about my friends, school, prom, sports and my screaming 16 year old daughter fearing she would lose her 25 year old dope smoking high school dropout boyfriend? My wife standing there with her hand upon her distortional large hips shouting will it ever end. I say softly, no “change” because you know that I know you have a secret lover unbeknown to you not me.  

I’m going to share some thoughts with unchangeable people thoughts and have I  not already shared about real life take the phoniness off and listen that many of you who dare to read my most sincere thoughts through my written voice will be mentally offended, but in all honesty I really don’t care.

Growing up in Alabama in the 50’s my dad pulled me aside on the day after playing with my colored boyhood friend named Thomas Jefferson Washington. The first thing he says in unstrict confidentially was never trust that black boy because one day he’ll eventually turn on you just like one of them devil Rottweiler dogs from that movie the Omen or The Green Mile. Secondly whenever you feel down and out because of circumstances beyond your control. Always know that you are far better than Negros, Japs, Nazis, Krause, Poland people who come to America and pretend that they don’t know English like the spics and wet backs and  Mother-in- laws who are unhappy with their own sordid lives. Them same mothers-in-law falling in love watching  porn and use their nightly lady toys thinking about what it would actually feel live being with a real Black Mandigo Warrior. Really them dumb fire water drinkin  Indians  in which white people killed the germophobicly because yawl don’t nothing about Johnstown and the great Christopher Columbus who named them indigenous stupid people.

Even today I can’t believe how my racist father became a millionaire with his inner and outer personal skills. Yet, that’s was just what it was all about down south in those days and in truth nobody really wanted it to change.

What’s really going on in the world is a big “change” taking place whether normal people or homosexuals or lying politicians or sand monkeys or coons or stingy Jews or hate mongers or President Donald J. Trump and his elite posse of Republican Party of racist henchmen in which I believe is the cause of most of the “change” that is not only taking place in America, but throughout the world, like it or not. Whether you can adapt to the “change” or not.

I will tell you who is adapting to the earth changes quite well. I’ll start with them Fungus gnats. A gnat is any of many species of tiny flying insects in the dipterid suborder Nematocera, especially those in the families Mycetophilidae, Anisopodidae and Sciaridae. They can be both biting and non-biting. Most often they fly in large numbers, called clouds. "Gnat" is a loose descriptive category rather than a phylogenetic or other technical term, so there is no scientific consensus on what constitutes a gnat.

Where I come from they can be a pain in the butt. Today they can survive in my freezer and microwave. The only thing that hasn’t changed for them is that can of Raid I keep in the kitchen that kills them Johnny on the spot.

Penguins have adapted with the polar ice cap melting. I just seen a few stragglers crossing the street in downtown Tallahassee, Florida where I now reside until next week. You would think that if man can clone human beings. He mostly assuredly can find a cure for the Coronavirus. There’s probably already been a cure.

You can’t convince me that I didn’t see how many times they hit Rodney King. That cop was ordered to put his knee on that poor black third class citizens neck for over 8 minutes. While everyone was more interested in filming that pathetic act instead of stopping it period.

What has “changed. People still gather around to watch a house burn down. Every decade or so the elite white people have to let black people know who is still in charge of their existence. Former President Barrack Obama wasn’t black. His peers couldn’t attended Princeton or Harvard. They’re barely accepted at any Community College. You better be good at sports if you want to attend USC or Stanford. Unless your mommy and P. Diddy can buy your way into the top Colleges in the world.

Why would I ever listen to what Lebron James has to say on any subject. That basketball player ain’t good at nothing but dropping f-bombs. Famous athletes in general aren’t too bright. I’m supposed to listen to someone who violently crashes his helmet covered head into another human beings head at 22 miles an hour. Or after the Sugar Ray Leonard “one Good Eye of professional boxing finish their boxing careers punch drunk 99% of the time. I’m supposed to care what they can no longer think about? Athletes in general having more children out of wedlock because they can afford them. The only thing that Mike Tyson could ever say to me is he got played by Don King and the twins Ruth Roper and Robin Givens.

My family either goes to Budapest with me or else. I don’t care today, Don’t expect me to “change” One Iota.

 I’m I really supposed to listen to some God awful actor or actress and the people even voted one into the White House. Talk about “Change”. That dude changed the world even coming up with his Star War Program. The SDI program, also known as “Star Wars,” was first proposed in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. It was meant to develop a space-based anti-missile system. The U.S. and the Soviets were deep in the Cold War, and Reagan felt that the SDI would provide protection against a Soviet missile attack by intercepting missiles while they were still in the air, according to Atomic Archive.  

I was 28 years old at the time of Reagans Administration. Graduating with honors from The School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. At first it did seem like the American people got the presidency right for a change. Along with his futuristic space program he made up something called Reaganomics a term that was used to describe the economic policies that were instituted by President Ronald Reagan himself. The primary disadvantage of Reaganomics is that it took wealth out of the country. Over time, as businesses and the wealthy class have had time to save, they’ve been able to store their money in off-shore accounts. This has helped those entities be able to avoid paying taxes on those amounts, which means only they get to benefit from the positive economic impacts of this policy. In short it increased the poverty level, the percentage of people living below the poverty line ranged from 13.0% in 1980 to 15.2% in 1983. It took wealth out of the country. Over time, as businesses and the wealthy class have had time to save, they’ve been able to store their money in off-shore accounts. This has helped those entities be able to avoid paying taxes on those amounts, which means only they get to benefit from the positive economic impacts of this policy. In short the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and that will never change. The truth is we only notice “changes” that affect us individually.

June 11, 2020 23:06

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Roshna Rusiniya
05:10 Jun 15, 2020

I loved the story. Great title. It’s so true.


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