American Drama High School

Inspiration Note: this is basically a story in a current situation I am in so here it is about 2 friends who basically one has been lying to them my whole life and I didn’t even know it. Medical conditions, arguments, High school, elementary drama will be mentioned I also know it shouldn’t be based on real life but my situation can relate to this prompt. But if you want to just get to the betray part just go to the High school chapter. The elementary school chapter is just to give a back ground knowledge.

Elementary school- Back in elementary school me and one of my best friend we are as close as can be we knew each other since we were in second grade we laughed we were weird we loved everything we were just two gualble kids that both had an IEP sadly but we got through it with her having autism and me being Epileptic. Yeah~ not the best situation or to brag about being in the same grade we both got held back in second grade so we were stuck together we really were also not the brightest kids as well. But I didn’t have a great teacher and I was on a medication that made have trouble learning. Which me upset and I don’t know as much about her learning because we didn’t share the same class. But we saw each other during recess. I was the quiet kid in elementary school as well so I was very well easy to be pushed around and tricked. Me and my best friend didn’t truly start sharing the same class until fifth grade. So we were separated most of the time and like I said only saw each other during recess or when were in our small groups. My friend struggled the most the reason how I could tell is that there grades were TEN TIMES WORSE THAN MINE WERE. So I felt bead that chick would have to go through that. My best friend was easy to trick and push around and I feel bad that I did that to them. I obviously said sorry I couldn’t say in middle school because we didn’t go to the same middle school sadly. I had to wait until high school just too apologize because I didn’t have my best friends phone number even too this day. It still ticks me off that didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. I don’t know why they forgave me after everything I put them through. I let my toxic friend group I was in bully the SHIT OUT OF HER JUST BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE COOL. I wish I can go back in time and stop my younger self from doing the things she did. It was wrong of me to let my toxic friend group bully them while I stayed behind. They were kinda mean to me as well but I was used to being pushed around I didn’t know if they were.

High school- I don’t know what to think anymore like the friend I have knew since elementary school I have been told has been lying to me. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has told me she has been lying about having cancer, that she fakes her accent, and chooses to not defend herself so that way she can be seen as the victim. She’s an attention seeker won’t give me a PROPER EXPLANATION of the whole situation. She is a FUCKING LIAR theres so much proof. She told me AND I QUOTE NO JOKE “I have had cleared to me multiple times by professionals not some kid You know I would never fake something like that we grew up together” And that was a text message she sent me all my friends at my lunch table say don’t let her guilt trick you. My mind is spiraling I cried all Saturday because I didn’t know what to do or who to believe. Me and one or two of my other friends don’t even know what to think of the situation. She says I need to drop the situation and the rest is personal. But I deserve to know whats going on she has told me everything since day one. So either she is hiding something or she is not telling me something. I don’t drop a situation like this with a best friend if it deals with them possibly lying my whole life. She thinks I’m controlling her because I’m trying to help her defend her.No matter how hard me and my friends try to explain it to her that she is not the center of attention not everyone is her friend. She tries to make friends with everyone she meets. When we know half of them are just going to bully her behind her back and me and the rest of us have to deal with it. Like in our ELA class me, her, and 2 of my other friends theirs a table behind us that likes to mock us and she tries to make friends with them. But when me and my two other friends try to warn her she thinks were lying and that they wouldn’t do that. She is a FUCKING IDIOT like I’m trying not to be mean but god dam we are just trying to look out for her. Also during ELA she acts all innocent like she didn’t do anything. We latterly ignored her the whole of lunch and tried to fake being her friend in group project. That chick must be high off of something because I swear it feels like a stab in the back. Like knowing everything about your childhood best friend only to find out they have been lying to you for years. She wants attention so be it me and my friends gave her the opposite didn’t talk to her during lunch. Act like she wasn’t there so maybe we can get away from the lunch table. It worked so at least that’s the bright side girl dose not process insults. So at least we can say dark humor and insults behind her back.

November 25, 2024 17:52

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