Suspense Fiction Kids

Walter grumbled as he was sweeping the house, the dust not even collecting but spreading as he aggressively brushed through it all. His little sister sat in the living room playing with two of her stuffed animals lost in her imaginary world. He’s only two years older than her and she’s already six so she should have to do chores too. Walter wasn’t happy when he first found out that he had to help clean the house, he always asked why and his mom always said, “Because I said so.” That’s honestly not even a valid point in any argument and it seriously upsets Walter when his mom won’t ever let him argue back. 

At that moment his mom walked into the house seeming a bit off but overall she was about the same. “GG, go grab some toys and clothes, Walt you do the same,” his mom said before she walked into the kitchen.

“Why?” Walter groaned not wanting to do anything but play video games with his friends or he would even take a nap. He was honestly that bored.

“Because I said so,” his mom answered back sternly so he groaned loudly and headed upstairs behind his sister. “Also, Walt make sure to help your sister grab clothes she can actually wear. There was rifling around the kitchen as he walked into his room. 

He threw clothes into a bag along with his phone and Nintendo switch, he wasn't really sure where they’re going so he packed a little bit of everything. Once he finished he walked into GG’s room to help her but she was lost in her box of toys so he just started packing things for her along with some of her stuffed animals and other toys. 

“Come on GG, mom is waiting for us,” Walter said, grabbing her attention, she stood up with an armful of about four or five stuffed animals and walked down the stairs with him. Once they reached the bottom they saw their mom making a bunch of sandwiches and throwing other foods, snacks, and drinks into a big backpack. He wondered if maybe they were going on a spontaneous picnic. He had never known his mom to do anything like this so she must have heard about a great place at work or something.

“What is going on?” Walter asked, starting to get kind of concerned because she was kind of acting like she was on autopilot.

“Go into the garage and grab the tent and the big flashlight on the bottom shelf,” his mom said, ignoring his question as she continued to pack the backpack.

“Why?” Walter wonders exasperated because he already knew exactly what she was going to say.

“Because I said so,” it was like he could just read her mind now because he mouthed it in sync as she said it.

He sighs loudly, heading out to the garage to get what they needed. He started hearing strange things outside but just shrugged it off. He headed back in to see the backpack now closed as it sat on the counter next to GG but mom was nowhere in sight.

“Where is mom?” Walter asked as he put the tent and flashlight next to the backpack and their own packed bags. He hoped there were fruit snacks.

“Getting her stuff,” GG said, not even looking away from where she was playing with her stuffed animals.

Silence filled the room and Walter could again hear some noises from outside the house so he thought he’d check it out. He walked over to the window ready to pull it aside when all of a sudden a hand reached out and grabbed his. His mom was standing there looking at him with the most serious face he had ever seen her wear.

“Don’t do that?” She said cautiously as she pulled him back to the kitchen and started putting the big backpack on while holding GG and her bags. 

“Why?” Walter asked but his mom only gave him a look that in its own right said, “Because I said so.” Walker’s mom then handed the flashlight to GG to carry as she stuffed three of the stuffed animals GG was holding in his mom’s bag as GG’s was full. Walter put on his bag and grabbed the tent before he began to walk to the garage.

“No,” His mom said, grabbing his shoulder before pointing to the basement. “We’re going downstairs.”

“Why?” Walter genuinely wondered what was happening because this whole situation is just plain bizarre. 

“Because I said so, now go,” She said, nudging him towards the door where he started heading down with his sister carefully holding the big flashlight right behind him. His mom is last where she closed and locked the door, he hadn’t even realized there was a lock on the inside of the basement door.

“Now what?” He sighed looking back at his mom once he and his sister reached the bottom of the stairs. At this moment he started to hear louder and closer noise above them. “What’s that?”

“Ignore it, now walk towards those shelves,” Hi mom instructed as they followed but he still wanted his question answered.

“Why do I have to ignore it?” Walter further pushed to know the answer. His mom stayed quiet as they walked and contemplated her answer when suddenly there was a loud banging on the basement door.

“There are zombies everywhere and if you don’t listen to me we are going to die now, get that door open so we can hurry and get out of here,” His mom seethed as she pointed to a practically invisible door in the wall he had never seen in all the years they’d lived in that house, and he had explored the basement many times before. “Stop asking questions and do what I say.”

“Why?” Walter asks one more time to see if he can get any information.

“Because I said so.” The door swings open and they run.

May 18, 2021 07:58

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