Drama Sad Mystery

I was watering the plants, as it was a sunny day in chamoli ,while waiting for my kids to arrive .The weather was really beautiful .Being a single parent and getting time for yourself is really a big deal and even that with two kids !? ugh, I can not even explain ,but I am lucky that my son helps me in this .some times he just says that ,"mom! relax it's your day of .today you are just you ,today you are just sona and I am not your son nor mehek's elder brother today I am her mom and dad. " for this I am really thankful to God and my late husband .As he gave Rohit really good sacraments.he could not do so to mehek as God called him very early because God also wants good people in his levee. mehek was just two when a cyclone hit the city of chamoli. we had big loss from it. As usual we were happy at that day rohit and emhek were playing with dev in our backyard. suddenly big drops of rain started to fall with super fast wind dev came in with the kids .we thought it's going to end in few hours but it didn't. it went more worse.the water started getting into our home me and dev started taking the water out of the house.i was frustrated dev tried his best to make to make me relax but I started yelling at him as I had Told him earlier that we must leave this place and buy a new home in any big city where every facility is available but dev never agreed he always said that it is our hometown and we must not leave this and so I have to agree but at this moment I was proven right. and thus he agreed to leave chamoli. I called the broker who told me about a beautiful flat in Mumbai and that even in very less money. I was shocked .the broker now started demanding for double money . we did not had that much money .die to this I got faint. Dev called the doctor but he could not come as it was raining hard outside .so he just advised me to stay in bed for four days . I did not wanted to agree but I have to .Dev was taking care of me ,our kids and our home alone in this harsh weather .suddenly the rain got more deadly .I got off the bed and started helping Dev but he forcibly took me to the bed and said ," the doctor has advised you to stay in the bed for four days , I know It is really hard for you to stay in the bed for but believe me everything will be okay I am here .now give me a smile and smile whenever you remember me. I told you to smile and now you are crying !? don't ever cry in your life because I will always be there with you just remember my name and smile always ". I smiled and then he leaved .for four days the rain continued but dev and the kids managed it very well .after four days finally it was a sunny day .I got off the bed everything was looking fine but Dev was not there I asked the kids where dev is ? they said they do not know where he is. I called him but the phone rang in the house. I was scared about where he is . I asked our neighbors about him but they had no idea. I was terrified but suddenly somebody knocked the door .it was Dev .I took a breathe of relief. I hugged him. I asked him where he was but he said he was out there just to take some fresh air.but I could see the lie in his eyes.i got into the bedroom . Dev was in the washroom.It was a great time to find out what he was hiding .so I checked his pants and there was a receipt, which stated that he has got diarrhoea .I was tensed and angry at the same time.but I had to keep quite .Dev came out of the washroom.he said ,"oh!you found it,yes ,I have ,but don't worry it's a very small disease. " I replied, " yes,I know it is a small disease but you have to be in bed for the next few weeks! " I and the kids took care of him a lot but after two days he died.i am not going to write about the next one month because if I will then I will cry but I need not to cry as Dev had taught me .let's talk about some good stuff .todayi am going to prepare a big dinner I know kids will love it .the night came It was a beautiful night but suddenly it changed .big clouds surrounded the whole sky and big drops of rain started falling down it was reminding me of that day which was five years ago .the dinner was about to start but suddenly water started getting  into our house.we tried to take the water off.the kids were also helping me alot .we decided to share the load between each other. I told the kids to make sure no water is getting in through any window and I was fixing the leaks .mehek went to check the window .she found that her favorite doll was outside. it was totally wet .she claimed through the window to take her favorite doll.As we saw her we ram to take her in but suddenly a tree started falling on her but suddenly a man in raincoat and a mask on came in and saved her . he also helped us fixing the leaks ,taking the water out of the house and other stuff. but one thing was strange he was wearing a watch which belonged to Dev.I wanted to see his face but I could not as there was a lot of work and I had to finish it first. after the rain stopped I went there to see him but nobody was there I asked the kids but there respond was unexpected, they said ," nobody helped us we completed it our self." I asked mehek too but she said that the tree stopped falling itself. So who was that man?

May 03, 2021 11:15

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