Crime Horror Mystery

The sky was grey when a door opened to a stranger that did not belong there. Everyone was still in bed, the stranger slipped into the dark cathedral lit only by a single candle. There was something in the dark corner, 2 spheres that spoke green to the eyes  with light just cutting the ears of the cat. The stranger then cupped his hands over his mouth whispering “Canta!”. The black cat then turned into a void; then legs popped out, human legs. The void then started walking to the man. In a raspy echoing voice, the void spoke. “Agibri.” it called out. “Finish your formation Canta.

“Alright, alright Agibri.” 

The void finished its form to resemble a girl with black hair, golden eyes and ninja like clothing. Unlike the man, who is wearing casual clothing. The two happened to be partners in crime. The two set out into the night. Actually, the 2 were more likely to be siblings since they fought so much despite being partners in crime. 

The soundless partners hopped roof after roof, fighting back and forth, creating a  scary commotion that sounded like muffled shouting. No one dared to look outside, fearing the worst would come if they were spotted by the mysterious shouting. Nor did anyone report to the police fearing that they would have to pay if they reported false information. The town was restless, thinking that they were still in their nightmare, it began to reside, each and every house hoped it would end by the time it was dawn. 

The partners in crime did not kill but stole. They stole expensive artifacts and returned them to their original owners. Yes, they did turn back time, in fact, it was a great business, it never went out. All of the people from the past kept on complaining that their pets have gone missing or their chairs, something that the present people would put in the museum. It was tiring, the partners in crime definitely did not go well together, but when they get the grounds to start their jobs, the attitude changes, or at least for now. 

They just arrived at the museum. This time a passed down vase has disappeared from its original home. It was decorated with a mix of blue, purple, black and white. But the most important thing was the diamond jewel that shone brightly in the sun. It was placed at the neck of the vase. 

Of course they had competitors, police, security cameras, lights and thieves. The partners in crime did not count themselves as thieves; they were just returning what was taken from their original owners. Canta, dressed in black went and destroyed each and every security camera without getting caught; hoping it would make their job easier. 

Agibri now dressed in black began searching for the vase. Just when he thought the coast was clear a man with a bushy beard appeared, he walked ever so quietly you could even hear his heart beat. It was something that you cannot muffle, his breath was raspy, almost inaudible but it was so faint you would have to be trained in order to hear it.  Just as the man was about to walk into the light, an arrow came spiraling into the man’s chest. The man fell so gracefully, Agibri almost thought that the man was still alive. But you couldn’t even hear his breath, not even his heart. Agibri knew that the arrow was from Canta since the arrow had a streak of red at the tip of the feather. Agibri caught the man before he landed to the ground knowing that if that man fell, security guards would come rushing by. 

Canta almost sighed out loud when she saw Agibri catching the man right before he fell. Agibri made flames from the palm of his hand and quickly the man was swallowed by the flames, there stood nothing but the arrow itself laying on the palm of Agibri’s hand looking like there was a miniature war that just ended with a lifesize arrow that ended everything.  The arrow quickly teleported itself back into Canta’s arm.

Agibri caressed the vase in his arms, and ran soundlessly out the door with Canta trailing behind him. Once they got outside, Canta opened a void that looked like a blackhole. Agibri held onto the vase like it was his life and hopped inside. Agibri ran into a stranger with a worried face, it was the customer. The customer ran to the vase and held it like a sleeping child. The endless thank you’s surrounded the two, Agibri and Canta. The whole family invited them for dinner, but it was not the dinner that you would expect it to be. It was full of poisoned and drugged food. Agibri and Canta were careful enough to understand that the food wasn’t safe. The family ate something that had a weird aura to it, but the family didn’t share it with them. It must be the antidote, they took it before they ate the drugged food. 

Canta and Agibri took no notice though that their water too was drugged. Canta and Agibri tired from their mission, took a sip of water, and fell asleep. By the time they woke up, it had been about an hour after they took the medicine, the thieves were long gone with the vase they had callen “Our passed down vase”. The partners in crime had then started to fight who’s fault it had been to accept the mission and take it into the wrong hands. Now they’ve been labeled as thieves. They knew it and the guards in the present time by now have finally finished watching what was supposed to be the “live” camera, they should be rushing to the cameras and reporting to the police about the situation. 

There was now no safe place to go, not the past nor present, the police were searching for them and the past people must have figured out their story. Right, they now were labeled as thieves not as people who returned things to the original owner. Still, they thought, well why not go back to the present. It was worth the risk and they cannot live being labeled as thieves. But before they could go into a hiding spot, guns were aimed at them, red was seen right before their eyes. 

Canta and Agibri opened their eyes expecting to see a hospital, but instead it was a room. Canta and Agibri looked around to see nothing but 2 people dressed in blue, staring at them, with bored eyes as if they weren’t shot at all. Canta then suddenly remembered about being dragged into this room being hypnotised with her best friend Agibri. The thieving never happened, they didn’t have magical powers, they were just plain humans. They just paid to become magical. It was the worst day that she’d ever had. She glanced at what Agibri’s expression was. But he was grinning from ear to ear like he had the best day ever. 

Canta frowned as they walked out the door of the hypnotizing room and growled, “I’m never going out with you again.” 

July 29, 2021 01:26

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