Fiction Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

Ms. Hunt is a librarian unlike any that have ever been seen before. She had been at the local library for over twenty years and had always been popular among those who visited. You see, Mr. Hunt had an amazing ability. She could read minds. Ms. Hunt always knew the topic or type of book that someone wanted as soon as he or she walked through the door. No one understood how she could know everyone so well.

Little did Ms. Hunt know that this ability to help people could also create major problems for her. Mark Andrews, a local student, came into the library with his head hung low almost crying. Ms. Hunt noticed immediately and knew that he wanted to learn about becoming an artist. Little did she know that Mark’s father was dead set against Mark becoming an artist and wanted him to follow in the family tradition and become a lawyer. Mark's father was focused on tradition and money, not dreams and happiness.

Ms. Hunt walked over to Mark an gently spoke to him. “I bet that you are looking for books about famous artists and information about becoming an artist yourself.” Ms. Hunt smiled at Mark as she finished her statement as she watched his eyes light up. Mark checked out several books about art history and about becoming an artist. Ms. Hunt was so excited as she watched the happy young man leave the library.

The next day Ms. Hunt received a surprise visitor that she was not expecting. Mark’ father, Andrew, walked into the library noticeably upset and looking for her. Ms. Hunt immediately sensed that he was angry with her. She knew that Mark's father was angry with her for helping Mark stay focused on his dreams, on what he loved to do.

Andrew approached Ms. Hunt. “What do you think you are doing filling my son’s head with this insane dream of becoming an artist? Do you not realize that you are filling his head with thoughts that are not realistic, not sustainable? I do not intend for a son of mine to become an artist and struggle when he can have the financial success that I have as a lawyer. I do not want you interacting with my son at all when he comes into this library. If you do, I will have you in court and sue you for everything you own.”

Andrew had no idea at that moment that Ms. Hunt was reading his mind. She could see that Andrew was wealthy, successful, and had many material things. Ms. Hunt could also see that he was bitter, unhappy, and based everything on material gain. Andrew had no clue that she could see deep down in his mind and see that he had always wanted to be in a band, and that he had once been an amazing guitar player. Like Mark, Andrew’s father had shamed him into ignoring that dream and becoming a lawyer. Andrew did not enjoy being a lawyer and the money was not making him happy.

Ms. Hunt gained her composure and courage and spoke to Andrew. “How old were you when you stopped playing the guitar?”

Andrew was taken aback. How did she know that he had ever played the guitar? “That is none of your business. Childhood dreams and fantasies are just that, fantasy.”

Ms. Hunt spoke again. “Are they? How many people do you see that have become wealthy doing what they love, and not what they felt that they had to do? How many band members started with humble beginnings and never accepted that they could not achieve their dreams?”

Andrew could not believe that this librarian was bringing up memories that he had not allowed himself to experience since be started law school. He felt a twinge of happiness as he remembered the days of jamming with his friends. “Ms. Hunt, I have no idea how you know this about me, but it is to late for me to change and I want my son to be successful and happy.”

Ms. Hunt could see that Andrew sincerely wanted his son to be happy. “Andrew, what can he not be successful and happy doing what he loves. What could you not support him in that and give him a helping hand instead of holding him back? I know that you are thinking of your band days when you were younger. It is not to late for you. What is stopping you from picking up a guitar and stepping back into something that you love?”

Andrew could not believe that he was entertaining this idea. After all, he was a professional. Finally, Andrew gave in. “Maybe you are right Ms. Hunt.  Most of my time is spent preparing for cases and being away from home. I provide for my family well but am not there for them emotionally. Do you have any books on guitar techniques?”

Ms. Hunt was excited that she had used Andrew’s own memories and thoughts to break him out of his shell that he had created. “Andrew, we have numerous books depending on the style of music you wish to play. Follow me and I will show you to the Rock section.”

Andrew could not help but laugh. He had decided at this point that Ms. Hunt was able to read his mind. This was confirmed when Ms. Hunt smiled at him and said, “Yes, I can read your mind.”

Andrew laughed out loud. I knew that you had to have some kind of special ability to know the information you did about me. You shared with me things that I have never shared with anyone. This community is blessed to have a librarian like you. I would venture to say that you help more people that come though these doors that I ever have as a lawyer. Do not ever stop doing what you do. You have an amazing gift.

Ms. Hunt watched as Andrew walked out of the library carrying his guitar books. Ms. Hunt was not your typical librarian. How many libraries could boast that they had an angel working behind the counter. Ms. Hunt would continue helping those who came into her library until it was time for her to move on to her next assignment. Which community will be next the get the mind reading librarian?

April 15, 2022 16:53

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