Mystery Suspense


Sunday, January 23rd 4:00pm

I blinked and she was gone, red, blood, ruby. My heart beat with angst, bmp, bmp, bmp, bmp going almost a million miles an hour. Today was a normal day until I left my house, the safety of it was gone. I would’ve thought Rosalie was actually on vacation. I just had to know her this well to know she would never take a vacation. Rosalie never stopped working. I looked up tears in my eyes, they pointed the gun at me. The strange figure fired it, but nothing came out, only one bullet was in the gun. They didn’t plan on anyone else knowing she was here, that she wasn’t on vacation. I couldn’t see much in the dull light all I could see was that the murderer had a scar over their left eye. They were blinded in that eye, it was a silver color. I saw a sliver of their hair, it was dead looking black. They ran out, as the door came open.

Sunday, January 23rd 8:00am

The morning sun shone through my window. I walked out of bed and closed my beige blinds. I never wanted beige blinds, I always wanted the textured grey and white ones. Today was Sunday so I had no school, but tomorrow I would. I walked over to my bathroom and looked in the mirror at my hair. It was long and it was a black to blonde Ombre. I grabbed a towel and turned on the water. I put my hand in and let the cold flowing water run through my hand. I turned up the hot water and down the cold. I let the towel soak in it for a second as I looked in the mirror at my bright green eye, I looked at the other one it was a gold-looking color. I picked up the cloth and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then walked over to my closet and picked up a crop-top burgundy ruffle shirt and some light blue ripped jeans. I then walked back to the mirror and put my hair up in a ponytail. Then I went out of my room and over to my sister Rosalie’s room. A note was in her room sitting on her bed… 

I’ll be out for today, I am going to spend the day with my friend!


That was strange because she never spent more than an hour away from any type of work. Her brain worked kind of like if she knew she could be doing some work, she would. Her brain wouldn’t let her have something unfinished. She also wasn’t a solb even though her room expressed that she was. Clothes were on the floor everywhere and some food as well. It looked like she wasn’t planning on coming back in a day. Maybe coming back in a week or even a month. I didn’t mind it too much thinking maybe she had just been in a hurry or going on a picnic with her “friend”. She didn’t have any friends as far as I knew, she didn’t enjoy sharing her personal life or hearing about yours. She keeps her things to herself and doesn’t tell anyone unless it’s really a dire situation. I guess today wasn’t an exception.

I continued down the hall and went past a desk that we had sitting in the hall. It was one of the couple memorials to our parents. They died in a car crash almost 12 years ago now, they left when I was only five. I am now seventeen. I can hardly remember their faces, when I think of my parents I only can see the face of Rosalie. All I have of my parents is a kind of beat up photo of them with Rosalie only 4 or so and me a small baby. I looked at my mother's face and it was smudged so I never really knew her face. I only saw Rosalie. She basically raised me, She was nine when my parents died and we went to foster care. No one ever took us in so when Rosa was eighteen we got out and moved three towns over. Rosa got a job and we lived on the streets for a while until we got enough money for a small apartment. I went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet and grabbed some cereal. Then to the fridge and grabbed some milk. I pulled out a bowl and combined the food together to make cereal.

I thought back to the note and I realized that it looked nothing like Rosa’s writing. Her writing was really neat and clean and most of the time in cursive. She never always tells me where she goes in case I need her and would never leave a note in the first place! She ALWAYS plans ahead and never spontaneously leaves. I started to become slightly suspicious about why this note didn’t add up. I grabbed my phone and called her.

“Hey Rosa where a-” I started.

“Hey! I’m not here right now, leave a message.” An auto message recording of Rosa played. I guess she left her phone at home, I peaked in her room and saw it sitting on her bed.

“Of course she left her phone,” I muttered and I went into her room and grabbed the note she supposedly left. I then took something she actually wrote.

I got out of my seat and put my white Nike shoes on and ran down the stairs. I opened the front door of our apartment building and looked out on the big city we lived in. Louisville. I knew she loved Doc Crow’s. It was a good restaurant but not my favorite. She only liked that one and one other called The Charcoal Restaurant. They were both right down the street I first went to Doc Crow’s.

“Hey! Ivy, you picking up something for your sister?” Mark the waiter asked.

“Oh uh no I just wondered if you’ve seen her?” I asked him.

“Oh, uh no sorry I haven’t seen her… but uh do you want something?” Mark asked.

“You know what, sure, just give me the classic burger.” I said... that was Rosa’s favorite.

“Ahh good choice,” Mark said. I sat down at a table to wait. “It'll be ready in less than ten minutes.” I took out both pieces of paper I took from Rosa’s room.

“Why was there a piece of paper with writing saying it was from Rosa when it wasn’t… She usually goes to work today… but… I guess I can look there.” I whispered to myself.

“Ivy? You okay, I am right here,” I heard my sister Rosa say I immediately turned around and saw Mark.

“What did you say?” I asked him.

“I said here is your order!” Mark said. 

“Oh thanks Mark!” I said in the back of my mind I heard ‘She called me Mark again’ ‘Yeah it's getting worse, but thanks sweetie’ I looked all around and saw nothing but Mark handing me my food. I grabbed it and walked out of the restaurant. I don’t even really know why I ordered food, I am not really hungry. I just handed it to someone who looked like they slept on the street, they looked at me with graciousness and I smiled at them. I ran down the street trying to get to my sisters workplace. It had been almost two hours since I woke up. Her work was close to a park so I ran through there. Then I saw a wall in the middle of the park. That wasn’t usually there.

“What the heck! Who put this here?” I asked myself, not expecting an answer. ‘There’s nothing here’ I heard the voices again. I dismissed it. I touched the wall. It was made of a firm, tan brick. I looked to find a way around the wall but there was no apparent way, I would have to turn around and take another road. “I have to go around…” I said to myself. There was no way around, I would have to take the long way around. Just exit the park and go around it. I turned around ‘Where are we going now? This way is perfectly open’ I heard something like this often but didn’t put much thought into it.

“Hello miss! Where are you going?” A nice old lady walked up and asked me.

“To find my sister’s work she works that way at the museum.” I said.

“Well the fastest way would be to just go that way… would you like me to show you the way?” She asked.

“Well that way has a wall, don’t you see it?” I said.

“Are you sure you are okay? I-” The nice lady started, she was getting on my nerves. Were her eyes not working? I heard the voice whisper to the lady and she just nodded and turned away. Then I just watched her walk away in confusion. Didn’t everyone see the wall? It is clearly there stopping you from walking that way. I then continued walking to where I was planning on going before the interruption. It would be a long walk to Rosa’s work, if something happened to her I would never forgive myself. It felt like I was going extremely slow on walking today even though I was trying my best to do an almost run. The ground I was covering seemed to go backwards, the world moved slowly, everyone around me moving at a normal pace but I was going at a snail's pace. The sky looked oddly green, like the sky had combined with the trees. I couldn’t wait any longer. I was getting to my sister's work if it was the last thing I did. I started running, going faster and faster.  I kept going even when I was out of breath I didn’t stop. ‘What are you doing, where are you going?!’ I heard the voice as if they were running behind me. It was a long run but an even longer run so I just got a cab. I sat in there and looked out the window, I saw someone running after the cab. It looked like Rosa but it was too muzzled to tell. I looked forward and soon we arrived at the building. I got out as the cab drove away I got closer and closer to the door. I opened it and was shocked at what was inside. 

A girl aiming a gun at Rosa, they fired a shot and she was gone, they looked towards me then fired but nothing came out. I heard the door open, and Rosa was standing there. I looked back around the girl with the gun and Rosa’s Corpse had disappeared. I turned and looked at Rosa.

“How….” I started, I felt the world around me collapse and my eyes close. Next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed. I saw Rosa and a doctor.

“Her schizophrenia is getting worse, it's hard to manage.” The doctor said.

“Yes, today she was running around town saying I was gone.” Rosa said.

“Her condition has gone from mild to severe, we don’t know if there is anything we can do. She may not last the night,” The doctor said.

“Rosa? But- you,” I started.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” The doctor said.

“How are you here? You were shot!” I said.

“No, that was one of your hallucinations again.” Rosa said.

“No, no I can take you to it! You imposter, Rosa is dead! Who are you!” I said. My thoughts were scrambled, what was real? What wasn’t? No she has to be lying Rosa is  dead I SAW her get shot.

“Shh, no I am here. My name is Rosalie Parks. I am 21 years old and I am your older sister.” Rosa said, that was something no one else could know except her.

“Wait- but it can’t be,” I said.

“It is, just breathe, try and remember what is real.” Rosa said. I closed my eyes and felt breath coming slower and slower. My lungs slowly give out.

“I-I…. Can’t.... Breathe… help!” I said.

“Doctor! Help! She said she can't breathe.” Rosa said, it sounded fuzzy. My eyes blinked, I held my breath and Rosa’s hand.

“Thank you,” I said, my eyes went cold, no breath coming from my mouth. All life drained from my face, I was dead.

November 11, 2020 18:29

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