Hello Sam Lee.
I am Letti Favour. I am 9 years old. I go to school in city. My parent are back in villages. I stay at school all day. I am happpy to be your Penny pul. Please writ back soon.
Hello Letti,
I’m not sure if Favour is your name as well. Isn’t it a bit weird for a name?
How is school? I like mine. They put me in the Advanced class because I spell really good. All the teachers say so. For example. It’s ‘Pen pal’ not ‘penny pul’.
Also, why do you stay at school all day? Do you not have a home? I have a big one, with a pool in the yard and a tennis court. I’ve sent you a picture to see. Send me pictures of yours too.
Hello Sam Lee, My Pen pal.
Sorry for bad speling. I’m still learning at school. But I work extra hard to be a teacher when I older.
My name is Favour. I also think Sam Lee is a weird name. School is okay. All of us stay at schol all day – P1-P8. I like PE. We play games. I’m good at football. I like Saturdays when there is no class.
Your home is very nice. I do not have picture to send.
School has been busy, and I haven’t had time to write. As expected, I won the School Spelling Bee. It wasn’t as exciting because I saw it coming. But Mom still made a big deal and we went out to celebrate.
Dad didn’t come. He doesn’t come for a lot of things these days. I’m sad, then I’m not. It’s better than having them together and fighting. At least he gives me a lot of money.
Honestly, school is the one place I am happy. At least there, I am part of the Writing Club and all the teachers love me. They tell me I am very bright and will do great things.
I want to try out something new though, see how much I can achieve. So, I am joining the swimming team too. You can never have enough friends, my nanny used to say. So I’m doing my best to put myself out there.
I also asked Mom to redo my room. We are redoing our great house to rid ourselves of Dad. I’m sending you options of what it might look like.
What are you up to? Did you become a Class Prefect like you wanted? And it is Leadership, not liedarship. I had to read that thrice before I understood it. Did your sister recover from her tummy accident? What is a tummy accident anyway? Mom thinks you mean pregnant. Is she?
Hello Sam Lee,
Sorry about your dad. Kongurakyula Congrut Congraculatinzz on the bee.
Thank you for corecting my spellings in my letters. And sending me books. The school took them so I haven’t read them. Teacher Ben said it is thought that counts and I should thank you anyway. They will use the books for everyone.
Whateva Whatever you choose for your room will be nice. Go swim. It sounds fun. Make friends. And if you don’t, know you will always have me.
In the village, Dad said he found a man for me to marry. I feel sad all the time. I wanted to study and become a teacher. He says he doesn’t have money for all of us 16 children. And at 13, I can be a wife.
What if we pay for you?
I talked to Mom…and the father. I said it’s a nice thing to do.
You don’t even pay that much by the way. I don’t know why your father said no.
16 children! Mom said she would faint. It’s only me and she can’t keep up. We laughed about it. Tell your father no. And be a teacher.
Anyway, on my end, we got a new student in class. I have been hanging out with them a lot. Very funny. Very charming. Very … different? Otherworldly? There’s something profound that I can’t capture in words. We went for ice cream and I laughed till I snorted. Very unladylike – Mom would be appalled. New student gave me a teddy bear. It’s cute. Let’s call new student Teddy actually. I like Teddy.
Hello Sam Lee.
Do not pay for me.
Thank you but no.
Dad beat me badly when I told him. Said I’m turning into beggar. Teacher Ben said to take the path of least rezistance. I think that means get married. Wish me a happy marriage.
PS: Teddy sounds nice. I’m happy for you.
Report your father to the authorities immediately. He can’t do that to you! Do you hear me?!!! Read me?!!!! DO NOT ALLOW THAT.
The father has his uses. I told him because I was very furious. I had to endure a full dinner with his snotty new wife. Anyway, he knows people there. A Foundation of sorts. They are coming to get you. Do write when you are in a better situation. I will not forgive you if you go get married to some village bore when I have smiled and courtesied my way into helping.
Letti, Letti
It’s the college years! Best time of our lives.
What a joke!
So you know how Teddy and I are in the same college? Let me tell you the dangers of studying with your boyfriend in an unsupervised environment. Nothing gets done. I feel so lazy to go to class when we could just be hanging out. And we are hanging out all the time – at the movies, at the beach, at uni. I think he’s the one. I really do. And no, I am not getting carried away.
Also, I changed what I’m studying! Again. Teddy says that’s because I’m very talented and can’t box myself in. I wholeheartedly agree. But sometimes I wonder if I’m not just letting this uncertainty eat away the best of my youth. So this time I’m studying Psychology. Maybe I’ll understand myself better.
I’m caught in this simple ebb and flow. I wish I were like you who knew at 9 that you were meant to be a teacher. I feel so ashamed when I think of how I tore into your career then. Telling you all sorts of nonsense about how teachers were poor and you needed to aspire for more. I want to choke it all up as being young and naïve but I should have been better. At least you stuck to what your heart wanted.
Now, I’m lost.
I’m not happy, Letti. Are you? Are you really?
Hello Sam Lee,
I really would lose this greeting, but I like how it rolls off my tongue and mind. Hello Sam Lee.
I just got my posting to be a student teacher. One of those prestigious girl schools in the country. I’m excited. For the posting and the fact that it is just six more months before graduation.
While I’m happy with this, I know it’s double-edged. My father said once I graduate I should provide for his other kids. Did I tell you, he got a third wife!
Sam, my Sam. I don’t even know where to begin.
I am happy. At least I think I am. Maybe I’ve learned to make do with little.
But really, if I can be honest, I think Teddy is the problem. You were so full of purpose before. Why don’t you take some space from him and see who you could be without him? In every other letter, he’s doing something unbecoming, the drugs, the cigarettes, the girls, the gangs. I know you think he’s the one but it is pretty clear to everyone that he is not. He is not. You deserve better, rather than being tied down to a guy with clearly no future. And honestly, I worry, that you may end up like those strange girls they keep putting in the papers if you are with him
Just give it a shot. Three months. See them through and gain perspective.
Also, I know what you’ve always wanted to be. A writer! You peppered that dream in all your letters till that writing competition you didn’t win. Give it a shot again. I want to be discussing your book with my students in about three years. There, you have it – a direction and a timeline.
Who the heck do you think you are Letti Favour?!! Telling me how to live my life. You haven’t even met Teddy. You haven’t even met me, for crying out loud. But now I should leave him, should I? Be a spinster all my life like you, huh? Will it make you feel better about your pathetic life? Teaching girls in your silly country and thinking you are making that much of a difference.
No future?!! I’m sorry, since when do you see the future?!!
And then throwing a failed competition in my face while you gloat about your graduation?! What’s wrong with you! After all the times I’ve been there for you…Really?
My goodness, all I asked was if you were happy?! Do you hear me give my unsolicited opinion on your roommates and professors and that fellowship you went to that by the way sounds a whole lot like a cult if you ask me!!!
You don’t know me, Letti. You don’t. Don’t pretend you do. For all you know, I could be making up stories for you in every letter.
I never want to hear from you again.
Letti, Letti
It’s been a while. Who are we kidding, it’s been a year and some. I have not heard from you but I hope you are fine.
Did you graduate? Teaching in a nice school? The ones with teacher accommodation like you always wanted? Found a nice guy at that fellowship of yours?
Let’s take a trip, you and I. Finally, meet in person. You know the place, the one we fantasized about for years. There’s so much to catch up on.
I broke up with Teddy again. Maybe this time I'm really done. I officially dropped out of college. Mom died and left me quite the sum. Dad moved with his little family. I sold my childhood home. I’ve moved countries three times. I’ve been a waitress, a photographer, a secretary, and so many other odd things. I like to think someone looking in thinks I’m just living life to the fullest. I know it’s all confusion. I don’t know what I’m looking for. I don’t know if it can even be found.
Just thought I would say hello. So, Hello Letti Favour.
Also, get an email address. Mine is Hellosamlee101@yahoo.com. I swear these things are revolutionary.
Hello Sam Lee.
Are you not getting my letters anymore?
Not to sound too entitled to your life, but you did say we should keep in touch.
I did a teacher transfer upcountry. I don’t want to sound political but I don’t know why the government doesn’t care anymore. It was strange to be taken to the school and find it was only one big building for all the classes. I guess I’m getting too used to comfort.
So I wrote some letters, (as years of this activity will attest to how well I can do it) and spent my holidays building a school. I want to say it’s the most fulfilling thing I’ve done but maybe not. It left quite the impression. How much needs to be done. How impactful every little can be when it compounds.
My students this year are something else. Yes, I say that every year and every year it is true. Stretching my patience, and challenging my learning, expanding everything I thought I knew about my heart's capacity to love strangers.
The one I am paying for this year, Danika, is wonderful. I see a bit of myself in her. I see a bit of myself in all these kids. But, she wants to be a teacher too, struggles with her spelling too. Her father is just as difficult as mine was. I told you I go to every year with a mission, be the light, make at least one child’s life better. It wasn’t always this clear to me either, by the way. I think the more I walk in it, the surer I am.
PS: I think I met someone.
Please get a computer and an email address.
It really is faster and easier….and a whole lot cheaper too.
You’ll thank me when you do.
Hello Sam Lee,
I hope this letter finds you in good health.
My granddaughter found some of your letters and now wishes she had a penny pul. Do you remember how much you hated my spellings in those earlier letters? Anyway, I know it has been a while (do you even remember me), but I just thought it right to reach out.
For some reason, all the emails I’m trying to send to your address keep failing. Sorry, it took me a while to get a computer. When I finally did, I had completely forgotten about this.
A lot has happened in the last 30 years since we last wrote.
I rose through the ranks. You are reading a letter from a full-fledged Head Mistress. My husband and I are in the process of constructing a school. In the village, yes. We can’t keep waiting for the government to do these things, now can we? Even though they do make us jump through hoops to do something beneficial.
I got married – I really did. Not that old spinster you worried I would turn into. My choice this time. And he honestly is the love of my life. Very steady, very present, very loving. I’m in love, every day. He’s been good to me. We had those dream homes, things I wasn’t sure at 9 as I admired your picture was in the cards for me. It’s not as huge as yours was. It is something that’s enough for us and we have filled it with love. A small garden on the side and our failing chicken pen in the back.
We have three children, two boys, and a daughter. Motherhood was, in a word, enlightening. Then I saw my daughter become a mum at 14, and asked myself where I failed. But my granddaughter is the light of my life and I like the story of redemption I’m seeing my daughter destined to walk out. It all gets better.
I have failed a lot in my adult life. A lot. On the home front, on the work front, on the social front. Once, I got suspended for a whole year from teaching because I tried to take a child out of a bad home situation. He still died anyway and I could no longer teach at a government school. It was a redirection to doing my own thing and I have enjoyed it. Being my own boss and things.
There’s so much more to thirty years than I can pack in a letter. Perhaps we could meet in person? You know the place.
Hello Letti Favour,
Your letter took a while to find its way to me. I am Adrianna Lee Wood and it is wonderful to hear from you.
Sam went out with a bang, as I am sure you expect she did. You honestly just missed her by three months.
I read your letters too when I was younger. I always asked about you but she never got round to answering.
It was thirty years of madness! In that time, I appeared too (Teddy’s kid. His real name by the way is Anthony Wood). After a slump, she pursued her Creative Writing degree. Wrote a book too. ‘Give it a shot’. I’ve sent you a copy. It was the only one before she spiraled into depression (It was a combination of divorce and disease). She never recovered from any.
I know she missed you though. I sometimes found her going through these letters on days when the lighting was low and the wine was flowing. Did you ever meet in person? I didn’t find any letter to that effect.
I know I’m not Sam Lee but I do know the place and I would like to meet. Maybe we could make it a girls’ trip and add your daughter and granddaughter? I hope I am not overstepping.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Thank you for being Sam's friend.
Yours truly,
Adrianna Lee Wood.
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