Built Through the Decades

Submitted into Contest #290 in response to: Write a story about love without ever using the word “love.”... view prompt


Fiction Inspirational

      Kenneth lifted his wrinkled hand, willing it not to shake as he lifted the spoon to his wife’s lips. They’d been inseparable most of their lives, but now a disease was taking her from him. He got most of the food in her mouth. What missed, he gently wiped off with the kitchen towel he had nearby.

           “I’m not hungry,” his wife, Evie, said.

           She was hungry, but she probably forgot. Dementia was such a confusing, wretched beast. The things she forgot made no sense. Or broke his heart. Most of the time, she didn’t recognize him. 

           “Where is Kenny?” she asked. “I miss my Kenny.”

           Case in point. His heart shattered. He took small comfort in knowing how much she cared about him.

           “Hopefully he’ll be back soon.”

           Evie sighed happily. “My sweet Kenny.”

           “How did you meet him?” he asked. He enjoyed hearing stories from the past from her lips. She couldn’t remember him from this morning, but she remembered so many fascinating stories from the past. His grandson had suggested they hook up a recorder and capture the stories digitally. It was a brilliant idea, and one they needed to get moving on if it were to be accomplished. Kenneth was afraid time was running out for his beautiful wife.

           “Oh,” Evie said with a sweet smile. Her eyes glazed over as she traveled back through the decades. “We met in second grade. He claims he knew then that he’d marry me.” She laughed. It was a light laugh, one he’d heard many times through the years, but less and less now. 

           Dementia was stealing so much from her. Her laugh. Her health. Her memory. It was stealing his wife from him.

           “When did you agree to marry him?”

           “Oh, I made him sweat it out until I was seventeen. Then I finally agreed. But Mother said I had to wait until I finished school. Kenny already had a job, so he went and found us the perfect little house. It was so cozy. There were huge windows that let in huge drafts in the winter, but let light in all year long. So in the long winter months, we just bundled up and were happier than two peas in a pod.”

           Evie smiled again. “The wedding was gorgeous. It was simple, but I ended up married to the most perfect man on earth. Not that he was perfect. Goodness me, that man will leave his shoes in the middle of the entryway. I can’t tell you how many times I tripped on his shoes. And he refuses to use a toothpick. He’ll just use his fork or knife to get stuff out of his teeth. Though I will say he is much better when company is over.”

           Kenneth smiled at her memories. He thought he had grown more refined after marrying his dear, precious Evie. Apparently, he hadn’t changed as fast as he thought. Evie was laughing it off, though.

           “But he’s always been so, so good to me. He’s always been a hard worker, so we never needed for anything. Once he overheard me say I wanted a sterling silver serving platter, and wouldn’t you know it! One of those showed up under our Christmas tree that year, even though I was positive we couldn’t afford it! Somehow my Kenny figured it out.”

           “Evie Sweets, you need to take another bite of food now.”

           Evie bristled. “No one calls me Evie Sweets except my Kenny. Where is Kenny, anyway?”

           Kenneth sighed and forced himself to act patiently, even while his heart shattered. She remembered the young, vibrant Kenny. Not the almost 80-year-old man in front of her. “I’m sure Kenny will be back soon.”

           “Good. I miss my Kenny.”

           Kenneth held up the spoon. “A bite?”

           “Who are you again?”

           “It’s my job to make sure you are fed.”


           Evie finally took another bite of food, then another. At least that was progress. 

           When she forced them to pause again, Kenneth asked if they’d ever had children. 

           “We had two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. The boy, James, is brilliant. He can build or fix anything. And our daughter, Gayle, is beautiful inside and out. She had the gift of encouragement and can make anyone feel better. Though they fought like cats and dogs when they were little. They went to a little country school, and poor James would get bored. So he’d cause some mischief. Well, Gayle always got home from school before James would, and she’d make sure I heard all about it before he got home so I could decide his punishment.”

           Evie chuckled for a moment, probably remembering some of James’ adventures. Once, he had been playing with bottle rockets. He accidently shot one toward Evie’s dad’s barn. James had taken off after it, like he could stop it from exploding inside.

           “What’s something foolhardy James did?”

           Evie grinned, her false teeth clacking together. “Once, he was positive that Gayle kept sneaking into his room. He tied a book to the top of his door, so it would fall on her when she opened the door. Except, he forgot something for school and had to run back to his room to get it. He completely forgot about the large book above his door and about knocked himself unconscious when the book landed on his head!” Evie stopped to cackle a laugh. “He was so red with embarrassment when he was explaining the bruise on his forehead to me! I don’t know that Gayle has ever let him hear the end of it.”

           Kenneth had forgotten about that story. He had been at work at the time, but he remembered Gayle telling him when he got home. She had met him on the sidewalk to tattle on her brother. 

           “I miss the kids when they’re at school.”

           Kenneth’s eyes began to mist. James and Gayle were not at school. They had grown up, found jobs, got married, had kids. They both visited as often as they could, even though Evie rarely recognized them.

           Then she sat up straight and looked right at him. “Kenny! You’re home! Where have you been?”

           He was so startled by the sudden change, he just stared at her for a moment. Her bright blue eyes were clear and present. 

           “I’m back, Evie Sweets,” he whispered. “I will never leave you.”

           She smiled. “Of course, not, dear. You’re stuck with me for life.”

           For life. Until death did them part. Or until the dementia was too much for him to handle on his own. Even then, he’d stay by her side as long as he could. The two were one, entwined together through the decades. 

February 18, 2025 21:19

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