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Here she is again. That annoying woman. Cannot get a wink of sleep. Every time I turn around she is dusting or vacuuming, or taking down curtains and running the washing machine. When I hired her to do just some light housekeeping, I did not realize my day would begin at the crack of dawn.

   She is middle-aged and she had excellent references, but even so, enough is enough. I climbed out of bed and stomped down the stairs. "Really Mrs. Spitnik, you think you could tone it down just a little?" It's the middle of the night." 

She paused in her vacuming, without turning it off, and looked pointedly at the clock.

I looked up at the clock on the wall above the refrigerator, and it was indeed eight o'clock in the a.m.

    I growled something unintelligible, she couldn't hear me anyway over the roar of the vacuum cleaner, and stomped my way back upstairs praying for a little more shut eye before I actually had to get up. God should be so good to me. 

    I hate pro-active people. They're so annoying. They're always trying to improve something. Doesn't anyone ever just leave anything alone anymore? Does everything have to be improved? Does it occur to any of them, we might not like the improvement? What then? We're stuck with it, aren't we? Unless I am in serious danger of sticking my head under the couch and inhaling a dust ball, couldn't we leave the vacuuming for some time other than sunup? Who would know? Who would care? Certainly not me. And I'm actually paying for this level of annoyance. Hard to believe I realize, but that is just the way it goes. No help for the weary.

    I tried going back to sleep, just a few more minutes, but of course I wasn't able to. I shuffled to the bathroom and began my morning routine. Everything there was the same, thank God. No one had improved my toothbrush and toothpaste. My deodorant, or my hair brush. I am huge on routine. I am a creature of habit. I detest changes. Constant changes bespeak a dissatisfied person. I am a very satisfied person. I take pride in that. Everyone else has a lot to learn in my opinion. 

    Finishing, I dressed for work and walked downstairs for the second time that morning. I didn't have time for coffee or toast, my usual breakfast. 

    At approximately eight fifty I closed and locked the door, and began the ten minute walk to my office. Something I do Monday through Friday, every week of my life. Routine is good for the soul. It is comforting. People should try that. This world would be a much happier place if people would just learn to leave everything alone. If it's not bothering you, why bother it?

    I reached in my pocket for my key ring before I remembered, we no longer have keys. Now we have key cards. Of course, we had to improve on the plain old key didn't we? Keys were no longer good enough. Now we need key cards. Ridiculous. See what I mean? 

     This company used to have a Doorman named George. George and I had very little relationship, other than George knowing I was an employee at Wilson Grover & Carlisle. Once we got key cards, and a new system for entering the building, George was no longer necessary. 

    Can you imagine that? I do not consider replacing a person with a computerized system, of any kind to be any type of progress, but apparently no one cares what I think. Although everyone would be better off if they did. I am into my senior years so I have seen a lot and I know a lot, and people would profit heavily from my experience and knowledge. Not that anyone ever asks me. It's their loss...though...really.  

      I heard the door click shut behind me, as I walked toward the elevator and stepped inside. I punched the lighted icon for the third floor, as was my habit, and waited patiently. When the doors opened I headed straight for my office. I greet no one. One's place of employment is not a social occasion, and should not be treated as such. Ridiculous. And a waste of everybody's time. 

    I take my lunch in the cafeteria every day, but I eat alone. I have absolutely no desire to engage in idle office gossip. I am proud to say I am above all that.

    Everyone knows where I stand on such matters. I work hard and I am good at my job. Been with this company for years. I do not bounce from job to job looking for something better. I am a satisfied person with a stable life. Other people should try that. At approximately 4:45 my supervisor knocked on my door, which I keep closed. He opened the door and poked his head inside. ,,,,"Mind if I come in Paul?" he asked. 

"Of course" I replied. James Davison is a good man. He does not bother me and I do not bother him. Uninvited to, he pulled out one of the two chairs across from my desk and sat down. I was irritated. A long visit. What I was thinking must have shown on my face because James smiled with just one side of his mouth lifting and said, "This will not take very long."

I merely nodded and sat waiting patiently.

    "It has been brought to my attention" he began and coughed lightly, and momentarily covered his mouth with his hand. He lowered his hand and continued. "It has been brought to my attention that you are too set in your ways and are very resistant to change. This makes you difficult to work with. Disgreeable. I am thinking perhaps this company is not the right place for you, Paul. Perhaps another job might be more to your liking."  

    I stared at James. "Your presence is no longer required here" he said rising. 'Please clean out your desk." With that he walked out the door and closed it quietly behind himself. 

    I stared into space for just a moment and thought 'Great. I have spent years surrounded by these people and not one of them has learned a thing worth knowing. I will take my expertise somewhere else where I will be held in high esteem. Any employer would be lucky to have me. I despise the changes that are coming. Change is positively dogging my every footstep. It is like a shadow that follows me everywhere. More faithful I would guess, than my actual shadow. Change be damned!' I'll change if and when I want to.' I smiled to myself, and I began opening the doors in my desk. 

October 22, 2023 19:35

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1 comment

Danie Nikole
10:33 Nov 03, 2023

Paul, life is going to change whether we want it to or not! That's the way the cookie crumbles. I hope he learns to be more flexible although I can't say a lot of his thoughts didn't resonate with me. Who likes change? It can be very hard to embrace. I thought these were great lines - "I hate pro-active people. They're so annoying. They're always trying to improve something. Doesn't anyone ever just leave anything alone anymore? Does everything have to be improved?" "I am huge on routine. I am a creature of habit. I detest changes. Cons...


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