Fiction Romance Teens & Young Adult

Title: Oh, What A Pity.

 Description: Boys




 And everyone we know

 Seems to drift away just a little bit

 That's life

 Nothing last forever.

 My dear love, what a pity. I know. I know. I mean, It’s like watching a movie or reading a love novel, we never know what comes next. Sure, we read the description, and we know a thing or two about the book that later becomes a movie, the actors and actresses, and how well they all seem to play their roles, but we the viewers don't always know what comes next. Are they expecting a baby? Is he guilty or innocent of the crime? Is he going to lose his job? Are the bad guys going to get caught? The writers, directors, and producers sure do know how to keep us glued to our seats, exciting, isn’t it? Now Imagine a child that grows up whether in a good or poor condition, but stays in connection with their imaginations throughout the years to use them in a way that pleases and touches other people's curiosity, this just shows you how beautiful and unique people are.

 A quick reminder: We watch movies for entertainment purposes, and sometimes to add value and a little education to our lives, but the truth is what we see in movies doesn't always apply to our lives. I hope you get my point.

 Page two: My dear love, What A Pity.

 Yes, What A Pity, because I don't think you and I saw that this so-called love story we tried creating would end the way that it did. Isn't it crazy? Here I was thinking 'Oh my God!' I'm finally about to let my guard down. Of course, I'm afraid, but my heart is okay. Could it be love? Could he be the one? I told myself:

 'Love is such a crazy thing

 I know this

 Because I don't know how to feel within

 When it comes knocking on my door

 Now, I am not the type to easily get attached to a man

 Oh, God, are you there? It's me, Tracy. I have fallen head over heels and there are no words in the dictionary to describe how much I love this man.'

I prayed many days and nights, and I asked the Gods. No, No, No. Not those Gods. When I say Gods, I mean the creator of the universe, my guardian angels, Jesus's mother, and everyone else related to the one and only creator of the human race, the deep blue sea, and all the beautiful things that we see and feel. I prayed to God to have mercy on our relationship because I loved you enough, so I prayed for the blessings of the Lord to be upon you. I loved you enough, so I learned to pray to God to calm my heart to love you as a mother loves her child. I learned to erase the 'what ifs and buts' in our relationship, and I learned to tell myself: No matter what situation we find ourselves in

 No matter where the storm comes from

 You and I will stand strong

 We will never run

 They can form Goliaths

 But you and I will be David for life

 We will rise to the top

 We will never fall

 Cause we are David for life'

No relationship is perfect, my dear. I still do remember some of our conversations like it was yesterday. I remember our late-night phone calls, and how I giggled many times like a nervous schoolgirl because of how in love I was with you. Do you remember when we talked on the phone and I said:

'I have what you need

Boy I promise

I will give you angel number 606

Because you are worth it

You know what they say

Love makes you crazy

Hi, I'm Tracy.

Your Missy

I know you want love, love, love

And so do I

So why do you hide?

I have what you need

I promise

I will give you angel number 606

Because you are worth it

My baby

Yeah, you are worth it

I will give you angel number 606

Boy, I promise.

My dear love, I question myself, do you?

Oh, yes. I question myself at times if there is anything WE could have done to fix our relationship. I question myself at times if We can reconcile(?) I am somewhere down the road now

Feeling real cold

I look up at the sky

Watching beautiful birds flying by

So I tell the Gods

I need my baby

I miss my baby

I need my baby

I miss my baby


I know love hurts

But there's no game without pains

Sure, I'm somewhere down the road now

Feeling real cold

No one to hold me

I look up at the sky

Watching beautiful birds flying by

So I tell the Gods

I need my baby

I miss my baby

I need my baby

I miss my baby. '

You and I may go on our separate ways, but I hope you know we don't have to hate.

You'll Always Have a Special Place in My Heart.

There are millions of boys

But you will always be my favorite

Everything about you seemed so right

Boy oh boy

You had me wrapped around your fingers

Sure, we started on the wrong path

And struggled to hold our pens, but I think we came a long way.

We broke up once

And made up

For our preacher

And our future

We should not be hard on ourselves because of how our relationship ended.

I will make the long story short, and say that we both gave it our all, and we should be proud of all our efforts and patience. Of course, it's a pity that we dropped our pens without completing our beautiful love story. Well, my darling, I could say so much more, but my lips are sealed.

Quote: We all experience heartbreak, you can either reach out for the alcohol bottle or get creative.




May 28, 2023 14:56

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Rudy Greene
21:52 Jun 07, 2023

Very unique. I liked the flow and feel but the format seemed more like a poem than short story. Good writing though.


Tracy Brown
08:15 Jun 09, 2023

Hello, Rudy. I wanted my writing to stand out from the crowd, this was why I went with a different approach, but I appreciate your honest opinion. Stay blessed! :)


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J. D. Lair
16:23 Jun 04, 2023

This story made me feel like I was dancing in my head as the words were being read. I like your style!


Tracy Brown
08:34 Jun 09, 2023

One does not always have a drum or guitar to play a great melody, so why not use our words to magically dance away? May peace be with you always, dear :)


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