
I walked towards Wall St, but then a black cat crosses my path attempting to go unnoticed. "That the tenth time today, odd", I wondered as the cat slipped away before my eyes. I continued to walk without pondering upon the thought anymore. But when I arrive home, my conscience is just begging for it. I sighed then plopped down on the sofa running my hands through my hair. I opened my computer, letting an open page sit for a few moments. I then search'Black cats bad luck', but before I press 'enter' my thumb hovering over the keyboard key I hesitate. "Why am I doing this again?", I question myself looking around the empty room. For a moment I stood in a trance, but I shook my head and pressed with courage and no hesitance, maybe a little too confident. As a searched the information displayed. Then I read aloud, "Most of Europe considers the black cat a symbol of bad luck, particularly if one walks across the path in front of a person, which is believed to be an omen of misfortune and death. In Germany, some believe that black cats crossing a person's path from right to left, is a bad omen.", I scoffed at continued to scroll. The hairs on my neck stood as I read the bolded words 'bad luck' and 'black cat'. My eyes widened in full fright concerned about what might happen. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued to read. My finger stumbled upon the word, "superstition", I read aloud my finger hovering over. Silence and relief filled among the air. I sighed and turned towards the window as a black cat glared at me. Its gaze seemed to study my soul, its presence brough chills up my spine. I stood puzzled and frightened as my eyes probed the room. I sighed in restlessness as the black cat jumped from the window sill to the streets leaving without a trace. "It's just a superstition", I reassured myself drifting off to sleep.

October 27, 2019 05:22

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