Midnight Through the Woods

Submitted into Contest #275 in response to: Start your story with a character being led somewhere by a black cat.... view prompt


Fiction Suspense

As I followed behind the black cat, I became fully aware of how deep into the woods he had led me. Curiosity and confusion befell me as we finally came into a clearing. Then fear set in. 


Darkness and warmth; silence and serenity surrounded me as I awoke from my dream, eyes remaining closed. Then I felt it: the sandpaper being scraped across my face. 

What the hell? I thought to myself as I searched for the origin with my hands, lids still shut. Suddenly, I found myself grazing upon a warm furry object. My eyes flew opened and I was looking into amber-hued almond eyes. Startled, I jumped back, scaring the little beast with my quick movements, realizing then that I was on the ground amongst the grass and leaves. The cat, medium sized with a shiny midnight-black coat, just like in my dream, had already recovered from my panic and tried to lick my face again with his rough tongue. 

“Would you please?!” I stated aloud as I gently pushed the creature off me. I sat up fully. I felt confusion as I surveyed the scene. Nighttime, the stars twinkling above as the full moon shone brightly. To the right of me were white spruce trees as far as the eye could see; to the left was an upside-down Pontiac, damaged so heavily that I could barely see the once cherry-colored paint. 

“What the...?” I whispered aloud as I looked at the car in shock. The black cat, whom I had all but forgotten about, meowed in reply. 

I got up and walked to the car hesitantly, then stooped over to look inside. I noticed the clothes, shoes, and papers that were amongst the ruins as I hunted for evidence. After a moment, I found it there on the registration: ‘Tiffany Williams.’ Just as I was afraid of- this was my car. 

I stood stunned for a moment. The cat sensing my disturbed demeanor, began purring and rubbing along my leg. 

I guess I was thrown from the car and then knocked out... I pondered. My adrenaline must have been through the roof as I felt no pain yet. 

“I remember nothing,” I declared out loud, only the feline around to hear me. 

I peered down at him as he looked up at me. 

“What happened here?” I asked him. Then shaking my head, I muttered, “like you could tell me.”  

As though in response, he meowed and began walking away from me and toward the woods. 

“Well, okay then,” I sighed, standing in the same spot, trying to recollect the events leading up to this moment. 

The cat meowed again. When I looked, he had stopped walking, as if waiting for me. 

“I’m officially out of my damn mind,” I proclaimed, striding toward the animal. Seemingly satisfied with my decision, he turned around and began marching toward the woods again.  

As we walked among the trees, my mind and senses wandered at random. I brooded over the loss of memory I had with my car wreck; how lucky I was to walk away without a scratch (considering how both my parents had passed away 3 years ago, ironically in a car crash, when I was only 16). I noticed how the weather was surprisingly comfortable for what would normally be a chilly October night (especially that I was still in my short black t-shirt dress and combat boots). I observed the stars above as they continued to blink in between the spruce needles. I became aware of how pale my hands were, paler than ever as I gazed at them in the moon’s glow, the same that lit our path; and I never knew the woodland to be as quiet as it was in this moment. 

“Wait,” I said suddenly, stopping as I did. 

The black cat, whom by this point, I decided to name Midnight, came to a halt as well. 

“I never knew the woodland to be as quiet as it was in this moment," I repeated the thought, out loud this time. "Why does this place seem so familiar?” I asked. 

Midnight meowed in reply. 

My memory, so foggy, knew this area but for the life of me, I couldn’t say how. I was not an outdoorsy type of girl, so this mystery began to nag at me relentlessly. Midnight’s demanding meow brought me back from my reverie. Once again, we were on our way, to wherever that was. And as I followed behind the black cat, I became fully aware of how deep into the woods he had led me. Curiosity and confusion befell me as we finally came into a clearing. Then fear set in. 

We were in a graveyard. My body stiff with fright and swallowing hard, I took in my surroundings. The scene before me was hushed and eerie, the moon’s glow revealing the gray granite gravestones, the majority were old and weathered while one or two were more pristine, recently added. The stones were scattered about for as far as the eye could see, only ceasing where the tree line arose in the background.  

“Why did you bring me here?” I squeaked, looking at Midnight. He just looked up at me with those amber colored eyes, without replying. Trying to fathom what he was trying to tell me, I went back to examining the landscape. All at once, my terror transformed into comprehension as it dawned on me why this territory was so familiar: my parents were buried here. Midnight had led me to Mom and Dad! I immediately felt a sense of peace as I spotted my parents’ double headstone in the center of the graveyard and made a beeline. This time, it was Midnight who followed me. 

Tears stung my eyes as I knelt in front of their monument, missing them terribly. I noticed the red roses that I placed there yesterday were wilted and dried.  

Already? That’s weird, I thought to myself, which led me to question why Midnight took me to see my parents. It just didn’t make sense. 

 I was brought back from my preoccupation then as Midnight’s soft fur grazed against my leg and he gently meowed at me, beckoning my attention. 

“What is it?” I asked, now genuinely hoping the feline could give me some type of clarity. 

He began to walk again, this time around the back of Mom and Dad’s headstone, alluring me to accompany him. Apprehension set in as I walked away from parents’ resting place to about 8 feet behind. He stopped at one of the newer headstones. I took note of the message reading ‘In loving Memory of’ while fresh pastel flowers and a couple teddy bears in the front concealed the name. 

“Okay...?” I uttered, perplexed. 

Midnight stayed put, his eyes prodding me to inspect the scene further. And as I did, an overwhelming sense of dread came upon me. I knelt down gingerly, moving the flowers and bears with care. And there, in big letters was the name, ‘Tiffany Williams.’  

November 09, 2024 00:19

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