Fiction Romance

Kathleen lands the ideal dream job she has always sought. As administrative assistant to the CEO in a government manufacturing facility, she has her own secretary outside a private office. She alone assists the CEO. Her expense account covers traveling around the world on his behalf every month and answering only to him. Her salary affords her the ability to buy top designer clothes, eat at the best restaurants and live in an ultra-modern penthouse apartment with a rooftop garden and patio.

But, during a business trip to Spain, she attends a business meeting where she meets an incredibly handsome and personable Italian gentleman, Anthony, to discuss business with. This leads to more “business” meetings, more dinners and personal tours around the country. The company business is accomplished in a short time span of only two weeks. She must return home. The time set aside for this assignment is slipping by impossibly fast incredibly fast. By this time, they are both so enamored with each other that the decision to end their short romance makes it nearly impossible to say goodbye. The time spent together is platonic but dynamic. Anthony suggests she stay a few weeks beyond her allotted time for company obligations, but she refuses since she has a deadline to adhere to. Kathleen returns home but promises Anthony that one way or another they will see each other soon. Anthony cannot visit America; his business demands that he is available constantly.

in New York, she commits herself to her work and job but misses Anthony immensely, moping around her apartment and calling him on the phone every week. He feels the same way and asks her to quit her job and come back to Spain. She is in a dilemma. She has fallen in love with him, but her job is incredibly important to her and is a one in a million chance to find something like this again. She discusses it with her CEO who offers her twice her salary to stay, also offers benefits and several additional gratuities over the next year if she will continue her employment with him. He adds a company car to the other perks. He is desperate, telling her how much he values her and that he knows he will not be able to find someone as valuable as her again.

On her vacation she returns to Spain to be with Anthony and try to make a final decision whether to go back to New York or stay in Spain with Anthony. Kathleen is waiting for Anthony at a small intimate restaurant, having nearly decided to stay in Spain when she overhears a conversation from the next table. “Did you hear about Anthony and his wife? They have decided to buy another, larger house in an exclusive neighborhood. Their children can go to a private school near there. And it’s closer to his business.” The stranger continues, “I’d love to move to that neighborhood but it’s out of my league.”

Kathleen cannot move; she is in shock. Just then, Anthony enters the restaurant, says hello to his friends at the next table and seats himself with Kathleen. “Hi, sweetheart, how are you? I’ve missed you so much.” He plants a light kiss on her cheek. How is your vacation? Sorry I have not spent as much time with you as I would like but my work is so demanding. Have you decided as to your job, or me? Who ranks first? “

She smiles sweetly back at him. “My vacation is going great, thank you. I wonder if we can discuss my moving here; where I can find a house near your business so that you can spend more time with me since you have such demanding issues from your work. Just until we can make other arrangements. And when can I see your house? I never got to when I was here before. I would love to spend some time there while I look around for my own, or are we going to move in together? In that case, I won’t have to look for my own home right away.” She smiled sweetly again and quietly relished the look on his face as she watched him squirm. “Why don’t we go there after dinner? I don’t have anything planned this evening.”

Anthony grabbed his drink, downed it in one gulp and nervously replied, “Well, I, uh, don’t think we can tonight. It is being remodeled – paint and canvas covers everywhere. Let’s go dancing, visit that luxurious hotel downtown and figure out how much time it will take you to wrap up ends in New York in order to move here permanently. Then I can take some time off and help you find a place. I’m not sure we should move in together just yet. We really don’t know each other that well. Sound okay with you?”

Kathleen threw her napkin across the table, hitting him in his smiling face, got up, slapped him and loudly replied, “No, it is not alright with me, but do you think it would be comforting for your wife and family? How dare you! What a fool I am! I nearly changed my complete life for you. What a snake you are; I feel sorry for your lovely wife and children if they learn their father is a huge fake and has been lying to them for years as I suppose I am not the first and won’t be the last one to succumb to your charms. I wish I had never seen, or met, you. If we need to meet again for business reasons, don’t even pretend you ever knew me. Be aware, I will find a way to get even with you for messing up my life, and you won’t know when it is coming but I will find a way. Goodbye to you and Spain. What a beautiful country to have such a snake as you are, slithering around.” She turned and strutted across the restaurant to exit.

August 28, 2021 01:11

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