Drama Sad Crime

Not him. No not him! Please!

6 Hours ago, Perry Bane


“How was school?” He asked. “Egh, not bad. I guess.” I replied.

I made myself a PBJ although I ate lunch at school. My stomach was hollow no matter how much I ate. He was dressing for an interview. “When you gonna come back?” I asked. “You care?” He said. “Uh yeah no dur. I thought we were going to eat together.” I joked. “Nah make your own dinner. You’re no baby, are you?” He teased back. “Ok.” I sighed.

Bucky Bane


Of course I felt bad for lying but I had no choice. I wasn’t going for an interview. I lied. I was going for a burglary. When I was child, I always wondered why the maniacs would burglar, kill, and steal but now I knew. They didn’t have a choice. Someone in the family had to feed their family. There was only one choice if no one hired you. The risk was big. Like massive. But I going to take it. No. Had to take it. Once I made it to the underground base, they told me, “The Plan.” It was pretty simple. Just go underground, pop up on the back side and knock out the guards and security cams and BAM! You’re in the vault. Of course, it was not going to be that easy. You had to creep up on them and knock them out before they hit the alarm. So first, I had to ride a few minutes and then go underground. Once I went underground, it would only take about 3-5 minutes walking. On the way, it smelled like rotten flesh. After a few minutes, I was there. The vault, only a few steps ahead of me. I could feel the presence of the riches. I don’t know why but I was kind of thrilled at the time. Thinking of me and Perry living like kings and queens. The knockers knocked out the cams and security for us. Now it was to be a ninja. As I walked up to the vault, I thought of something else. My mum. When I thought about her, my heart nearly collapsed. I hoped she wasn’t watching me right now. Then I thought about it to myself. ‘is all this worth it?’ I sure hoped it was because I was going in a once in a lifetime burglary.

Perry Bane


I was bored out of my skull. Why was he taking so long? I had done all the things I had to do. So, I turned on the TV. Ugh. The news. As I was about to turn the channel, something caught my eye. The location! The location! It was Safe Bank! The bank right in my neighborhood! Hu? I wondered. Then I saw the caption. “Safe Bank. Is it still safe after burglary?” No way! My friendly neighbor bank, robbed? I still couldn’t believe it! I slapped myself and it hurt so I wasn’t dreaming. To be honest, it wasn’t my business. Although I didn’t care, I still called Bucky. Just to be on the safe side. He didn’t answer. Instead, he hung up right away. Probably because he was at an interview. It was getting pretty late. Whatever. There was nothing fun on the TV, so I went to my bedroom and looked on social media. There was a video of the burglary in Safe Bank. People screamed. As I watched it, I thought I saw some familiar face. I kept swiping. Nothing fun there too. Ugh. Now I had nothing to do. I stared out my window. A few squirrels and bunnies hopped by. Then my phone rang. It startled me so bad it made me jump. I saw the caller ID. It was Bucky. Whew. Not that I was worried or anything. “Halloo.” I answered. “Sorry I couldn’t call you earlier. I was at the interview and they had me working all day.” He explained. “Yea that’s okay. Hey also you scared me. I thought you were at the bank. There was a burglary earlier.” I told him. “Well, I didn’t see that news.” He spoke. “Meet you home. P.S. There’s a surprise I need to show you.” He said and hung up.

 He was home at 10:30. I was supposed to be sleeping at that time, but he told me to stay up because of the surprise. When he came, he had a briefcase. “What is that?” I asked. “This is the surprise.” He told me.

When he opened it, there was something I couldn’t even believe in my dream. There were hundred-dollar bills. There were stacks of them! “Ugugug?” I tried to say something but failed. “Yes. I’m waiting.” He said. “Wh-wha-what is that?” I asked finally. “The company are going to contract with me.” He said so calmly. I had no idea how he was speaking so calmly! “Stop lying!” I cried. “Now we can live properly. Have anything you want.” He whispered. “How much is that?” I asked. “Does it matter?” he questioned. “Well it doesn’t really matter.” I whispered back. “I’m sorry.” He said suddenly. “Huh? What do you mean?” I asked. “I was at the bank earlier and…” He said. I gasped. No, no, no, no! My brain screamed in terror. But what I actually said was different. “Oh…” I replied.

6 months later


As I relaxed in the jacuzzi, Bucky and his friends came out. They cannon-balled into the pool. I sighed as cold-water droplets splashed on my face. “Can’t you go into the pool more calmly?” I yelled at them. Now it was their time to sigh. Whatever I thought. I went to sleep early that day because the next day I was going shopping with my bff. Once I woke up, I went through my morning routines. Then I called my driver. I read my book while on the way. It was time for my bff to show up but she didn’t. So I texted her. She didn’t respond so I called her. She still didn’t answer! Then the call ended so suddenly. As I was about to text her, I couldn’t see her name. She blocked me! I gasped. How could she! I went to her house. I rang the door bell. Mackenzie opened the door but she seemed surprised. “What!” she asked. “Let’s talk in your room.” So we went in her room and I asked her why she did the things she had done. She seemed surprised. “I never did that!” She yelled. “Well who did that then. Huh? Huh? My brother robbed a bank and he could easily rob your house so you better watch it.” I said. Then I realized. I so much regretted what I said. “Your brother is a robber?” She gasped. “No wonder you were so rich all of a sudden!” She shrieked. I was so mad at her and myself I just stomped out of her house.

The next day, police officers came. “Hands up and kneel!” He ordered Bucky. “What did I do?” he asked truly surprised. “Didn’t you rob a bank?” I gasped! “No, NO, NO, Please not him.” I begged.

February 06, 2021 00:41

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17:42 Feb 12, 2021

SO AMAZING!!!!!!! 😍🤩


Somegenius Kid
01:52 Feb 13, 2021

Thank YOU!!! :)


02:23 Feb 13, 2021



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02:23 Feb 13, 2021



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02:23 Feb 13, 2021



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Angelina Jeong
02:57 Feb 07, 2021

What a great story :))


Somegenius Kid
02:58 Feb 07, 2021

Thank You! :):):):):)):):):):):):):):):)


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Somegenius Kid
03:02 Feb 07, 2021

Here is the link to my profile! Please like and follow for more stories! :) https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/minseung-jeong/


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