Coming of Age Contemporary Fiction

 I hurried down the dark alley as raindrops started tickling my bare arms. The apartment I shared with three other girls was not that far away, but one can never be safe in this area of Istanbul.

The raindrops became thicker and faster so I raised the piece of stitched cloth I called jacket to cover my head. Suddenly, lighting flashed through the dark sky. A few seconds later, the loud growl of thunder sent a shiver down my spine. I finally reached the building. Our apartment was on the third floor. During times like these, the electricity would cut off, so I have to find my way up by touching. I prayed I would not stumble and fall to my death. I held onto the metal bars by the stair side. One, Two , Three.

There I was. I reached for the rusty key in my pocket and turned it into the even rustier lock. The first time, it didn’t click. It never did. I turned it a second time and pushed the door. I heard a slight click, before I was met with a silhouette holding a candle in the corridor.

“There you are” she said, approaching. It was Ayeesha, one of the girls with whom I share the apartment.

“ Where have you been?” she continued, as she walked in my direction, with the candle’s dim light cast on her face, making her look rather creepy.

“Late shift, as always” I sighed, as I sat on the nearest couch, throwing my arms around me. I worked at a fancy restaurant. It was too far from my lodging, but the payment was too good. Missing out this opportunity would have been stupid of me.

“Where are Ayda and Nazli?” I asked, untying my shoe laces and pulling them off.

“Asleep. Eda has an important exam tomorrow, and Nazli’s vacation ends today. I swear she’ll wake up by sunrise tomorrow, if not before” she chuckled. Her voice seemed to fade for a minute, and the light has almost vanished. I sat straight, and let the voice in my head speak.

I want to go home.

 I want to go home.

I want to go home.

Then, memories started flooding in.

The mixture of hatred and disappointment on my brother’s face, as he found I was a virgin no more, the beatings he has given me, the pain, the bruises on my face, on my arms, the tears, running down my mother’s cheeks.

“Here. Take this. Watch out for yourself, my beautiful daughter. Go somewhere they can’t find you, and call me when you can.“

She handed me her wedding ring, the ring not even my brother dared to pull off her finger when we went some severe financial problems.

“No” I muttered” I can’t take it. Please, Omah-” she silenced me by covering my lips with her index finger.

“I’ll come back. I promise” I said, as I wiped her tears off.

She gave me a sad smile, before shoving me outside and closing the door.

“So, how was your day, Mira?”

Aysha’s voice brought me back to reality.

I was startled . She was back, and so was the tiny light she carried.

“not great, that I can tell” she answered herself.

She handed me a plate with cheese, salad and some bread, and set the candle on the table nearby, sitting next to me.

“That’s what I managed to find” she said. Although her features were not very clear in the darkness, I still managed to see a sorry smile. “ I’ll go to the supermarket tomorrow. I get paid last week, so tomorrow we’ll have a great dinner. I promise”

I took a bite of the bread and cheese, as I was famished. Smelling all the delicious smells and not getting to eat was another downside to my job. The cheese was hard, but tasty.

“Good night , Mira.” Ayeesha said as she stood, lighting another candle that was on the table.

As I finished eating, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and headed towards The room I shared with Nazli.

I covered myself in the thin sheets we had, and it took me a few minutes to drift into a deep sleep.

Then I saw his smile.

It was a sunny day in Mersin, and I was out for walk. What season was it? Spring? Autumn? Summer? I couldn’t tell. It was not too hot, neither too cold. The most perfect weather for a walk. I also had a book in my hands.

Then Omar popped out of nowhere. His smile-was the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I could see the dimple on his right cheek, and had to resist the urge to touch it.

We sat on the soft, warm grass. Then, he handed me a flower-a white lily, and a paper box. It was hot, and smelled delicious.

Baklava and Lokum. My favourite sweets.

He was our town baker’s son, and his apprentice. He knew almost all about sweets.

“For the mirror of my heart” he said, his smile widening.

My name meant mirror. I always wondered why my parents named me that. At this time, I didn’t care. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and rested my head on his shoulder.

I opened the box, and took two pieces of Baklava, handing him one. We started eating

“You made these?” I asked, pretending to be surprised.

“From dough to syrup” He grinned.

“I’m impressed.” I admitted as I reached for another piece.

We stayed like this for a few minutes, and he was the first to speak.

“ Have you spoken to your brother?”

“ Not yet, but I’m sure he’ll give us his blessing. He wll understand.” I replied. I looked at him. His smile has faded, has been replaced by a blank expression. One that I didn’ like

“What’s wrong?” I asked, cupping his cheeks.

 “He’s planning to marry you to a rich merchant’s son.-“

“What? Who said that? How-“ I basically shouted. I was grateful no one was around.

“Today. Kerim was bragging to his friends about his engagement to you in the souk, saying his marriage will be in a few months.”

I clenched my fist. Kerim, was the spoiled son of the richest merchant in this area of Turkey. His father practically owns half of Mersin.

“ and you believed him?” I asked in disbelief.

“ He didn’t look like he was making it up. Your brother was there too, and he didn’t deny it. He looked rather pleased.”

“No.” I replied “ I will let no such thing happen.” I sat straight. “ I will convince Ahmet. He wouldn’t do this to me, knowing that I love you. We will have his blessing and get married.” I gave him one of my brightest smiles. “Next summer?”

He grinned again, pulling me closer.

Little did I know, my brother’s greed was far greater than his love for me.

OUCH! My head hurt. I touched my temple, only to find my fingers wet with blood.

It was not even dawn yet, so I reached for a piece of cloth in the drawer separating my bed and Nazli’s and wrapped it around my head.

 I tried going back to sleep, but I kept tossing and turning until I decided to get up after the first ray of sunlight. Nazli was already awake as Ayeesha expected, preparing some coffee in the kitchen. Half an hour later, Ayda and Ayeesha followed.

I started getting dressed, I heard the siren of a police car.

It stared approaching, little by little. It stopped outside of our building. Are they coming for me?

June 18, 2021 00:17

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Abigail Smer
13:01 Jun 24, 2021

I love the suspense and altogether storyline! You did an amazing job! Although my only suggestion is that there are a few grammar and spelling edits everything is outstandingly well written!


Reem Ben Salah
19:48 Jun 24, 2021

OMG thank you 🥺😍. English is not my native language, so umm, yeah, mistakes happen 😅


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