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Fiction Friendship

You did it Allison. I always knew you could. I saw it in you from the first moment you stepped into my classroom. I knew one day you would become someone great and I was right Allison Ryan, the very first woman president in the history of this country.

On the very first day of school all those years ago I saw the potential in Allison to become someone great and as a teacher I had to help Allison reach her full potential.

Greatness was inside Allison. She was smart with words and numbers. Science and history brought out the best in Allison but it was in social studies where Allison excelled in. As I watched Allison during the first few days of school, I saw something that troubled me.

Allison was very shy. I knew I had to get Allison out of her comfort zone and into the spotlight. So, I continued to watch Allison all throughout September and into October and I finally found my way to get Allison to open up. Dancing was my way to help Allison get over her shyness.

Every Friday we had a free period. So, one Friday I took my class to the gym. I turned the radio on and we danced. I'm a terrible dancer but I had so much fun so did the rest of the class. Allison was in a world of her own. Dancing got the shyness out of Allison.

I watched the kids laugh all throughout the free period and it made my heart swell. Right there I knew Allison was going to get out of this stage in her life and on to the next. She is going to soar to new heights. I told myself.

My next step was to talk to Allison and get her to open up to me. I had my chance that same Friday. The last bell rang, the kids packed their backpacks and left. Allison was the last to leave. I walked up to Allison and I saw her with sad eyes I never seen before. I felt so bad for this little girl who has so much to give to the world.

My exact words to Allison and I still remember to this day. "Allison, I see so much in you. You have the potential to be someone great. You are smart and gifted. Why are you holding back?'

Allison's exact words. "I'm scared Ms. Blake. Dancing takes me into a world where I'm not me. Dancing helps me through life. It makes me feel strong."

Allison is what you call an old soul. I promised Allison that day to always help her, to teach her, to mentor her and to be her friend. I gave Allison extra work to do during free time. She looked at me with a bewildered look on her face. I told Allison the extra work will help her move ahead in class. She smiled and left.

I wanted to know more about Allison and her parents. I looked her up and found out both her parents were successful lawyers, partners in their law firm. This is the reason why Allison is scared. She has a lot to live up too.

Over the weekend I prepared more lessons and projects for Allison. I knew she will love them. For the history project I asked Allison to name the presidents 1-10 and write a one paragraph summary. For the science project I asked Allison to make a solar system and for the math project I asked Allison to make a clock out of paper plates.

I wanted Allison to have fun with these projects. I also wanted Allison to learn and to know that learning can be fun. These projects were just for Allison. On Monday Allison came in early and gave me her work. I was surprised she did the work in two days. I gave Allison the list of projects and told her to have fun with them.

All day I paid attention to Allison. She answered some questions but not enough. I did see enough to tell me Allison is breaking out of her shell. During lunch time I looked over Allison's work and wow she got every answer correct including the hard ones. I was impressed.

Over the next week Allison stayed in the classroom during lunch. She would work on her projects and we would dance. She finished the math project first. The clock made out of paper plates was beautiful and very colorful. The second project she finished was history. I was really impressed she knew her presidents. The science project took a bit longer but when it was finished the solar system looked beautiful. Allison exceeded my expectation. I was proud of her.

I kept on giving Allison more projects to do. We even did some together. We played math bingo, went on scavenger hunts, built a toy rocket and so much more. We continue to dance. I took Allison to the boys and girls club. I volunteer there every Saturday. Allison was shy at first but when the radio turned on something inside of her clicked. Allison began to dance. She danced with the kids and she enjoyed it. I joined in to.

Another time I took Allison to visit a homeless shelter. It was the first time I seen her act different. Allison was compassionate, helpful and caring to the residents. She told me loved going to the shelter. I brought her to the shelter every Sunday. When we went to the shelter Allison taught the residents to dance. She brought out a smile in each person. I kept on saying Allison would someday become someone great.

All throughout the school year Allison kept on getting better and became more outgoing. I was proud of her. She was at the top of my class. When the school year ended, I was sad to see Allison leave my class but I was proud to have seen her grow.

During the summer me and Allison continued to do projects. We kept on going to the boys and girls club and to the homeless shelter. Allison continue to grow before my very eyes. Never has a day gone by when Allison wasn't smiling and having fun.

Elementary school came and went and but the time Allison graduate and went to middle school, she was a different person. Her mind was full of knowledge. Allison thanked me for getting her out of her bubble. She said I made school worth it.

Dancing was our special way to loosen up, to have fun and our escape. We danced all the way through middle school. Me and Allison continued to do our projects and we added a few more like debating which I found out Allison is very good at. We debated al; sorts of topics. She loved it so did I.

Allison was blossoming into an amazing young lady. Her grades were at the top of her class. Allison always showed me her report card and would tell me thank you for always giving her extra work and for showing her helping people is a blessing.

This continued throughout high school when Allison got accepted into the most prestigious school, the school for advanced study. This school was the top rated school in the country.

Allison worked hard every day and with my help she earned top honors throughout her four years. We still continued to do our projects and it helped her so much and volunteering continued to make Allison a better person.

Allison applied to the best colleges. She got accepted to all of them. Harvard was her choice. Allison was voted valedictorian. I was sitting in the front row when Allison gave her speech. She thanked me for her work ethic and for inspiring her to do better and dream big.

I was sad to see Allison leave but I knew I gave her the tools to succeed and I was right. I watched Allison grow into an amazing, brilliant woman. No longer was she the shy girl I met all those years ago. She is now outgoing, smart, beautiful and inspiring. Elementary school all the way to college began a once in a lifetime journey for Allison and I'm glad to have been part of the journey.

I look at this picture of Allison in the fourth grade, then this picture of Allison as the first woman president. The shy girl and the strong willed woman. I was there to see it all and happy to be sitting yet again in the front row to see Allison Ryan inaugurated ad the first woman president.


Ms. Blake, thank you for everything you have done for me. This day would not be possible if you didn't see in me the hidden potential and help me grow and instill in me the confidence I needed to get over my shyness. Dancing helped a lot as well.

All the projects we did together helped me learn and gave me a life long love of learning. There is something else Ms. Blake gave me and that is a real mother I can always count on. Ms. Blake was there for my special moments each and every one of them. I always saw Ms. Blake sitting in the front row smiling and clapping for me, just like she will today.

As a teacher Ms. Blake had a special job to help her students, to be there for them, to listen to her students and she did that for me. Ms. Blake never gave up on me. I called her every day when I needed her help. She gave the best advice and still does.

Today is possible because Ms. Blake and for seeing me as I am. All the days of volunteering help instill in me a love of helping people and I hope to continue my love of helping people as president.

Ms. Blake, I love you like a mother. Thank you for all the years of helping me grow as a student, as a young girl, as a young lady and now as a woman. Teachers are one of kind. A true diamond. I hope I can make you proud.

May 17, 2023 19:56

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1 comment

00:40 May 26, 2023

I love how you capture the importance and impact teachers can have on someone’s life in so few words. There were some instances where you made some past/present tense errors but it didn’t slow the reading. I look forward to reading more from you.


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