
                                                 MISTY- MOMENTS.               

   Erin heard a noise outside it was 7pm at night opening the door of her large detached  bungalow, she saw the grey cat with bright green eyes sitting on the mat inside her front porch. The cat raised its tail, walking past her heading towards the kitchen. Standing by the fridge, Erin was surprised and gave the cat some milk from the fridge. She had always been a dog person.

     Her husband Roger had worked as a dog handler for the police. He would often bring his dog Timber home with him. Then he had got killed during a robbery and Timber had died trying to protect him. Their youngest son Brook had joined the army to become a casualty of war and just another number in the cemetery.

Mary Erin’s daughter lived in Canada and apart from the odd telephone call visits between them were scarce. Jim her eldest lad worked as a farmer and they spent many happy Christmas’s together with Jim’s wife Kath and their twin boys Jake and Jeff.

    Now it seemed that Erin had someone else in her life. The cat become known as Misty because of her colour, and the way she had turned up on the door step.

Misty seemed happy to accept her new home. The vet said that she was about eighteen months old he found that out by looking at her teeth. If Misty liked someone, she would curl her tail around their legs if she did not then her back would rise.

     When Jim’s wife Kath had a new baby, Misty would jump on Erin’s lap to tell them that It was she who belonged there, when they came to visit with the baby. Jim remarked “mother

 you are spoiling that cat. You have let her become the boss.” Erin knew that deep down he was glad that she had Misty for company.

 Misty always watched Erin replace the cat litter in her tray. She would then jump in the tray scattering the litter all over the carpet. When Joe from Pets World called to fit a new cat flap on to

 their front door Misty scratched him on the hand. Once the cat flap was fitted on the back of the door Misty accepted it. Making the birds scatter as she approached the garden.

 Misty never ventured far from Erin’s back garden. The garden was surrounded by trees with a patio where Erin would sit in the Summer with Misty by her side.  Listening to the buzz of the

bees in the azalea bushes. Life was peaceful and tranquil for the two of them. Erin now found it easy to accept her retirement from the Post office, she had Misty for company who enjoyed the odd

helping of cream as a treat.

   The pair had an understanding Misty had her favourite chair in the lounge of the bungalow to watch television most evenings after both would retire to Erin's bed. Erin often wondered how she

had coped without Misty in her life. It was a mystery how Misty had turned up that evening and decided to stay. Erin felt blessed to have her beloved Misty for company.

     That is why it had come as an awful shock and very difficult for her to accept when one day there was a knock on the front door, it was Doris Delaney from the sheltered housing scheme down the


            “What do you won’t? “said Erin.

            “What do I won’t, “that bloody cat of yours. I won’t it stewed and buried.” 

            ” Have, you been on the bottle? 

            ” I do not drink, “said Doris.

 “Someone saw that cat of yours jump in the bins outside my flat”. I found chicken bones on  my door step, with maggots. The whole corridor of the flats had to be disinfected.”

 After Doris had left Erin was very upset and phoned her son Jim for support Misty was always a clean cat. She was sure that Doris was mistaken over Misty. Jim and Kath had gone to visit  Doris with a box of chocolates and flowers to smooth the situation. The weeks passed by and Erin  kept her distance; from Doris When there was another knock on the door and it was, Doris looking

 sheepish, Erin sighed she would stay calm and answer the door to the woman. A busy body who listened to gossip.

 Erin said, “yes, what do you want?”  

“I must apologise, it was not your cat that got into the bins.

It was the cat from the flat above mine.”

Erin was astounded and glad that Doris had admitted that she was wrong about Misty.

The seasons passed by and Misty must have been about six years of age when she refused to eat her food. Misty could not be tempted with salmon specially cooked for her. So, Erin sent for the vet Mr Peters. Misty had Leukaemia. “Let me take her with me, it is better to say goodbye now than later, she will become skin and bone.”  Erin nodded her head and the vet took Misty, away with him. That night Erin looked at the stars and a tear fell down her cheek. Misty would be one of the brightest stars in the sky. Her mind went back to all the happy times they had shared together Misty had

become a dear friend and companion over the years. She thought of Misty with tail held up not lying dead. Misty's enormous green eyes would stay forever in Erin's mind.

 Her son Jim suggested that Erin went to stay with him Kath and their children for a few weeks.  The three young grandchildren kept her busy when she returned home, she wondered what she would

do with her time. She still felt the presence of Misty about the place it was strange maybe Misty had become her guardian angel? She really must not dwell on these thoughts, when the time was right

she would try to meet others for company. She was sure that was what Misty would have wonted.

   A Few months had passed by when Doris had called at her door to sell raffle tickets for the Autumn fair. Erin Still felt angry with Doris and felt like telling her what to do with her raffle tickets.

She bought two tickets putting them on the mantel piece in the sitting room. When Saturday, come she made her way to the Autumn fair, held at the sheltered complex. Doris had introduced her to many new friends who had invited her to coffee and bingo evenings at the complex.

A few months passed, Erin and Doris had become good friends. Now Erin was in the process of selling her bungalow. To buy a flat in the complex near to Doris.

February 14, 2025 20:46

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