
Every morning was accompanied with a fresh glowing sunlight that always looks ready to scorch the smoothness out from my skin,I longed to be at a summer house with Jerry,but the restrictions in movement due to the pandemic,left me with no better choice but to lie lazily in bed waiting for my prince Charming.

Jerry was fond of visiting during the evenings, he had some books to publish and essays to work on,so he prefers to work early hours in the morning till noon before the weather gets crazily hot,he needed concentration and calmness,I thought about calling him ,but I didn't want to be a distraction to his work,he'll come after all,so there's no point.

Jerry and I have been together for the past two years,he's a very good,caring and the most romantic person I've ever known, we had a lot of fun filled activities during winter,he would take me to the sea and we'll do snow racing together, those memories always got me smiling each time I think of them,I sometimes wished it was winter.

Taking a shower was the most interesting thing I could think of right now, recently, I enjoyed spending plenty of time in the bathroom, sometimes I would stay in the shower tomb for almost an hour, getting out was like embracing hotness,Jerry always made me feel better. Sometimes, he would come visiting with some ice cream and chilled drinks,he always comes with something cold to help us feel better.

Tonight, we'll be watching movie together in my small apartment,I let Jerry pick the movies,he has a very good taste in movies and music,that's something that also attracted me to him,he's a very fun filled person, funny and always have the sweet things to say. Sometimes, I feel I'm the lucky one here ,I have the good handsome guy, perfect wish come true.

My work place was closed as a result of the quarantine, so everyone is working from home,one thing I never liked doing was working at home,I like to go out and feel the fun and excitement of meeting people, but the seasons had got a Terrible hold on the company and my fellow colleagues, nobody's got any choice,so we have to stick to the changes and make good use of it,the only benefit we have is that there'll be less of summer heat and sun to catch and I think I liked that too.

As I sat down on my working desk,trying to get some works done,the thought of Jerry sleeping over at my place tonight sent exciting shivers down my spine,I had always wanted him to be around me,I loved the way his lips brushes mine and his soft hands caressing my smooth skin leaving me with no option but to hug and kiss him passionately. I had to snap out of my thoughts as soon as I heard the door bell ring, it's still noon,I wasn't expecting anyone,not even Jerry,I walked towards the door,checked my door view camera, it was a young man,I opened up,he greeted me with a smile and gave me a package. It was from Jerry,I smiled,signed the delivery book and thanked the man.

Oh my God,Jerry got me some summer wears,very light tops and shots to fit. I felt so loved and cared for,I wasn't expecting anything like that from him,he really swept me off my feet,I wanted to see him immediately,so I called his phone lines,I didn't get any response after several trials,so I concluded that he was still busy with work. I tried the clothes on and they were all my perfect size ,I was going to wear one of them later in the evening when Jerry would be around, I went back to finish up my work and prepare something to eat.

It was 6pm already, I was beginning to get really anxious, I changed into one of the summer wears Jerry got for me and sat of the sofa waiting for him,I had baked some fresh biscuits about one hour ago,I had to take a shower again and look attractive for the love of my world. Jerry came at exactly 7pm,he looked so handsome and different like I've never seen him before,his smiles changed, his face glowed like the morning sun.

It seemed to me like jerry is my soulmate,he had told me about how he thought we cold go to a summer house together, I had the same thought earlier on,I thought we couldn't do that because of the quarantine, but Jerry had already made his research, he found one close to his place and it was open for just few hours in the day,he scheduled a time for us to go there tomorrow by noon,I felt so happy I would be spending the hot weather of tomorrow in a cool house with my cute fine Jerry.

We settled down for the movie, I brought the biscuit and jerry unpacked the ice cream on top of the table, I like the way he looked at me,I hope you like the summer wears? He asked staring at me with a broad smile,they look good on you actually, he complimented. I thanked him and told him that I loved them. We spent the rest of the hours watching movies,Jerry had picked a romance movie,I loved it,we both did. After a while, we just couldn't hold on to our desires anymore, the movie has ended,biscuits and ice cream gone. It was 10pm,Jerry made sure that the fans were on throughout the night ,though we still felt hot,but to a minimum range.

He told me I was beautiful, I blushed,he drew close to me and touched my cheeks gently,I saw the lights in his eyes they were craving for my body,he brushed his lips on my cheeks and I just couldn't resist his touch,I wanted his lips to meet mine,so I went for it ,I kissed him,we both kissed and he held on to my breast,huh..the feeling was good, I wanted more,I let him wrap his hands around me,I wanted him to touch every part of me,he carried me and headed straight to the bedroom and there I had a sweet romantic night with him.

The morning came so fast, it's Saturday, so Jerry won't be working neither would I ,he stayed with me all through the morning until we got ready to go for the visit to the summer house. We walked down to the place,it was quite a distance and the sun was harsh but it felt good walking and holding hands together along the street,I love Jerry and he loves me too,summer wasn't going to change that fact. We finally got to the place, it was really cool and I loved it in there.

We had a really nice time together, talking, laughing and at some point the coolness of the house triggered our sexuality,we had great sex in there,it was the most quiet and greatest romance I've ever had,Jerry really got me on,we didn't even realize it was summer season,not until we got out of the house few hours later. It was really a good time spent well together.

August 07, 2020 10:55

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