Sad Christian Creative Nonfiction

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

CW: Swearing

To no one in particular,

I don't know why anyone would like to read this. I mean, a story (or letter in this case) with no clear plot ain't that fun to read. You don't even know me. I'm just a random stranger on the internet. I don't know why I'm writing this. I guess just to vent or something like that, but I don't think anyone really wants to hear me yap about nonsense. [Sigh] Oh, well… if you're still reading, just, please, let me play my tiny violin to you.

Not so many months ago I used to be happy. I used to be full of life, my head filled with dreams and motivations to live life to the fullest. I was always so full of energy and hope. Yeah, those were the good old times, but now those times are gone. They're nothing more than a mere memory of better times, times in which life was a blessing, when waking up the next day was the best thing that could happen to you. But now it's not. Life feels like a painful nightmare you can't wake up from.

I don't know why exactly this started. One moment everything was fine, and the next my world was crumbling. I don't remember any traumatic or sad events happening to trigger this feeling. I mean, my life is what many would call a perfect, happy life. My family isn't poor nor do I live in a broken home, so why do I feel like this? Heck, my family is even supportive with me! Why would I ever feel depressed with such blessings?

“There's people who have it way worse than you and they don't get depressed, you know? So why are you depressed?”

“Count your blessings. God has given you too much for you to feel this way.”

“You gotta pray more. You gotta have stronger faith in God. That's why you're depressed.”

“Be thankful for what you have. How many people in the world wish they had what you have?”

“It's just a phase of your teenage years. Highs and lows are a normal part of life. Just enjoy life and be happy.”

"Depression is selfish. Suicide is selfish. Self-harm is selfish. Why don't you think about anyone but yourself? Don't you care about how others' feelings?"

"You don't seem depressed. You function just normal. Real depressed people don't even get out of bed! Practice gratitude."

"You'll go to hell if you end your life! You'll never be forgiven by God and you'll suffer through eternity!"

“Snap out of this nonsense! You choose how you feel, so don't let the feelings control you.”

Yeah… I've heard all that bullshit before... but maybe it's not bullshit (especially the hell one) and I'm just a nasty piece of useless shit who can't do anything right.

I hate myself for not being able to snap out of this feeling like I've been told before. Why can't I just stop feeling hopeless, weary, sad, numb, guilty, ashamed, and irritable? Why can't I concentrate on "easy" school work? Why does it take me six fucking hours to complete a freaking assignment on reading five pages and taking few notes? I shouldn't be that difficult and yet my stupid and lazy ass brain won't work! Ugh, why is it so hard to go easy on myself like my therapist told me?!

"I'm a toxic person, you know? All I bring to the table is misery and negativity. Why would people want to be my friends? I'll end up hurting them! People are better off without me! I'm too much of a failure and too broken beyond repair!"

"No, you're not. You deserve to live and be here. We'll work together to get you through this," my therapist told me during one of our sessions.

"C'mon. Both you and I know it's true! I'm worthless and I'm just taking up precious space! The world would be a better place if I could trade my life with someone who is dying and desperately wants to live. At least they would make a difference!"

My parents have told me high and lows are part of life and that I should enjoy life and being alive, that I should be thankful I live, but I can't. Because I am really not. I can't fake gratefulness. That's just not possible. I can tell you I love and enjoy being alive, but those words are hollow. I'm starting to give up all hope that life will get better, that things will get better, that I can get better.

I've tried many things to make this pain go away. I've tried ignoring it for as long as I could before it got worse. I go for daily runs (and I swear the next person who tells me that I should exercise more will get punched I the face). I do community service. I've tried being open with others about my struggles and accepted help. I've been journaling and reading my bible for a good chunk of my life even before this started. I've even prayed to God to either take away my life or take away my pain as I cannot bear this pain for much longer… but then again, it hasn't worked either. All of this just led me to resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

The day I came out to my parents about my mental state and self-harm, they were devastated. They cried, and even my brother cried too when I told him about it. They saw my wounds and cried even more.

“You could have cut yourself too deep and… and… you know we wouldn't be complete without you, right? We could never recover if you did something like that!” my mom had said. It made me feel more guilty and ashamed, but I know it was out of concern.

I just wanna go to sleep and never wake up again, but I also don't have the courage to ensure that actually happens. I'm done with living in this pain, but I have to stay. Not for myself, for I really don't care whether I die or not, but for them. For my family. For my friends. For my team. For God. For those who know me and would miss me if I were gone. Life may never have meaning for me anymore and just be a living hell day after day, but at least those around me will be happy. They'll be happy because I'm still around. I may be in pain, but that doesn't give me the right to inflict pain upon others. I'm not a bad person. And even then, I don't have the courage to do it. I'm too much of a coward.

People keep telling me this is just temporary, that the darkness will lift some day and that blessing will flow into my life. I know God can heal my heart and my mind with just one word... but He hasn't, and only He knows why. But still, I believe in Him.

Oh, well, I guess as I do have to stay here, then I'll search for hope. For hope that things can get better, that life can get better, that I will get better. Search for the hope I lost that once belonged to me… despite the pain and suffering.

But please don't pity me for long. I'm just a random stranger on the internet with a Reedsy account and a passion for writing. If you get sad, then I'll feel bad and ashamed that I even wrote this nonsense. I really don't know why I wrote this. Hopefully someone can relate (?) and know they're not alone.

Thanks for reading through all this yapping.


A random stranger on Reedsy

(Author's note: I'm sorry if this story does not have the same quality of writing as my other stories as I'm really having issues concentrating and thinking straight. I was trying to get back into writing after having stopped for almost four months. I hope someone could relate to this and feel less alone.)

August 24, 2024 18:11

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Cedar Barkwood
03:43 Sep 11, 2024

Hello Isabella, I would like to start by saying, even if you don’t know us, there are many people here who would love to hear you play your tiny violin, Your words hit hard, they are true, honest, and I would be lying through my teeth if I said that I didn’t admire your bravery and determination. I’m not a therapist, or medically qualified but I agree with Trudy. Those feelings are real, they hurt like heck, but you’re not alone in them. Everything is hard, you have to be a world class actor because you can’t bear to risk hurting the people ...


Isabella Montoya
23:45 Sep 11, 2024

Thanks, Cedar. I'm crying as I read this. I just wish this pain would just leave me and never return. Thank you for your kind words, understanding, and for believing in me; I really appreciate it


Cedar Barkwood
02:43 Sep 25, 2024

Hello, I know this isn’t super relevant, but I thought you might like to know you helped me today. I was feeling tired, and angry, but most of all alone. I finally came to read this story again, I read it over and over. And when I finished it, I felt a little less angry, a little less alone. Your words helped me, thank you.


Isabella Montoya
11:13 Sep 25, 2024

Cedar, I'm very sorry you're feeling alone and angry. It feels horrible to be feeling that way. I'm glad my words helped you, even if it was just a little bit. If you need someone to talk to, just know I'm here for you. I hope you can start feeling better soon


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Charis Keith
18:18 Nov 27, 2024

Warning: this is going to be long, and maybe emotional, and most likely sappy - but I mean it all the same. Oh Isabella, I hope you are doing better now. I also was in a similar state recently (right around the time I joined Reedsy, actually) and I can relate to this. During that time, I was convinced that nobody knew me, not really, that nobody cared, and that nobody would notice if I were just to jump off the bridge near our house. Gosh, I'm getting teary. I admire you for sharing this, because it is all of the things that I never could...


Isabella Montoya
20:03 Nov 27, 2024

You made me cry, Charis 🥺😭. Thank you for your very kind, meaningful words. I truly appreciate them. I'm sorry you have felt this way too. I'm not doing that well, but I'm hanging in there, even if it's by a thread. I hope you're doing better now and are getting the support you need. I'm glad God was able to give you the peace you needed. I'm glad you found and liked Reedsy. I'm also very glad I got to meet you, Charis. I like it when you comment on my stories and always look forward to reading your comments and suggestions. It's people like...


Charis Keith
20:08 Nov 27, 2024

Aw, I didn't mean to make you cry! I honestly don't know what to say, other than thank you sooo much. Same here. I could say so much more but my brain can't come up with any more words, so I will end with thank you and keep hanging in there, and I am honored. <3 <3 <3 <3


Isabella Montoya
20:17 Nov 27, 2024

No, it's okay. Making myself cry is very hard when feeling a constant numbness, and I just really needed to cry. Thanks once again for your words <3


Charis Keith
20:22 Nov 27, 2024

Glad I could help.


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Charis Keith
20:12 Nov 27, 2024

*air hug*


Isabella Montoya
20:18 Nov 27, 2024



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Max Wightwick
15:41 Sep 16, 2024

Hi Isabella, When you began to quote people's words of "inspiration" or "motivation" - or, to count your own term, "bullshit" - I could not help but sympathise and agree. Having certain depressive issues myself, I found this incredibly truthful, relatable, and unfiltered. You apologise at the end, for this work not having the same quality as your others, but it struck me as too honest and powerful to be doubted in such a way. This was from the heart, and that is what counts. The bravery is in sharing and writing it.


Isabella Montoya
01:03 Sep 17, 2024

Hey, Max. Thanks for the feedback and liking the story. I'm glad it came accross as very real and honest. I'm sorry you also have to go through this hell; it's not an easy battle like some would think


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Trudy Jas
18:08 Aug 29, 2024

Isabella, your feelings are totally real. They don't feel good, they hurt, yet the rest of you is numb. Laughing is too much work; concentrating is beyond reasonable. Your mind and soul are absent. It sounds like you are doing, struggling to do, whatever you feel you need to do to stay in the here and now. I admire you for effort it takes to do that. And yes, you don't feel you are worthy of that effort, and for now, you are doing it for others. Someday, hopefully soon, some of the effort will be for you too. Keep writing, give me a head's...


Isabella Montoya
00:42 Aug 30, 2024

Hey, Trudy. Thanks for your kind words and understanding. I wish the pain and numbness would just leave me so I can truly enjoy life to the fullest. I want to be there present in the moment, but I just can't. I hope someday that day comes when I'm finally free. Thanks for reading my story, I'll surely let you know when I write another one. I'll also read and comment on your stories.


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Mary Bendickson
18:53 Aug 26, 2024

Be good to yourself. Find a focus on someone else to make them feel better. Maybe it would help you feel better, too.


Isabella Montoya
19:59 Aug 26, 2024

Thanks for the advise, Mary. I will definitely try that to hopefully feel better.


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Alexis Araneta
13:39 Aug 25, 2024

I'm very sorry you have to go through this. If only I could go through the screen and hug you. Please know all of us are here for you.


Isabella Montoya
15:29 Aug 25, 2024

Thanks, Alexis. I really appreciate the kind words. Sometimes a hug is all I need to be able to bear the pain


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