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Who dares come into my kingdom? This vast land of beauty is my kingdom. No one comes to my kingdom unless I say so. I pace back and forth eyes unbending to these intruders who dare come into my kingdom.

I roar with all my might. They look at me like I'm nothing. I am the master of this kingdom. They are not afraid. I show them my sharp teeth. They look away from me.

Trespassers into my kingdom will be put down. Trespassers will learn their lesson do not come where you are not welcome. Trespassers will know who rules this might kingdom.

There are eyes are menacing. My eyes are blood thirsty. They want what's on my land. They will not get it. I will tear them to pieces if they dare take what's on my land. I will stand on guard ready to pounce if they take a piece of my kingdom.

My subjects are part of my kingdom. They obey or suffer. My subjects are hiding from the trespassers. They are afraid of them. I will protect all in my kingdom. My kingdom will reign with my fury.

What do these trespassers want? They come into my kingdom with weapons. How dare they bring weapons into my kingdom. These trespassers will not harm or kill anyone in my kingdom. Their blood will reign down first. I will make sure of it.

My teeth and claws are the only weapons in my kingdom. I will use them without mercy on the trespassers. I will gather my lionesses from every corner of my kingdom and bring them down upon the trespassers.

I will shred them to pieces inch by inch. None of them will be left. Their weapons will not matter. I will surprise them when they least expected it. I laugh at their stupidity.

Tomorrow I will gather my lionesses and prepare them and myself for the coming battle against the trespassers. Trespassers be warned I'm coming for you. Nothing will stop me. I am your worst nightmare. The day of your reckoning is fast approaching, Until we meet.

My beautiful brave lionesses have arrived. They are eager to pounce on the trespassers. My lionesses are blood thirsty. They want to sink their teeth and claws into the trespassers. They make me happy. I roar with pleasure. I roar with the satisfaction my lionesses want blood.

My lioness who came from the east, a beautiful land filled with many riches has informed me more trespassers have come. These trespassers are testing my patients. Who are these two legged fiends who dare come into my kingdom? I will not rest until I sink my teeth into the trespassers. Their flesh looks good to eat. My lionesses roar with approval.

Fly my ravens, fly high into the sky. Fly to the trespassers. Spy on them for me. Find their weakness. Find there soft spot. Don't come back until the job is done. My ravens, my special ravens will see to it that these trespassers know who they are dealing with.

Fear is what you find in other species but not mine. Fear is how I rule my kingdom. My subjects know to fear me. Their fear in me has protected them. I will put fear into the hearts of the trespassers. They will know the fear I possess. Their legs will tremble unable to move once they see me. I roar with delight.

I see you my lionesses. I know you are ready. I know you want their flesh. I know you taste blood. I know you want vengeance against the trespassers for encroaching on our land, my kingdom. My lionesses wait for my ravens to come back and tell us who these trespassers are. My lionesses roar with their answer.

The moon is high in the sky. The stars are lighting up the sky, my ravens have come back. They land on the tree, on my mighty oak. My ravens tell me the trespassers, the intruders, the fiends who dare come into my kingdom are called humans. Humans, What a stupid name. My ravens tell me these humans are looking for my subjects, called elephants.

Elephants, they want my elephants. They want to pillage my kingdom to kill my elephants. I roar with pure rage. My lionesses roar with rage. Tonight, we stalk the humans while they sleep. We will come. We will sneak into their camp. We will watch them sleep. We will take notice of who these humans are. When they wake up they will know the king and his lionesses are watching them.

My lionesses gather around ready yourself for tonight when the humans are asleep. We go into their camp. My lionesses are fearless. My lionesses are cunning. They will make me proud.

The humans are still awake. We wait in the bushes stalking them, watching their every move. My lionesses surround these humans. They do not know what's coming. Humans you don't belong in my kingdom. Your blood will shed. The blood of my elephants will not shed. They will live to see your downfall. Humans beware your master is here.

Yes, human look around I'm watching you. Hear the crunching of the ground, my lionesses are ready to devour you. Don't get too comfortable your time is almost up.

Late in the night, the camp is quiet, I signal for my lionesses to enter the camp, do not attack. I watch as my lionesses stalk the camp. One by one they quietly walk up to the humans and smell them. I see my lionesses salivating with pleasure. Now it's my turn.

I stalk the camp. I smell the humans. Oh, how good they smell, there taste must be oh so good. I look around the camp and signal to my lionesses to destroy their weapons, destroy their food. Destroy everything. Leave only your claw prints so they will know who was in there camp.

The destruction of their camp is finished. Foolish humans still asleep. Tomorrow you will know who's watching you. You can't escape. You won't escape. I signal for my lionesses to go back to the bushes. I wait watching my lionesses leave. I wait watching the humans. At dawn when the sun rises, when you rise, I will come.

Dawn has arrived, the humans are rising. I'm still here watching. My lionesses are still here watching. Yes, humans look down. Look at what you are going to make me do and there is nothing you can do. The pleasure will be mine humans.

I smell the fear on the humans. I see the fear on their faces. I love their fear. I love the smell of their fear. Soon their fears will be realized. Humans you are so pathetic you don't see what's right in front of you. Looking for weapons thinking that will help you.

Nothing humans will help you. No weapons, no amount of anything will help you. Running will not stop me from catching you. I am quicker than you. I signal for my lionesses to prepare to attack.

Ready my lionesses. On my signal we attack. I roar my lionesses run. The humans jump looking around. They spot my lionesses. They attempt to run. No luck. My lionesses are tearing these fiends to pieces. Their screams are music to may ears. Oh, how beautiful it is. The smell of blood fills me. So much blood. So many body parts. My lionesses how you make me proud. Save some for me.

I walk into the camp, a king protecting his kingdom. The last human is at my feet. His eyes looking at me in fear. I love his smell. He runs. I'm much quicker. I pounce on him. I tear into his flesh. He screams in agony. I'm loving this. I tear him to pieces inch by inch until nothing is left. My lionesses continue to shred these humans until nothing but bone is left.

A tasty meal. I want more. I want more of their blood. I want more of their fear. I want more humans. My lionesses are finished, now we go east. My lionesses roar. I roar with their blood in my mouth.

We move to the east. We move as one ready to teach the next humans a bloody lesson. I will rid my kingdom of these humans. Never will they come back.

We are in my eastern kingdom. Their camp is within my reach. My lionesses move quietly in front of me. These humans won't have the benefit of seeing our handiwork. That's okay, we will surprise them with everything we have. One thing is for sure these humans don't have any protection. Ready lionesses attack.

Yes, my lionesses grab them, bite them, claw at them. Tear them to pieces. Soak the earth with their blood. You think you can run human. I see you. You don't see me. I stalk the human. How easy it is for me to get to you? You see me at last but it's too late. I pounce on you. My claws digging into your flesh. My teeth sinking into your flesh. Your screams mean nothing to me.

Finally, your screams have stopped. Your are nothing but meat. I rip into your flesh until I see bones. Mmmmmmmmm, so tasty. I roar until all I hear are my lionesses.

I walk through the human camp. The humans are gone. Their blood litters my ground. Today will be a day to remember. A day when the humans got what they deserved. A day when they found out they were at the bottom of the food chain. A day when the humans realized they are not welcomed into my kingdom. My kingdom is mine. My kingdom is safe from the trespassers.

I protected my kingdom from harm. I am the king. Nobody messes with me or they will get what these humans got, nothing but fear, nothing but blood.

I stand guard watching over my kingdom. I stand guard watching my beautiful brave lionesses. I stand guard watching my subjects. No one and nothing will step into my kingdom. I stand ready to soak the earth with their blood. I am the king, the ruler of this might kingdom. I AM JABARI.

March 02, 2023 22:34

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1 comment

Keith Maynard Jr
10:39 Mar 10, 2023

I had to do a double-take on this piece. It felt a bit jarring to me at first but after rereading it I understand what threw me off. This piece as a whole is like one big poem with the way Jabari speaks. Since it isn't written as a poem it feels weird somewhat how he speaks and that is what gives the jarring sensation I felt. Great piece.


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