Paradise Lost

Submitted into Contest #248 in response to: Write a story titled 'Paradise Lost'.... view prompt

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The weight of the world can be a crushing burden, and it’s not just the daily grind that pulls me under. It’s the effort of trying to exist in a place, where with every move, every choice, every breath I take, I give away another piece of myself. The blank spaces become a canvas for everyone else to paint their versions of who I am, leaving no room for my own perspective.

Before I even realize what’s happening, I am not me anymore. I stare back at a familiar face in the mirror, my voice echoes as expected. Yet, a chilling disconnect lurks beneath the surface. The thoughts swirling within are alien, a jarring counterpoint to the person I once knew. They may be mine, these unwelcome guests in my mind, but are they truly me?

The same mind that once processed life with vibrant hues now struggles to find meaning. The familiar world feels strange, a reflection distorted by the fog of my thoughts. A hollow echo replaces the dreams I once held dear, like borrowed clothes that no longer fit. The future I meticulously planned crumbles, leaving behind a landscape of uncertainty. Even a smile feels like a forgotten language.

Each day becomes a weary slog. I force myself down a path supposedly laid out before me, but my eyes see nothing but a blur. Doubt hangs heavy, a constant whisper against the voices insisting this is the way. I cling to a sliver of trust, hoping they’re right, even as a cold dread seeps in.

Their laughter cuts like a whip whenever I veer off course. Shame floods me, and I silently concede their superior wisdom. They point the way toward a seemingly insurmountable dune, a mountain of sand that mocks my every effort. Each laborious step forward leads to a crushing slide back, the shifting grains offering no purchase.

Frustration mounts as others, with their effortless strides, leave me in the dust. I become a useless spectacle, discarded by the very people I yearn to impress. This path they’ve laid out feels like a cruel joke, and the weight of their expectations threatens to bury me alive.

Crawling back to my cramped cell, the sting of sand on my raw knees a constant reminder of failure. Giving up? Not if I can help it. But the charade is wearing thin. They don’t need to see my crumbled form slumped against the cold, earthen floor to know. My gaze fixates on the drab, clay ceiling, a silent scream echoing in my head: Why this relentless push towards a path that leads nowhere?

A relentless vortex churns behind my eyelids, a maelstrom of questions that gnaw at the edges of my sanity. Why? Why this relentless pursuit of a path that seems designed to trip me up? Does it even matter to them, these unseen puppeteers? The question morphs, sharpens: Does it even matter to me? Each attempt to navigate this impossible course feels like another futile stroke against a rising tide. The very foundation of my purpose crumbles, leaving me adrift in a sea of existential doubt.

Frustration spurs me into a restless march across my tiny cell. A glint catches my eye - a window I swear I never noticed before. Squinting through the narrow opening, I witness a scene that steals my breath. Others traverse their paths, some eerily similar to mine - treacherous, seemingly endless. But then…others. Their journeys unfold on vibrant landscapes, emerald fields bursting with flowers in a kaleidoscope of colors. No mountains of sand here, just gentle strolls bathed in effortless ease. A radiant joy emanates from them, as if they carry a personal sun within. Disbelief washes over me. Is this…real?

The world around me shimmers, distorting into a confusing mirage. How could I have been so blind? Was everything I thought real just an elaborate illusion? Or was it the other way around? A cold dread settles in. Did everyone else know? Why was this kept from me? A suffocating silence hangs heavy, a conspiracy shrouded in unspoken truths. Why are their paths bathed in emerald ease, while I’m condemned to this endless struggle against a mountain of sand?

The world fractures around me. Chaos erupts, the cacophony of questions raining down like a hailstorm. The ground churns beneath my feet, a tremor shaking loose the very foundations of my reality. Walls buckle, morphing into ceilings, while ceilings twist and contort into doorways. Reality itself seems to warp and bend, stretching impossibly until it snaps. Then, blessed darkness. A crushing oblivion swallows me whole, the weight of the unknown both terrifying and strangely freeing.

My eyes open, but all that greets me is an inky void. The world I knew, the tormenting path, all vanished like a dream upon waking. A single point of light flickers above, a faint, celestial echo hinting at something beyond this absolute darkness. In the absence of anything familiar, I surrender. The burdens I once clung to loosen their grip, and a wave of relief washes over me. The future remains veiled, an unwritten chapter, but the fear that once gnawed at me is replaced by a quietude I never dared to dream of. Here, in the embrace of the unknown, I finally find the space to simply be.

Silence reigns, a stark contrast to the cacophony of the past. My mind drifts, sifting through the debris of what once was. Gone, and good riddance: the soul-crushing job, the suffocating expectations, the heartbreaks that left me shattered. A bittersweet pang hits me as I recall the slivers of solace that carried me through those grueling days. The anthems that sound tracked my commutes, their melodies a defiant roar against the monotony. My dog-eared collection of books, testaments to countless escapes into fantastical worlds, offering refuge from the relentless grind. And the threadbare blanket, a tattered symbol of the world’s one small comfort. These, the treasures I hold close, reminders of the tenacity that guided me through the darkness.

The memory washes over me, a wave of warmth and comfort. The texture of the familiar blanket seems etched in my mind, so vivid I could almost swear I felt it against my skin. And then, there it is – the soft fabric draped gently across my lap. How? The question fades before it fully forms.

A faint melody fills the air, a rhythm growing like a flower reaching for the sun. It blossoms into my favorite song, a tune that used to blare from the car radio on long drives. No source, no explanation, just the music weaving through the space around me.

Mystified but strangely at peace, I surrender to the moment, enveloped in the warmth of memory and the inexplicable melody. Contentment settles in, a stark contrast to the turmoil I once knew. A question arises, a whisper in the quiet: “If I could choose, what would my path look like?”

The very act of imagining ignites a tiny spark in the distance, a flicker of pure intention in the void. As I envision every step of this perfect path, the spark grows, fueled by the dreams taking shape in my mind. Piece by piece, the darkness recedes, replaced by a luminescence, unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. I blink, and there it is, materialized before me - the very path I dared to dream of, a tangible manifestation of my desires.

My gaze sweeps across the landscape, feasting on a riot of color. Sage-green grass, impossibly plush, tickles my bare feet with each tentative step. The air, warm and fragrant, carries the sweet melody of birdsong on the breeze. Towering trees flank the path, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle wind. It’s a symphony for the senses, a world painted in hues richer than any dream.

This isn’t just a vision; this is reality, every detail as tangible as the welling joy in my chest. This path, once a figment of my deepest desires, now cradles me in its embrace. Here, joy isn’t just a feeling; it’s the very air I breathe. And a single, exhilarating truth dawns: all that separates me from this life is the simple act of taking a step forward.

April 30, 2024 20:23

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1 comment

Yu F
05:49 May 15, 2024

"All that separates me from this life is the simple act of taking a step forward." I can relate. Take care.


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