
10th of April 1988.

A very hot day with sunny glints on the lake' surface. Isaac was still thinking of his classmate, Jean S. . The unique image of her smiling face made him happy. He would even say : the happiest man in the whole world.

He was attacted by her.

Her behavior, her manners, her voice and her beauty.

Jean had a profound culture. She impressed by her morality and feminity.

Once during the literature class he recalled her discussion about the Russian literature: she knew all the European writers and their novels.

He was not accustomed with this kind of literature. Jean took the time to explain the essential points of the Slav literature: the civilisation context, the influences even the religion.

He recalled once a discussion about the power of feelings and the reason in the Dostoiewsky's novels. He was amazed. Not only the knowledge of the plot but also the exact characteristics of the different characters impressed him.

Her capacity to analyse the literature was so spontaneous and so sensible. he was really impressed.

In comparison with himself, what a difference : he knew a little about the American literature and about the animals. When Jean had talked once about Tolstoi , he wanted her to know that Tolstoi was a very good model for the world: how could a count like Tolstoi be so altruistic and to have so modern ideas?

As a matter of fact, Jean was so unique: besides she mastered a lot of foreign languages.

Isaac went on and kept walking with a slow step. The way back home seemed to be boring and different at once. The wind was blowing and the oak trees spread a strange freshness.

The air was a little humid, the birds were singing despite the heat.

He tried to smile, as if he would have smiled back at Jean : "it would have been great if I had have Jean with me" - the thought seemed immediately impossible to him.

What should he do to impress her?

Maybe to speak about some projects as the eco friendly agriculture and farming.

He became disapointed: how could she possibly enjoy this topic?

Literature and agriculture were so different as if he thought of two antagonistic worlds.


Suddenly he stumbled. An old roll of film laid in his way, in de middle of the alley. The roll was rusty and in a bad state. Maybe I should let it here, right away, he thought.

Maybe not...

An undescriptible feeling came across his mind.

Isaac was a very protective and altruistic human being.

He became frightened of the idea that someone else could possibly fall over it and get injured. Maybe someone had lost it. He finally caught the roll with an hesitating gesture and noticed this was an old Kodak type CX120 colored. It was the first time he had such a film in his hands.

Fortunately his oncle had an ancient film processor machine -so maybe he could find out to whom belonged the roll and obviously the content. His oncle's house was not so far, he could reach it by walking.

His legs were running as if they had run without himself.

He has thought once again if his behavior was appropriate or not, but, anyway, he took the roll and was sure that he could not give up to the object. Therefore, it was the most reasonable way to act.

Immediately Isaac had the strange impression of various noises approching.

What was that?

"Maybe they are searching the roll" said Isaac to himself.

He hurried up and began to run as fastest as he could. He even forgot to watch the time, but finally it did not have importance at all.

Isaac took the roll film to his oncle.

After a soundful knocking at the door, his aunt opened and Isaac rushed inside.

The aunt's words about a piece of cheesecake were ignored. The old oncle realized that there was something important happening with his nephew, so he moved on to the point.

As a picture connoissoir and a photographer, he knew that the film represented a new challenge: so a new discovery! Isaac laughed and was hopping to make a great discovery.

Nonetheless, once in the laboratory, they were disappointed by the bad state of the film.

All pictures were full of daze -unclear and almost opaque. As the film was branded coloured, they tried desperately to clear the film using TETENAL COLORTEC C41 formula – Isaac's oncle brilliant idea.

Afterwards they had to wait and wait despite of Isaac's anxiety and fear.

After a first tentative, no obvious result was to be seen. Actually the images became coloured but the characters were still invisible.

His oncle concluded that the roll has remained to much time outside and the raid has damaged the content.

There might be a solution, said Isaac desperately as if his curiosity has reached the paroxism.

After a sudden gazing at the laboratory, his oncle recalled an ancient book about developing old coloured Kodak films.

They had to double the dose of TENETAL COLORTEC C41 and to dry at the right temperature, which should be warmer than 20 degrees Celsius.

They followed the given instructions and Isaac seemed to be satisfied.

During the night the shapes of the characters became clear, but only on some pictures.

By watching the film Isaac let out a sigh.

He had recognized Jean thanks to her unique smile.

In one of the pictures she kept a baby in her arms. Was jean already a mother? Nobody knew.

The second represented a room: mostly spacious and bright.

The third picture showed a man : Jean was behind that man and Isaac could notice her forehead. This man looked upset.

Isaac had this bizare feeling that he was facing a mistery. Does Jean have a skeleton in her closet? Nobody knew about the baby? And the man? So upset, so different from her?

He looked at the pictures and get the impression thet Jean looked back at him with her charming and unique smile.

May 06, 2022 18:34

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Scott Dutkus
17:48 May 13, 2022

Maria. Good afternoon. We were linked up via Critique Circle. I read through your story. I liked the way your story progressed. The unique link between a man who is less refined and cultured (wanting to discuss agriculture) and a woman steeped in the finer cultures of writing, languages, and thought is a nice touch. The mystery you build through the story is also a nice touch. I am guessing English is not your first language, and if I read French I would love to read this in French (I think that is your native language.) I noticed a ...


Maria Mesu Baciu
18:16 May 13, 2022

Hello, Thank you very much indeed for your comment and piece of advice. No, I am afraid you are wrong, French is not my native language, but I live in France, as a matter of fact. Besides my story is not a translation even though there are some sentences which may sound like in French language. No - for the plot- the action is supposed to happen in the USA. You are right , there are not so many clues which could indicate the exact location of the plot... Thank you !


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