Drama Fiction Teens & Young Adult

This was supposed to be the happiest days of their lives, Janus decided to take Sachi to her most favorite place in the world and to finally make their relationship official after being together for a long time. The day after that Janus is preparing for a lot of stuff and planning about what they should do after, he hasn’t mention anything to Sachi that day he wanted to make it a surprise and make her the most happiest girl in the world. He called most of his best buddies to help him ran an errand while he’s busy decorating on his own for his surprise. He can’t help but to smile as this is the most awaited moment of his life and it is finally happening.

Sachi on the other hand is hanging out with her friends doing their usual routine which is painting stuff together. She has absolutely no idea about what is happening tomorrow so does her friends, she always wanted to make their relationship official but because of their stupid rule which is “break the record of your ex” they just made it more complicated to become officially together. I know a lot of you are confused but basically this is just their made up rule when they were still on the stage of uncertainty. Sachi and her ex have been together for about a year so Janus wanted to break the year of being together before getting into an actual relationship. She agreed at first without any hesitations as she was also not quite sure about Janus at that time but as days passed by her feelings deepened and begin to thought about the rule being absurd. She began to question herself about why would he still go on by that rule when she had already made it clear that she loves him and doesn’t care much about the rule anymore. It was rough for her, everyday seems getting harder she clearly doesn’t know what she really meant for him even though Janus always reassured her that they’ll make it by that time if they both wait patiently. She had no choice but to accept as she can’t demand anything to Janus and silently waits for him to change his mind everyday.

They both waited as if the whole world is against them. When in fact nothing is stopping them, nothing. Only that damn rule is what kept them waiting. Sachi realized a lot of things ahead of them she wanted to own him and him alone. She's always been afraid of what might happen for a long run if this damn rule continues. There have been girls who were trying to get Janus' attention and he seemed quite to enjoy teasing off Sachi while she can't even do anything about it but to get pissed on her own since there is nothing between them but an unlabeled relationship that is full of empty promises. It was unsettling for her she always had this thought maybe she wasn’t good enough for him and thinks that Janus is not ready to commit because she wasn’t the one he really wanted and still not sure about her.

She kept on waiting for him everyday. He was never the most caring guy and whenever she talks to him about her struggles he just kept on sending sad faces pretending to understand everything she says. Her guy bestfriend was the only one who can relate to her they become best of bestfriends, don't get the wrong idea there where never feelings involved over them not a single thought about being together crossed her mind.

They’ve only been seeing once in a while since they’re quite busy with their lives Janus already had a work as a CEO of a well known company and Sachi is a graduating student. They have a list of things that they wanted to do together when the time come, they even already planned their future together. It is quite promising actually when In fact they’ve never seen each other for a long time and only expresses their love virtually. They only live far kilometers apart but still can’t manage to spare their time together because their schedule was quite hectic. Everyday is a challenge for them they both tries to understand each other just to make their long distance relationship work despite of their limited time for each other. But the rule made it seem harder as there is no guarantee until when they will both keep their words and turn it into reality.

Today is the day where it finally gonna happen. Janus hasn’t informed Sachi about anything today he wanted to do it later when the sun goes down and enjoy the sunset with her just like she always wanted. He prepared everything perfectly he wanted to make up for his loss since there are a lot of times where he couldn’t keep up his word for Sachi and thinks this is the right time to eventually make up everything with her.

It was already 4pm when he texted Sachi, 20 minutes have passed but surprisingly there where no response from her. It didn’t seem odd since she usually replies back a little late but he became anxious that she might miss their plan today so he rang her up as much as he could but still couldn’t reach her. It was already 5pm he placed down the bouquet he was holding and decided to go to Sachi by himself. The place was quite massive and spacious there were only few people visited during that day so it was not hard to spot anyone even for a long distance. He walked around looking for any signs of Sachi but there were none. He was about to give up and try again tomorrow when he saw a familiar figure sitting down and facing the sunset alone he was about to approach her by then it was too late, his smile suddenly fades as he saw her with another guy kissing her on the same spot where he planned to bring her. His whole world falls apart as if all of those moments and plans together where nothing but turns into a tragic end.

November 19, 2020 16:12

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