The problem

Submitted into Contest #248 in response to: Write a story titled 'Desperate Remedies'.... view prompt


Black Christian

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

But the problem lay no so much in the problem itself,he felt about his depression,it was that he was therefore depressing towards himself and all those around him.Sulking and raving about every corner of the rooms,sucking the life out of every happy moment ,projecting an aura of negative energy in a kind of feng -shui as as he continues to sulk and rave in the corners of his rooms.His friends tried to include as best they could,but this made him more depressed ,because they were the ones making the effort to drag this morbid behaviour sour less much of his own little world,when it was him who should have been making the effort.Why should they have to put up with the effort to having to put up with him.,eventually they would give up the ghost,that they no longer felt him burden them,he would arrive home to contemplate the way no longer felt left out,out of touch,disconnected,and misunderstood .Humour used to be a good mechanism ,defensive,but as soon as he had become aware it of being defensive mechanism he no longer felt comfortable using it. Better to face the facts that use a deflective irony .but with nothing to defect.,and acute awareness that an honesty about troubles would only be a burden upon the clearly and content people around him,he could only remain gravely silent and furrowed brow christening his chastity . And so he would remain. as he opened his door a last time to head for a walk,did not care for help with each passing friend ,he wanted to go and find a hobby to occupy him,he headed to a library and started to read a book and slowly and slowly he manages to self absorb himself in the book ,it was a crime murder story ,when finished the book he went out to the local mini street library and hoadsca thousands of crime books ,and shut himself in his home for days and no site or sound of from this eccentric depressed man and what did he having all crime murder story books all over his home,well days went by and all of a sudden loud shooting at midnight and people were running ,and screaming,and in full view of the early day hour police noticed four people hanging on a several lined lamp post s and the police shocked at who did this gruesome murder. .no one knew s the depressed mAn hid a good cover up,saying he had been reading in his home all night and would catch up on sleep through day light hours,.and weeks passed and more shooting at midnight as day early hours more bodies found hanging on lamp posts and them police warning every one in the town to be careful and on alert if happen to be out after midnight ,but each mid night the streets all quiet,no one outside all night and have heard no shooting at all .weeks and months went by as the depressed man no where in town found by his so called friends and his home left empty.people all wonder if he had moved out of town and what else or what the shooting came about of the killer hanging the bodies on lamp posts ,and all of a sudden friend of friend of the clinically depressed man had wrote his own crime novel and lived to his new name as a crime writer for many more books he.d written ,but still clearly not socialable with new people around and continued to seclude himself his new mansion home ..well this man now old and planned to die in his new mansion home ,no not suicide by just old age and with reading his novels of crime he.d written as a sort of his it may be,,and what of the horrific crime of unsolved murderdpeople hanging on lamp posts and no suspects around ,and sio be it may be another horrifying crime of murder by shooting to be left unsolved,..well such is life who ever committed this shoot out and hung the dead bodies alll on street ;amp posts,and slowly the old depressed man now died om his own in his mansion and people around that town had all fled else where to live for for of more shooting at midnight and afraid of being hung dead on the street lamp posts .so now the whole town actually turned into a real ghost town for many many years,.and who knows when the town would re build into a much new town for a decent life of the new people to come to live there.maybe in the future and sudden a rows of take out shops and cafes had been newly built around the old town now a new town of the future and newly residents .all with the same problem as the first clinically depressed man who turned author based and died a recluse in his mansion home ,now the newly residents and the coffee shops with more high just coffee crowd and the shooting never stopped of the newly town re built and newly residents with same issues but no police could stop this newly generation of the 21st century future years, and so be it there ,and crime related there as the same as long years ago and more normal people having to flee the evil of the same old newly built town.such is there lives and more of a burdening to carry off there shoulders. the end , may this story conclude onto a better chapter of another new life.and of course no other murder crime left unsolved as no managed a good cover ups like the famous depressed author turned novelist which was his way of covering up the hanging of bodies on those street lamp post and no new gangs had thought of this part of shooting and the hung of bodies on the street lamp posts,so old loner and recluse depressed man wemt to die in pewace in his mansion home with his crime doing left forever unsolved,. well the ending had come.

April 28, 2024 04:40

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Rebecca Maric
05:20 May 09, 2024

To the author who mentioned the ending is confusing well he actually became author for his crime books but being so emotional disturbances he went on to being a murder in under and just felt hanging the bodies on street lamps as a joke But thanks for the reply and update of this story.great appreciated to help me and I'm just kind of in a learning experience so maybe sooner I'll get more well on my new stories.havea good day and I like reading other stories of the other people's a d hope I can learn from them by reading a lot more stories b...


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Kim Olson
23:58 May 08, 2024

I found this story and its ending confusing. Was the depressed man an author and a murderer? I was getting lost in the wordy text and run on sentences. I guess I would advise you to write more simply and clearly to get your point across. Sometimes less is more.


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