No matter how much she fussed with her blonde locks, Lady Charity Farnsworth cast a blue-deviled countenance before her boudoir mirror so could not achieve a desirable outcome. She finally relinquished the brush, tossing it to the make-up strewn vanity as she thought to herself:
Whatever am I to do? My father has forbidden me to ever entertain my beau, Sir Riley, in any genteel Ton company henceforth. He doesn't understand the depths of our love for one another. What is the point of attending yet another tea or ball in pretense of making a match when in my heart of hearts the perfect match already exists. There is none other I would ever want to be yoked to. Why can't Father forgive our innocent indiscretions in the garden and offer Sir Fenwick another opportunity to win his graces. So what if he saw us kissing!
Giving up, she flung her arms out wide then buried her face in her hands as she sobbed.
Presently, a cautious knock sounded at the door. “Oh, Charity, Dear.” Came the voice of her father. “Let me in to see how you look. You'll be meeting some exciting eligible bachelors tonight. You must be ready. It is time to be going.”
“Oh! One moment, please. Be right there.” She slipped a silky robe over her shift and opened the door.
“Charity! Where is your maid? You are not near ready to go and your face... Your face is a disgrace! Whatever is wrong with you!”
She couldn't help herself. She encircled his neck with her forearms and cried on the shoulder of his wool Spencer, smearing it with rouge. “Please, Father! I have no desire to meet any other man. I only yearn for my true love.”
“Do you mean that insufferable rogue, Fenwick? He treated you like an adventuress. No respect for you or myself. I will not be bamboozled by the likes of him. You deserve a man of honor. The kind that will be at the gala tonight. Now get into your gown. As long as you are under my roof, you'll abide by my rules. I'll pick out a suitable mate for you. One that will be an advantageous coupling. End of discussion.” He disentangled himself from her and slammed the door shut on his way out.
One second later the door opened again as he stuck his head in. “Don't bother getting dressed now. We would be late. I'll simply bring home some lucky fellow with me. You'll meet him when I get back and we will have a ceremony this week-end to make you his wife. That'll put an end to your nonsense.”
Once he left Charity wailed louder than ever. “No, no. NO! He can't do this to me.” She collapsed on the bed in tears.
Meanwhile out in the garden Sir Riley crouched behind a leafy rhododendron watching for the carriage to leave. It surprised him to see Lord Farnsworth was alone. That meant chances were good that Charity would be alone inside as well.
He had ridden along with his partner, Sir Carlton Winslow, when he came to escort Dowager Countess Dianna Honeyfield, Charity's aunt, out to dinner. His hope had been to follow Charity and her father to whatever event they had planned for the evening and try to win an audience with the Lord to apologize for his behavior at their last meeting.
This turn of events was even better. Dare he approach his fair maiden to pick up where they left off? He had gained great strides in having his way with the lass before her father had discovered their secret rendezvous in the dark garden and forbade them to see each other ever again.
It was a risky plan but with aplomb perhaps fortune would smile on them and her father could never deny them given the right circumstance. His heart was pounding. If he could just get inside and convince the fair maiden to let him come inside also...
His hands sweated as he hoisted himself up the giant oak that spread branches out toward what he was sure was her dressing room window. Twigs snapped and leaves rustled. Hopefully no servants were close enough to hear his clumsy assent.
When in position he could peer through the gauzy curtains and see her sprawled on the bed wearing little other than a flimsy robe. His excitement heightened. He threw twigs to ping on the glass. And cautiously called out her name.
What? What was that noise? I miss Riley so much it is as if I can hear him calling to me.
She stretched up from the mattress allowing the robe to fall away exposing more tender flesh. Then she realized where the noise was coming from and ran to the window. She couldn't get it opened fast enough when she saw her love clinging to the branches.
Soon he was within her grasp and they clung to each other. Mouths searched and found one another. Fingers fumbled at clothing till it fell away. Palms grabbed and caressed and repeated and explored uncharted territory. He picked up her trembling body and carried it to the bed, gently placing it as he wordlessly asked permission to envelope her. She willingly granted access and likewise enveloped all of him. They brought each other to tottering heights, crashing deliciously down and climbed again and again. Becoming one with each other. Let no man put asunder. Losing all sense of time and space. They belonged to each other. They were in total bliss until...until...
“Charity! It is your father. I have someone you need to meet. He will soon be your husband. I am giving him your hand in marriage. Come out! At once!”
Charity wilted in Riley's arms. “You mustn't be caught in here! He'll kill you! Then he'll kill me. Slowly. I know the kind of man he would choose for me. Nothing like you! Climb out, please,” she whispered.
“I'll not give you to another man. I'll face those barking irons if I must but you belong fully to me now. We've been caught red-handed. But we've done nothing wrong. No apologies anymore. I'll make you an honest woman. We'll visit the Amen curler tomorrow. We love each other. Your father has to see that now! No swell will have you after tonight. I'm not sorry!”
He kissed her quickly and slid out the window just as her father opened the door on her nakedness beneath the sheets.
13 likes 17 comments
1 point Trudy Jas
16:00 Nov 28, 2024
Subterfuge, suitors precariously climbing trees and pressing their suit, ripped bodices, hot kisses, near discovery. I nearly swooned, what more could possibly befall our hero and heroine?
Be still my heart and wait (impatiently) for the next installment of All's fair.
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1 point Mary Bendickson
16:40 Nov 28, 2024
So glad you approve:) Thought about changing ending to where she climbs out with him and they disappear to??? Haven't entered it so think it is okay to change?
Happy Thanksgiving!
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1 point Trudy Jas
16:56 Nov 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
You could have her slip out before she meets what's-his-name, or in the day or two before the wedding. Auntie could have a little "tea party" for her and off the Jersey or Gretna Green they go. :-)
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1 point Mary Bendickson
20:55 Nov 28, 2024
Right on.
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1 point Rebecca Lewis
14:36 Nov 28, 2024
Your story has a lot going for it — it’s dramatic, emotional, and packed with tension, all of which make for an engaging Regency romance. Charity’s despair and her father’s overbearing nature are written in a way that makes the stakes feel real. It’s clear how much is on the line for her, and that emotional pull keeps the reader invested. I love how you’ve woven in Regency-era details like "Spencer," "Ton," and "Amen curler." Those touches make the world feel authentic without being overwhelming. Charity and Riley’s relationship feels passio...
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2 points Mary Bendickson
16:44 Nov 28, 2024
So appreciative of your comments. Was considering changing the ending to her climbing out with him to the unknown. ??What do you think??
Happy Thanksgiving.
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1 point Rebecca Lewis
18:08 Nov 29, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I think having Charity climb out with Riley could be a powerful ending — it adds an extra layer of defiance and agency to her character. It would show she’s willing to take control of her own fate instead of being trapped by her father’s demands. Plus, it leaves the story on a romantic and adventurous note, with the two of them facing an uncertain future together. That kind of ending would feel satisfying and true to the passion you’ve established between them. If you decide to go that route, you might want...
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1 point Mary Bendickson
18:47 Nov 29, 2024
Thanks again.
I wrote another 'Too-Cute' episode last night that sort of fits one of this week's prompts. After reading the new prompts I think I will pull the 'Fair' story and match it with a new prompt. Even though it has several likes which I will lose I didn't enter it into contest so it should be okay to do. Have more family events today but hope to get this done.😆
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1 point Leslie Mamola
11:05 Nov 28, 2024
Well done! I am ready to hear what happens next!
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1 point Mary Bendickson
16:53 Nov 28, 2024
Glad you liked it and thanks for the follow. Have you read the previous episodes all with 'Fair' in them that lead up to this fiasco? Will get back to your work after today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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1 point Leslie Mamola
20:20 Nov 28, 2024
Not yet but I will. Happy Thanksgiving!
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1 point Thomas Wetzel
07:49 Nov 28, 2024
Your writing is so sophisticated I can barely understand half of it, I just know it's awesome. You are so good. I'm gonna go watch every episode of Downton Abbey and then come back to reread this and see if I can actually appreciate it like an intelligent adult.
Happy Turkey Day!
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1 point Mary Bendickson
16:49 Nov 28, 2024
Gobble, Gobble to you, too:)
I don't know about sophisticated. I am only winging it on this Ton stream but glad you like it.
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1 point Lady Coretta Stephenburg
05:02 Nov 28, 2024
Always a good read.
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1 point Mary Bendickson
05:33 Nov 28, 2024
Thank you.☺️
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1 point Alexis Araneta
17:48 Nov 27, 2024
An adorable continuation of your series. Lovely work !
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1 point Mary Bendickson
19:31 Nov 27, 2024
Thank you. Do you think of this as the finale or does it go on?
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Your story is wonderfully immersive! :)
Glad you liked it 😊.
Inspiring writing Mary. You keep getting better! My guess is you're facing down your "barking irons", which I plan on stealing.
Not an original from me:) I got that from a web page listing common Regency word terms. Thanks for liking.
Wonderful romance with a historical background that takes us to another place and time with the elements of a great old fashioned romance. I enjoyed reading this story and it is very entertaining!
Thanks so much! Going to try to add more soon.😁
Gretna Green, here they come! Wow, so passionate. Sir Riley is a rake, though. It's true that if the truth gets out, her father may marry her to just anyone except Fenwick. It was a tragedy to end up ruined by someone forbidden. How did he get such a bad reputation? Was it just from the passion in the garden and getting caught? He still took things a bit far. What I don't like about Bridgerton is the fact that it portrays the rakes as having so much brothel sex, whenever they want, that when they fall in love with 'the one,' they have got...
So true. I was trying to think of the right word for climbing and it wouldn't come to mind. I knew that sounded wrong. Yeah, I may have to rethink how I make this right again. I know nothing about that genre simply winging it. You certainly are knowledgeable.
Hi Mary. Morality aside, they so need to be together as in married. I'm rooting for them.
Very cool story, Mary. I really think she has to jump out the window and make her escape, or she will never be free of her odious father. Most enjoyable period piece. I always like the drama in your more passionate bodice ripping stories. 🎭 Great fun.
Well, I'll simply have to write more of those:) Thanks for liking.
Wow! What a love story!!
Glad you like it! It is a series all with the word 'Fair' in them.
Mary, your story brilliantly captures the anguish and passion of forbidden love. The line 'Let no man put asunder' left a profound impact, encapsulating the depth of their bond and their determination to defy societal constraints. I admired how you brought the characters' emotions to life with vivid imagery and an intimate sense of urgency—it truly made their love feel both reckless and destined. This was a compelling story, masterfully written, and brimming with tension and romance. Thank you for sharing this beautifully crafted tale!
Thank you for your kind comments. This is the latest in a series that all have the word 'Fair' in them. All started with a prompt that wanted a 'Ton' theme. I wasn't familiar with the genre at all so started from scratch and people liked it so I am carrying it forth 'til who knows when:) Dictated by prompts.
will True Love win out !?
I'm hoping so. Only the prompts will tell.🤔
To envelope her, and she enveloped all of him, tis to be nobler in the mind to suffer the bow and arrows of cupid's love. Charity by name and nature. Great stuff, I enjoyed this Mary, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the comment and catching up on a few of my stories.
Fine work. I got little confused on the comments.
Sorry about the confusion. Tried to explain in my comment. I had posted this 'Fair' story with a slightly different title but did not enter it into the contest. I thought it fit a prompt from the next week better so deleted it and entered #279 with it. I saved the comments I had on it and they showed up under the story text. I wrote a different 'Too-Cute' story to enter into #278.
I posted this 'Fair' story for #278 but didn't enter it in contest. It got several likes and comments as listed in story. I thought this fit the prompt for #279 better so entered it here instead. I tried to delete it from #278. I wrote a different 'Too-Cute' story and entered it into #278. Sorry for any confusion.
I was confused. LOL Thanks for the explanation. I wondered where the meta-story comments came from. That happens with prompts sometimes.