Horror Crime Thriller

Halloween night, I was carving pumpkins with my best friend, Lizzie. We had carved pumpkins every year for Halloween since we were in the 3rd grade. We were in college now and we were finally on our fall break. Somehow even though we were going to different colleges our fall breaks lined up for Halloween weekend. Lizzie loved telling creepy stories while we carved our pumpkins and this evening was perfect because of the dark and gloomy night that it would soon turn into. I was intently carving into my pumpkin with complete concentration when Lizzie said “Jaylen! Jaylen! Are you even listening to me?” I nodded my head in response and Lizzie grunted in return continuing “Then he raised the knife above her head without the girl suspecting anything at all.” This year I was planning on making the spookiest pumpkin on the block. My goal was to try and recreate the face of a notorious killer that was in our city a few years back. It was going to be hard work but I was a master at carving pumpkins. It also helped that I was minoring in fine arts. I had always been into art and carving pumpkins was almost a passion of mine. Lizzie never really was into pumpkin carving as much as me and this year she decided that she didn’t want to deal with the gross insides of the pumpkin and she just decided to paint her pumpkin blood red. 

I looked over a few feet to my left when Lizzie was painting her pumpkin. I made her put down a tarp because I knew how much of a mess Lizzie would make and I wasn’t about to let that paint drip onto my mom’s brand new patio. Although when I looked over I saw that she had laid one of her blood red paint brushes on the new patio. “Lizzie, what are you doing? I told you not to get paint on the patio!” “Who cares, it's going to come up anyway. I swear you’ve been so uptight since you’ve gone to college. You need to go to a college party and loosen up a bit, jeez.” “Lizzie, I went to college for a degree, not to waste my time at parties like you. Don’t worry I’ll get you a towel.” I said as I set down the knife I was using on the patio. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

I opened the backdoor and headed inside. I better grab a towel from the garage I thought to myself as I walked to the other side of the house. As I was walking I thought I heard something and quickly peeked my head into the living room to see my adorable Pomeranian, Polly, looking at the window growling at something. “What is it Polly, girl, what’s wrong?” “RRRRRRrrrrrr” “There’s nothing there sweet girl.” I said as I petted her on the head and continued heading to the garage. After I got into the garage I tried to flip on the light and the light switch went up without any light. “You’ve got to be kidding.” I mumbled to myself as I pulled out my cell phone and turned on the flashlight. I went over to the old rags and took one that I thought would clean up the red paint. I went to the sink and got it wet thinking that would clean up the mess faster. I walked out the backdoor as I was saying “Lizzie, you’re lucky you’re my best friend…” When I stopped dead in my tracks there was red everywhere I instantly thought that Lizzie had made a bigger mess just to spite me. As I looked closer I saw that there were drops of red everywhere, as I bent down to clean up the mess I smelled a foul smell that left the taste of blood in my mouth. This isn’t paint I realized in an instance. “BLOOD!” I screamed!

I frantically looked around for Lizzie but she was nowhere to be found. “Lizzie! LIZZIE!” Still Lizzie was nowhere to be found. I realized that there was a trail of blood leading under the patio. I quickly followed the trail drop by drop until I peaked my head under the patio, there she was. Covered in blood, but it wasn’t Lizzie I was looking at but rather my sweet girl, Polly. At this point I was going in panic mode, Polly was dead and I couldn’t find Lizzie anywhere. I was bawling and could hardly see straight, much less think. I pulled my head out from under the patio to see a shadow casting down on me. I looked up at my best friend’s face, her beautiful blonde hair framing her normally soft face. But that’s when I met Lizzie’s eyes, I had never seen anything so horrifying. Her normally crystal clear blue eyes had become dark and haunting. “Lizzie what’s wrong?” I mumbled as I looked down at her blood covered hands holding the carving knife I was using for my pumpkin. “Lizzie, what did you do to Polly?” I said with a sob.

Finally after what felt like minutes of Lizzie and I locked in an everlasting stare. She said “You always thought I was lesser than you. You thought I was immature and you always thought I was dumber than you. You would always talk down to me ever since we became so called friends in the 3rd grade. Ever since the 3rd grade you have treated me horribly, I’ve been planning your ultimate demise for years. But first I wanted you to feel the pain of losing someone because that’s what I felt when I lost my father. You carving him on your pumpkin reminded me of the revenge that he wanted for me to have. Just like how you were carving him on your pumpkin I’m going to carve you up like I did to Polly.”“No, Lizzie stop this, we've always been friends!” I cried. “Ha, friends I’m glad you thought that. But now it’s my turn to shine. You’ve always been in the spotlight with your big fancy house and you’re perfect little family. My family has always been broken starting with my father, I’ve had nobody and you’ve always made sure that I knew that. Goodbye Jaylen.” Lizzie finished as she raised the knife above her head. The last thing Jaylen ever saw was the knife coming down and she felt a sharp pain and then nothing but darkness. Lizzie disappeared into the woods that night and was never seen again. Jaylen and Polly were found later that week but nobody ever knew that Lizzie was the murder.

October 27, 2022 15:10

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Faith Fultz
01:35 Nov 01, 2022

Really great quick story! I absolutely thought it was simple, fast, and to the point, which I love. Ignore the old people who have nothing better to do but comment on your grammar, especially if they have terrible taste based on the stuff on their profile. The best writer I have read yet!


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Janet Boyer
01:12 Nov 01, 2022

Lots of run-ons and redundancies in this story (also, it's "try to"... not " try and".) Paste your story in Grammarly to get an idea of what could use fixing.


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