Mallory's Plan....

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Fiction Happy Romance

"I need to get rich!" Mallory told herself. It was time to start taking care of herself for once. She had arrived home in the pouring rain, exhausted from nursing a double shift in a geriatric unit. She realized she was propping up the health system, looking after other people's parents who had been abandoned by life, time and their failing aged health. As if that was not bad enough, her car window had been jammed on stuck wide open, she was saturated.

Mallory sneezed, chilled and beyond hungry. Not a virus as well as having to locate an auto electrician to mend her car, with her failing finances. "I need to get rich!" She stared at her pallid, flabby expression, "But how?" Then, holding a cup of tea, she sat down with her old time pen and paper, and pondered, "How can I get rich?"

"I need to focus on my strengths. I shall write some 'get rich' plans. I am very good at writing nursing plans. This nurse needs a plan for Mallory here." "Yes, dear audience, there is rocket science, and there is nursing. Nurses spend a lot of time at their nursing stations, crafting nursing plans to implement for well being. Nurses are, indeed, one reason many people today are alive, vertical and smiling.

"Right, what qualities do I have to get rich? No more poor boys for this nurse, I specifically need a rich man." Mallory started writing her self-improvement plan. At one stage, she phoned her best buddy, and plotted one way to reduce her cuddly side of life. "We are going power walking, daily! Meet me at lunchtime, starting tomorrow!" That was the plan, step one. Power walking ensued, as Mallory planted any ambulant geriatric in front of the unit television, they really did not notice if she was at the nurse's station, impoverished or not.

"Smile!" Mallory told herself and her friend, Jannie, as they power walked for over thirty minutes each day. Mallory had made a menu plan as well, no more carbs, she was determined. She was going to look eligible for a rich man, nursing plans are effective and regarded as solution focused. Problem solving is very in and trending, especially in the health professions.

Jannie was all for this notion of nurses being good to themselves, so she sourced some exercises, adapting well the role of becoming an amateur designer personal trainer. Soon Mallory was engaged in evening training sessions, lunging with the best of good intentions. This was all for the expressed objective that her ideal billionaire would never leave her for a better woman.

Jannie was devoted for this makeover plan. "You'll have to do something about your hair," she suggested to Mallory, as they ate some more grilled tomatoes, minus toast. Tomatoes have very few calories, not very ideal as a staple diet, but Mallory was fading away to a shadow for looking slim and attractive enough to attract a rich man, preferably a billionaire. We must all aim high and foster seizing any opportunity, by taking affirmative chances in the future ahead.

Jannie had some contacts in her slightly wealthy family background. So, the spending money Mallory used instead of buying good nutrition was saved for a life-changing appointment at an exclusive hair salon, for a sleek new hairdo, trimming away all frizzy bits from home perms. Her hair emerged glossy and styled, colored back to her original, quite appealing, and natural honey blonde.

Beautiful! That style sets off your eyes. Here's my treat, a manicure and pedicure."

Mallory was enjoying this little nursing plan, she was slim again, she felt like a million bucks, which it nearly cost. Amazing. Jannie wondered aloud how Mallory was planning to enable the actual meeting with a billionaire, as they did tend to socialize in rather elite, exclusive circles in society.

"Fear not, my socialite mother can wangle an invite to the charity do. Who do you want to meet? Choose some males, and mother will arrange the seating." Jannie was not a best friend for nothing.

Mallory did some profound homework, and studied some eligible bachelors on the guest list for this famous annual function. She had some parameters to make herself fall in love with a rich man. No one too fat, too old, too many existing kids, and minimal ex-wives. No, she needed to fall in love with some rich man who would be stunned by this soul mate. She narrowed down her options to three likely candidates for her sacred love, and chose the most attractive one nearest her own age.

"Not too bad," said Jannie, "Bit froggy, but he is a philanthropist, billionaires rate here."

Mallory was now broke, as she wailed desperately, " I have nothing to wear!" Unfortunately, Jannie was a totally different size and body shape, none of her evening frocks were appropriate choices.

"Fear not!" Jannie had some more brilliant nursing ideas of her own. Soon the word went forth, from unit to unit, from one nursing station to another.

"Evening frocks wanted, only this certain size. Bring to Geriatrics by 9 am Monday. Urgent, we need your help. Thanks, gals."

That was quite a proactive little email, quite a proficient display of strategic nursing planning. Frocks duly arrived in the Geriatric unit, opinions were to be sought, to decide Mallory's future in the world. What should Mallory wear?

After supervising her staff, all the bowels and meds had been checked, basic nursing planning ensured there was a fashion show. Mallory tried on frocks, twirling around on borrowed high heel shoes. This was a vital stage in her plan, looking appropriate. After all, she was reasonably attractive, she spoke well, her hair and manicure were impressive.

Jannie had thoughtfully asked an empathetic male nurse to view these gowns as well, for a man's eyes look at what would turn on a red-blooded male. Jannie and he voted against the typical black frock. Jannie said, "They'll all wear black dresses."

Mallory tried on a rather stunning white garment.

"No," said the male nurse. "It is so not you. It is too white."

Next dress. "No," Jannie and the male nurse voted against the beige. "Way too colorless."

"Try the flame frock!"

Yes, that was it. Mallory strutted her stuff, met the slightly froggy man of her dreams of rich. She had slimmed up, groomed up, frocked up, successfully chatted up, then thoroughly loved him up. A giant engagement ring followed, with a real society wedding fit only for maxi yachts, and chauffeur driven personal limousines.

Slightly Froggy had convinced Mallory he wanted at least one heir to his vast fortune, but that was okay. She figured he could hire any nanny and night nanny, along with designer household staff. He even owned his own gym.

Thus, Mallory fell in love with a very rich man. It was true romance. She had methodically planned every step of her campaign. She was an excellent nurse, but after the nuptials, she never nursed again. Sporting her floral tributes, Mallory had to live in assorted palaces and mansions round the globe, so happy (and rich).

Jannie not long after this episode also left her draining, and daunting, nursing profession. She and the male nurse formed a bond, they did it all for love. Jannie told her beau, " I shall write." Jannie formed a career in her own quiet, paced and measured writer's cafe, as one of the keyboard pixies of modern society. She unsurprisingly wrote self-help manuals and chick lit books, full of romance and true love for rich people. We readers love our genres!

Quite a real world nursing plan. Brilliant! Do you want to marry a billionaire? Maybe you shall say, "I do!"

August 16, 2024 19:57

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Trudy Jas
21:33 Aug 28, 2024

it's just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man. Mallory developed a tried and true plan to better herself. Or maybe to feel better about herself. It was a fun read, though here and there the sentences were a bit convoluted. There was a strong feeling of sarcasm throughout, and I would have liked to have read a bit more about the actual courtship.


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Mary Bendickson
00:32 Aug 20, 2024

Guess I never had a 💵 billionaire plan😜.


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