The Beautiful Death Day

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Coming of Age Fiction Friendship

10 days left

They said I had ten days to live. Ten days until the new year. The new year which I would never see. My family is probably in the waiting room looking depressed. I mean I don’t blame them, I would be sad too if I found out that someone I love was dying. It all started the day in fourth grade when I was playing tag with my best friend, Harper. We were chasing each other when suddenly I felt like I was choking. I felt dizzy and then I don't remember anything after that. Apparently, I was taken to the hospital and the doctors said I asthma. After we learned to deal with it and took all the precautions life went back to normal. At least whatever the new normal was. Everything was chill until last week. Harper and I were racing each other to my house and then I felt it again. It was back. I was heavily breathing from running so fast.

 “Are you okay?” asked Harper. I couldn’t make my lips form words and then it all went black. Now here I am, back in the hospital with all these beeping machines around me. There are so many tubes connected to my body so I can barely move. I pondered on the fact that I had ten days left. Well, technically nine days since today counted. Then I decided that I wasn’t going to spend my last ten days in a hospital lying on a bed watching soap operas and eating the gross pudding they served as a part of lunch. I wanted to get up and move. I guess the nurse heard me struggling so she walked over to me. 

“What are you doing?” she asked. Her name tag read “Marilyn”.

“Well Marilyn, I have made a decision that instead of lying here waiting to die, I might as well live my last days to the fullest,” I responded. 

“Very well, I get what you are saying. I’ll go consult with your parents and see what to do,” Marilyn said. 

“Okay,” I responded. I really hoped that they said yes. I don't know what I would do if my parents said I had to stay here. I heard hushed voices outside the door. My family and Marilyn finally walked in. 

“Oh, honey! Are you okay?” my mom worriedly asked.

“Oh hey mom it’s no biggie, I’m gonna die in a couple of days so it’s cool,” I sarcastically respond.

“Seriously Amber? Even lying on your death bed your still as snarky,” my brother remarked as he rolled his eyes.

“Austin!” my eyes light up, “You’re here!” My brother was a sophomore in college and he was 4 years older than I was. I guess he came back to see me on my last couple of days. 

“Well duh I’m here, where else would I be?” he said. 

“So we have made a decision,” my father says.

“And?” I excitedly ask

“We are going to torture you for nine more days by leaving you in the hospital,” my brother evily smiles.

“Oh shut up Austin, Can you tell me already what you decided?” I said.

“You are allowed to go live your life for the last couple of days,” my mom says.

“Yes! Thankyou thankyou thankyou,” I go to give her a hug but I realized that I’m still strapped to the hospital bed. 

“Well, it looks like you signed up to go to school for the last days of your life” Austin casually says. My eyes widen. 

“No. No way am I going to school” I say with concern in my voice.

“Relax kiddo, Ever heard of winter break?” my dad laughs.

“Austin! You are so annoying” I exclaim. He just laughs.

“Okay Mrs. and Mr. Heinsen, I am going to unhook your daughter from the bed but keep in mind that after this, there is no going back,” Marilyn said.

“We understand,” my father says, “we will let you do your thing. Come on Austin and Ophelia let’s go. Amber, We will be in the waiting room whenever you are ready.”

“Okay,” I wave goodbye to them. Marilyn slowly starts detaching all the tubes and walking around the bed.

“This is it Amber, Are you sure you want to do this?” she asks.

“Marilyn listen, you are a great person but I need to get the heck outta here,” I respond.

“Alright, here we go,” she says. Click! The big tube connected to the beeping machine is disconnected. 

“Yeehaw!!” I exclaim. Finally, I’m getting out of this place. I meet my parents in the waiting room. Marilyn walks out after me.

“Thanks for not letting me die,” I tell her.

“That’s what I’m here for,” she responds as she smiles sadly. When I get home I flop on my bed and call Harper. 

“So... I have some news,” I tell her everything. Harper is a very emotional person and immediately breaks into tears. 

“WHAT! I ONLY GET MY BESTFRIEND FOR NINE MORE DAYS! I’m coming over whether you like it or not. See you soon,” she hangs up. I sigh. It’s crazy how my life could change in a matter of weeks. I hear a knock on the door and I go to answer it. 

“We need to make a plan,” Harper says as she gets right to the point. 

“What do you mean by a plan?” I ask.

“We are going to plan the next nine days of your life” she responds

“Alright, so what should we do?” I ask her.

Harper starts to explain,” The first three days will be with each of your family members, then the fourth day is for you to say goodbye to everyone at school at a party I’m inviting everyone to, the next two days are for yourself and you can choose who you want to see or if you need some time alone, and for last day, we are going to the top of one of the mountains to watch the fireworks, and that’s basically it.” she looks at me sadly. 

“Thanks Harper,” I say giving her a hug.

“Of course, anything for you my bestie,” she says giving me a hug back. That’s when I know that things will be okay.

2 days left

The last couple of days have flown by so fast it’s been a blur. Austin and I went to the water park, Mom and I had a spa day, Dad and I went to the beach and I had a crazy awesome time with all my friends and Harper. I have to admit, I didn’t expect to have such a good week knowing that I was going to die soon. I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about all the things I will miss. It’s been a good life.

The last day

Today is officially the last day. I wouldn’t say that I’m happy but I’m definitely satisfied and prepared about what’s about to happen. I would have liked to live for longer but life just ends like that sometimes. 

“Amber!” my mom calls, “Breakfast is ready!”

“Coming!” I yell back. When I get downstairs, my family and Harper are waiting for me with a whole buffet of food.

“Wow,” I say.

“Yup, your parents worked really hard to make this food,” Harper says.

“Awww thank you,” I say.

“Of course,” My parents reply.

“So what are we doing today?” I ask.

“Well, it’s new years and everything will close a little earlier today so we were thinking of going to the amusement park,” Harper says.

“Awesome!” I exclaim.

“Alright everyone, go get ready and be by the car in 20 minutes,” my dad says.

“Okay!” the rest of us respond.

“Come on! Let’s go get ready!” Harper says as she drags me to my room.

“Today is going to be a great day,” she says.

“Yeah, I hope so” I reply. When we are all settled in the car, we start driving. 

“We are going to have so much fun,” Austin says.

“Yup,” I reply. There was still a funny feeling in me knowing that in 24 hours I wouldn’t be alive.

“We are here!” my dad exclaims. Harper, Austin, and I make a beeline for the huge roller coaster in the middle of the park. 

“We will go get some cotton candy and wait for you by the bench over there,” my parents say. When we finally get to the front of the line, I’m super anxious. I love roller coasters but sometimes they make me nervous. Slowly the big metal machine starts going up. Then, Whoosh! My hair blows in the wind as we go racing down the track.

“Whoohoo!” Harper yells. The smile on my face grows bigger and bigger as we go up and down. Even though Austin is having fun, he looks a little pale. After we get off the roller coaster, mom and dad are waiting with cotton candy. We go on a couple more rides after that until it’s almost 8 o’clock. Then my dad drives us to the top of a mountain nearby. We all sit by a tree and wait for the fireworks to start. 

“Are you ready Amber?” my mom asks.

“As ready as I could ever be,” I respond. It’s finally 11:55 and I enjoy my last 5 minutes of fireworks. My family and Harper are hugging me.

“We will all miss you so much,” they say.

“I know,” I reply. I watch the colors exploding in the sky and then it fades to black. 

January 01, 2021 19:34

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