Submitted into Contest #209 in response to: Start your story with someone walking into a gas station.... view prompt


Fiction Romance Inspirational

Ron, a middle-aged man, exudes an air of quiet confidence and wisdom. His warm, deep-brown eyes reflect a lifetime of experiences, and the creases on his face tell stories of both laughter and challenges. His almost balding head adds a touch of distinguished charm, hinting at the wealth of knowledge he carries within him.

Tall and well-built, Ron's physical presence commands attention, yet his demeanor is approachable and inviting. His easy smile and genuine warmth make others feel at ease in his presence. As he moves with purpose, his steps seem measured, each one carrying a lifetime of automotive expertise. He works at an auto mechanic shop called 2ndChance as a seasoned mechanic within the vibrant neighborhood. 2ndChance Auto stands out as a haven for car enthusiasts and those seeking automotive expertise. The auto repair shop boasts a welcoming exterior adorned with a colorful mural depicting classic cars and vintage logos, reflecting the shop's love for automotive history.

Ron was, however, having a bad morning. He was on his way to work, which was not far from his apartment, and decided to stop by 7-Eleven to get a pack of cigarettes and had a nasty encounter with the store manager, who spoke to him in a very rude and disrespectful manner. Ron felt angry and humiliated by the way he was treated. He left the store without buying anything and headed to the Exxon gas station across the road. He wondered why the world was so cruel. He had only asked for a bottle of free ice, which would not make any difference to the store’s profit, and the manager had acted as if he was a thief. He hoped that the Exxon staff would be more friendly and helpful. But who cares?

He shook his head wondering about the world as he walked into Exxon business premises and heard a loud police siren behind him. He turned around and saw a police car pursuing a Toyota Corolla that stopped at the gas station. Ron was curious about what was happening and wanted to watch the scene unfold. He also thought that maybe he could find something funny in the situation that would make him forget his bad mood and lighten up his day. He took out his mobile phone and began to record the incident. He saw a man in the driver’s seat and a woman who looked like she was suffering. He wondered what they had done to get chased by the police. He kept his phone camera rolling.

The police ordered the driver of the vehicle to raise his hands and exit the car. The man complied, but as he did, one of the two officers approached the Corolla’s side cautiously, with his gun drawn, he repeated the order.

“Officer, please, we have an emergency here. My girlfriend is in labor,” the man said, sounding desperate.

The officer quickly assessed the situation and saw that the woman in the passenger seat was indeed in distress. He advised the driver to stay calm and called for an ambulance on his radio. Suddenly, shots rang out from inside the store, startling everyone. Ron, who had been recording the incident on his phone, reacted instinctively and ran for cover behind a parked car in front of the store. The police officer ran back to his car as he and his colleague were reporting the incident, Ron’s phone capturing every detailed moment of the unfolding drama.


On this bright morning, Chris finds himself in an unusual predicament as he sits behind the wheel of his trusty 2009 Toyota Corolla on the busy I-45 North freeway. Despite having every reason to feel joy and excitement, he is far from happy. The reason behind his haste becomes apparent as he navigates the traffic with a sense of urgency - his girlfriend Glenda, who is seated in the driver's seat, is going into labor, and they need to reach the hospital as quickly as possible.

With his heart pounding in anticipation and concern, Chris skillfully maneuvers the car through the chaotic traffic, zigzagging from one lane to another. His left hand firmly grips the wheel, while his right hand remains tenderly placed on Glenda, who is visibly struggling with pain and agony. Their emotions intertwine as they share a mixture of anxiety, hope, and anticipation for the arrival of their baby.

Amidst the honking of cars and the blur of passing scenery, Chris remains focused on the road, determined to get Glenda to the hospital in time. As the miles tick away, each moment feels like an eternity, but their love and support for each other serve as a buffer of strength during this intense and emotional journey.

The significance of this moment is not lost on Chris, as he contemplates the new chapter that awaits them both - parenthood. Despite the tension in the air, there is an underlying sense of excitement and joy, knowing that they are about to welcome a new life into their world.

Glenda let out another weary inquiry about their distance from the hospital, Chris responded with his familiar reassurance, trying to comfort her amidst the pain. "Don't worry, baby," he said once again, "We're almost there." The car's interior fell silent once more, except for Glenda's continued groans and moans, met with sympathetic apologies from Chris.

Suddenly, Glenda sits up, staring at the dashboard of the car. With a concern-filled voice said, "Chris, the gas signal is on." Chris glanced at the dashboard and saw that the fuel gauge was indeed perilously low. Frustration and anxiety washed over him, and he let out a soft curse under his breath, realizing the added urgency of their situation. They were running out of gas precisely when reaching the hospital was of the utmost priority.

Despite this new obstacle, Chris kept his focus on the road, searching for any sign of a gas station nearby. Each passing moment felt more critical than the last, but he refused to let his worry show to Glenda, wanting to be a source of strength during this trying time.

As they continued their journey, Chris couldn't help but reflect on the irony of their situation. The impending arrival of their baby, which should have been a moment of pure excitement, had turned into a race against time and a war against unforeseen confounding challenges.

With a sense of urgency and adrenaline rushing through him, Chris swiftly steered his car from the far left lane of the busy highway to the far right, aiming to exit and reach the nearest gas station. The need for signals became secondary to avoiding a potential collision with another car that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

His quick maneuver caught the attention of nearby drivers, some of whom honked in surprise at his sudden lane change. However, Chris remained focused on the road ahead, knowing that their safety was at stake. The gas station was their lifeline at this critical moment, and he was determined to get there without any mishap.

As Chris made his daring maneuver to exit the freeway and head to the nearest gas station, his heart sank as he noticed the flashing lights of a highway patrol vehicle behind him. The blaring alarm added to the tension of the moment as the patrol car attempted to pull him over.

Fueled by the urgency of the situation and his desire to reach the gas station for Glenda's sake, Chris made a bold decision - he refused to yield and kept going. The highway patrol car persisted, following closely behind him as he continued his crazy, zig-zagging maneuvers to get to Exxon, the nearest gas station he could see in the distance.

The standoff between Chris and the highway patrol began, and the situation grew increasingly tense with each passing moment. Chris was torn between his instinct to protect Glenda and their unborn child and the realization that he was now engaging in a dangerous situation with law enforcement.

Inside the car, Glenda's anxiety heightened as she understood the gravity of the situation. She pleaded with Chris to reconsider, worried about the potential consequences of evading the patrol car. But Chris, determined to get her to the gas station, felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, torn between the safety of his family and the law at hand.

The patrol car followed Chris as he pulled over at the Exxon gas station. They faced each other in a tense standoff. Chris and Glenda stayed inside the car, feeling both nervous and hopeful, wondering what would happen next.

"Raise your hands and step out of the vehicle right now!" The police officer's authoritative voice boomed from behind Chris, prompting him to comply. Chris quickly rolled down the window and extended both hands outside the car as instructed. "Exit the vehicle slowly," the officer repeated firmly.

Inside the car, Glenda's groans and moans grew louder, repurposing Chris's attention. He turned to face the officer, who was approaching the car. With genuine concern in his voice, Chris explained, "Officer, we have a critical situation here. My girlfriend is in labor."

The officer paused for a moment, registering urgency and distress in Chris's words. He glanced at Glenda, recognizing the seriousness of the situation. While maintaining caution, the officer's demeanor softened slightly. "Alright," he said, "I understand. But I need you both to remain calm. Can you tell me how far along she is in labor?"

As the police officer continued speaking with Chris and Glenda, chaos erupted unexpectedly. A series of loud shots echoed from inside the gas station store, sending shock waves through the air. Reacting swiftly, the officer dashed back to his patrol vehicle, urgency etched across his face. He urgently relayed the situation through his radio, rapidly calling out, "Shots fired, shots fired!"

The officer's partner, equally alert, joined in the radio communication, describing the unfolding scenario to their fellow officers. The voice on the other end informed them that there was already an ongoing incident inside the store. They were dealing with two armed robbers who were in the process of robbing the establishment.

With a sense of solidarity and support, the voice on the radio assured the officers that more backup was on its way to the location. The advice given to the officers was to hold their position and wait for the additional units to arrive, ensuring a coordinated and safe response to the dangerous situation.

Inside the gas station, Chris, Glenda, and the officer were now faced with a tense and unpredictable environment. The safety of everyone involved became paramount, and they followed the radio's advice, waiting for the arrival of the backup police officers. Each passing moment felt laden with uncertainty, and the anticipation of further developments was palpable.

As the situation escalated, the arrival of reinforcements brought a sense of reassurance to the scene. Multiple police SUVs with flashing lights and the distinct presence of SWAT members swarmed around the gas station. EMT personnel also rushed to the location, ready to provide medical assistance if needed.

One SWAT officer, displaying a calm and focused demeanor, emerged from their vehicle and quickly approached the officers who were already on the scene. They exchanged information and updates about the unfolding situation, ensuring that everyone was aware of the latest developments.

With heightened caution, the SWAT officer approached Chris's vehicle, where Glenda was visibly in distress due to her advanced labor. Her groans and moans were intense, indicating that time was of the essence.

The SWAT officer immediately assessed the situation, realizing that the imminent birth of the baby required immediate attention. Speaking into his radio with a sense of urgency, the SWAT officer relayed the critical nature of the scenario to the rest of the team and requested additional support from the EMT personnel.

Meanwhile, the police officers and SWAT team worked together to strategize and create a plan of action. Their priority was to ensure the safety of everyone involved while handling the robbery situation with precision and expertise.

Ron still discreetly recording the unfolding events with his mobile phone from a safe vantage point, couldn't believe the intensity of the situation he was witnessing.

Amidst the tension, more gunfire erupted from inside the gas station. The SWAT team swiftly reacted, their training and experience guiding them to make a critical decision. They signaled to each other and without hesitation, decided to breach the gas station to confront the armed robbers directly.

With incredible precision, the SWAT team members equipped with their tactical gear, preparing for the high-risk operation ahead. Their faces were stoic, determination evident in their eyes. They knew that their actions could mean life or death for everyone involved.

As they approached the entrance of the gas station, they followed their rehearsed procedures meticulously, positioned themselves strategically, ready to neutralize the threat posed by the armed robbers while minimizing risks to civilians inside.

Meanwhile, the EMT personnel were now attending to Glenda with utmost care and professionalism amidst her blood-cuddling screams and shouts. They decided that she would not be able to make it in time to the hospital as the baby was ready to come into the world. They assessed her condition, ensuring she was as comfortable as possible during this chaotic situation. Glenda's pain metamorphosed into trust in the medical team, even amid the turmoil and pain around her.

Two loud explosions are heard at the door of the establishment as SWAT Team forced their way in, apprehending the armed robbers, and ensuring the safety of the customers who had been caught in the chaos. With the immediate threat neutralized, they called for another group of EMT personnel to enter the store.

The second team of EMT personnel quickly responded to the call and entered the store to assess the situation. Tragically, they soon brought out a lifeless body covered with white sheet on a stretcher, and the air was filled with an overwhelming sense of sorrow and loss.

Amidst the somber atmosphere, a glimmer of hope emerged a few feet away as the piercing cry of a newborn baby filled the air. The baby's wails were a stark contrast to the heartache and despair that had taken place moments before.

Ron, still in shock from the events he had recorded, couldn't comprehend the profound meaning of the day's events. He had entered the gas station with a sense of sadness, and now he was witnessing the circle of life, where one life had replaced another. The stark contrast of life and death left him feeling both bewildered and emotional.

Overwhelmed by the weight of the day's events, Ron's heart went out to all those affected by the events at the gas station. He couldn't shake the mixture of emotions that flooded him as he reflected on the bravery of the law enforcement and medical teams, the heartbreak of loss, and the miracle of new life that had unfolded before his eyes.

As he stood holding his baby in his arms, Chris's voice cut through the lingering silence. "Exxon," he said, his voice full of emotion, as he hugged Glenda, revealing the name they had chosen for their newborn son. Some of the officers and other onlookers clapped their hands and laughed.

Ron uploaded his clips and instantly went viral. The video received over five thousand views within one hour on social media networks and News media streamed the events on their networks.

What a day, Ron thought, leaving the gas station the same way he had come in, shaking his head, and wondering about the world.

July 29, 2023 17:41

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