Suspense Mystery Friendship

I wake up in an argument between my boyfriend (Camden) and my bestie (Cassandra), aka Cassy or Cass. 

“This is all your fault; if you wouldn’t let her go out when she is mad at you, she does stupid stuff, like leave the apartment mad.”

“My fault! This is so stupid; it's your fault. You are always with her; she goes to you when we fight.”. 

"This is so dumb. I’m tired of you always saying I’m always with her. But you should have yelled, and she would have gotten hurt.”. 


“Guys, will you please stop yelling? Now just tell me what happened.”?

“Hey, are you feeling better?”?

“I’m fine, but my ear hurt from the yelling. Now, please tell me what happened.”.

They looked at each other like they saw a ghost. But no one said anything about what happened. It was dead silent for about 20 minutes until the doctor came in. 

“Hello everyone, Brooklyn How are you doing?”?

“I’m fine, but can someone please tell me what happened?”!

"Okay, so you're fine, but you will need to stay here for two to three more days.”.

“But will someone tell me what happened? Why is nobody saying what happened?”.

"Brooklyn, you need tons of rest, so I’m going to leave so you can rest.”.

“Why is no one telling me what happened?”!!!!

Everyone leaves the hospital room. I’m left in the hospital room, pondering what the heck happened. But whatever, I’ll just get some rest, so I get out of here and find someone to tell me what happened. I found this sticky pad and wrote down what I knew. Okay, so me and Drake were fighting. Then I left the house, and then something happened. But I remember in the daytime I was working. I’m a radiologist at the local children's hospital. 5 minutes later, I was out because of all my medications. 

When I was younger, I would run away to my grandma's house. She lived just a couple of blocks away. I never liked to be home alone. My older siblings could drive, but they were never home. My parents were workaholics, so they were never home. It was just me and Grandma. We had fun all the time, whether we were baking, sewing, talking, watching movies together, or my grandma's favorite, just going to Costco. I love my grandma so much. I still fly to see her every so often. Yes, Grandpa was alive, but I wasn't as close to him as I was to my grandma. I love to write, whether it is poetry, fiction, or just writing in a diary. I woke up to the sunrise and Cassy’s snoring. She is the loudest snorer I know. Okay, maybe besides me. But no one is keeping a score of who snores makes louder decibels (Here’s it: 85; mine was 79). I love sunrises more than sunsets because they're the beginning of a new day and not the end. Because if you were just fighting and now the sun is setting, you would be going to be in tears or mad, which leads to the next day, and you have dreams about the fight. But sunrise is beautiful because, yes, it's the start of a new day, but it's also the start of new adventures. 

“Cassy, Cass. Are you awake?" I whisper.

“I  am now. Are you doing  better?" She asked, still half asleep.

“Yeah, but I’m still wondering what happened. Can you tell me?" I asked.

"Okay, you are doing well; your doctor said you were going to be in pain and you have to learn how to walk again," Cass said she was still half asleep. “Oh, and shut up it's 5 in the FREAKING MORNING”.

“WAIT WHAT, I HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO WALK AGAIN, and why is no TELLING WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT”. I screamed. Panic sets Why the heck is no one telling me what happened? Why is nobody going to say what happened? And why is everyone so chill about this?  Did I do something bad? I need answers. I will find out what happened that night. I got up and pulled the stick thing that had fluid from my IV. I turn to the side of the bed and put my feet out; they touch the floor. I stand up, putting pressure on my feet. 


“GET BACK IN BED NOW, BROOKE. Why are you up?”?

“I wanted to stretch my legs; I am starting to hate this bed.”.

"Okay, just ask for some help next time," Cass said

“Why do I need help to walk? Why do I have tubes coming out of me? Why do I have to be here? No one can tell me what freaking happened.”. 

"Um, okay, well, do you need anything?”?

“Yes, a ticket out of this place.”.

“Um, I can’t get that.”. 

“I have a question.”


“Why does it hurt to walk”?

“I’m going back to bed.”.

“Why are you avoiding the question?”!

“Night or morning." She said. 

What is wrong with people? No one is telling me what happened. I’m so mad at everyone. Wait, wait, maybe the doctor can help. I need to find something that can help me find things that can call a nurse or the doctor. Where is it? I can't do a lot of movement because my legs hurt. Ahhhh, I found it. It was a red button on my bed. A nurse came running in.

“Everything okay”?

"Yeah, can I get a wheelchair? and an explanation on why this happened to me. Please”. 

“I can get you that wheelchair back in a few moments." The nurse said this in panic and ran out of the room. So it's been like 20 minutes, and I still didn’t get my wheelchair. Um, should I pull the thing again? I don’t know what to do. Oh, here comes the doctor.

“Hey Brooklyn, so it looks like you can go home now," Doc says.

“Thank you so much. Um,  can I ask you a question, Doc?" I ask worriedly.

“Shoot”. He said.

“How did I get here?”.

“I’ll send a nurse to come and get a wheelchair, and you will come here every Wednesday for physical therapy.”. He said it in panic and ran away. 

"Wait, that doesn’t answer my question?" I yelled.

Eventually, this nurse came and brought me a wheelchair. I woke up Cass, and we started to head toward the elevators. 

"You are doing okay," Cassy asked.

“Yeah, but um, where’s Camden?" I asked. 

“He’s working, I’m pretty sure. You can text him when we get to my car." Cass said. I texted him as fast as I could. Where are you? He responds I’m at work; see you later. K. I get home. Cassy helps me get situated. Then she leaves because she has to work. I still want to figure out what happened that night, but I never did. Camden came over, and I asked what happened. No response. It's okay. Five months later, I still never knew what happened; nobody said anything about what happened. I went on in life and went to therapy every Wednesday. I can drive again, but most importantly, I can walk again! That night will forever be a mystery to me and to you. 

July 18, 2024 16:53

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Deborah Saloom
12:48 Aug 04, 2024

I loved your story Blake and would love to know “what happened “. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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Kim Davis
19:40 Jul 25, 2024

Hi Blake, I appreciate your adventure and courage to submit your first story. One thing that would help me follow the story more clearly is identifying who is doing the talking. You start off mentioning three characters and go into immediate quotations and it was hard for me to understand who was saying what line. I may have missed it but I never found the line "is no one going to say it?". There are variations which are close so maybe that was your intent to use a line similar to the required tagline. I don't understand the connection ...


Blake Saloom
21:26 Jul 25, 2024

Hi Mrs Davis, thanks for your feedback. I have answers to your questions. The story is a mix of first and second person. Mostly Brooklyn being a narrative, but also talking in it. And the connection to the grandmother story was how Brooklyn felt alone a lot of the time in her life. In the story it states a few time is no one going to say it, or restate saying is no one going to say what happened. Once again thanks for your feedback!!


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