Polar Night Dance

Written in response to: Set your story during polar night.... view prompt


Fiction Sad

It's been my second year on Svalbard, and this marks my second polar night. I love the darkness enveloping me; it makes me feel closer to my essence. When the sun shines, I'm exposed to the gaze of others, and it's not pleasant. But now, here, far from everyone, I feel like I can finally breathe. Especially when the enduring night falls, every vein in my body seems to relax.

I step out onto the cabin terrace where I live, not far from the town. I'm greeted by the cutting-cold air. Despite the chill, it feels good. I inhale the scent of snow. I lift my head, and I'm in luck. Above me unfolds the magnificent spectacle of the Aurora Borealis. The celestial vault is filled with peculiar lights dancing in shades of green, purple, and pink. It shines like a cosmic fireworks display, creating an indescribable beauty that illuminates the polar darkness.

Green strokes of light form waves above the horizon, as if narrating their own story of mysterious worlds beyond our comprehension. Purple threads weave through the green, creating a celestial collage of colors blending in perfect harmony. Pink hues add a new dimension to this light show, creating a magical and almost surreal feeling.

The Aurora Borealis is like invisible art revealed only during the polar night as if nature decided to show its magical face only then. The scent of snow in the air mixes with this shimmering display, creating a moment where I feel connected to nature in a way I haven't experienced anywhere else.

As I stand on the terrace, I am a witness to a celestial spectacle that reminds me of my inner journey. The Aurora Borealis seems to tell a tale of beauty born from dark moments, reminding me that even in the coldest parts of the world, light can bloom and bring warmth.

Descending deeper into the night, enchanted by the scene, I'm not far from the cabin. I didn't bring a rifle; it's mandatory here due to the danger of polar bears. However, since I've been here, not a single incident has occurred.

I wish you were here, Mike. But you chose your path. I don't even know if you'd enjoy being in a snow-covered place. I know you love summer and the sound of the sea, and I acknowledge that's beautiful. However, tonight is enchanting. It's like stepping into a fairy tale. The sky dances with light, and I dance with it.

Under the northern lights, my steps turn into a gentle dance following the melody of the sky. I feel the warmth of light waves touching my skin through the night's coldness. The Aurora Borealis performs its elusive dance, creating a magical ambiance where I am just a small figure in a magnificent show.

My hands reach toward the sky, capturing every ray of green, purple, and pink light. With steps following the rhythm of the sky, I feel like I'm floating between heaven and earth, connected to the mystical energy pulsating through the polar night.

The celestial vault above me becomes my dance floor, and the light that plays in this unreal moment becomes my partner. Light waltzes in a harmonious symphony, creating enchantment and waves of colors that intertwine. It's a dance of light born from darkness, like a love encounter between the sky and the earth.

Each moment turns into a unique note in this celestial composition. I forget about time, space, and all the worries that accompanied me. I am just part of this magical dance, where the boundaries between reality and fairy tales are unclear.

The Aurora Borealis becomes my dance partner, and the polar night becomes the stage for this magical performance. At this moment, there is nothing but light, the sound of footsteps, and the silence speaking through the starry sky. As the dance under the northern lights continues, I feel grateful to be part of this otherworldly spectacle.

I become aware of someone's presence. While I gaze at the sky painted in colors, I know someone is there. I continue to dance. My heart tightens. I don't want to interrupt the magic. Is the other waiting for the performance to end?

Without taking my eyes off the northern lights, I turn like the most skilled dancer. I dance in the snow. I don't feel the cold. As I dance under the northern lights, aware of an invisible spectator, it feels like my movements have become part of an ominous story, something mysterious, something that came to witness my dance.

The sky continues its enchanting dance above me, but in my heart, discomfort grows. My legs slide through the snow as I try to maintain grace, but the feeling that this is my final act overwhelms me. The play of light becomes more intense, but in my world, a shadow of uncertainty grows.

I'm not alone.

How much time do I have left? I become aware that I am dancing my final dance.

I feel the presence of something or someone watching me, something that has come to see the end of my waltz under the northern lights. The light guides me towards the end, as if destiny has its plan and I am just a player.

Each step comes with the sense of something being there. My heart races as I try to match the rhythm of the sky, but a shadow of uncertainty clouds my joy. Is this the last act of my life? I keep dancing, but it's getting more mysterious. My eyes look for clues in the dark, but only lights and shadows dance around. Suddenly, I feel the winter's cold on my neck, but there's nothing to see.

I keep dancing under the northern lights, but now it's a dance with something I can't see. I know the end is near. Will that something take me to the mysterious sky world? I feel like I'm watching my own destiny, a character in a story unfolding between the earth and the sky.

I lower my gaze. Suddenly, I see it. It's enormous and white. It stands and observes me. It's close. I almost feel its warmth. I bow. The performance is over. This dance has been played out. I'm strangely calm. I accept my fate. The peculiar spectator is aware of the end of my game. Did it enjoy it?

It approaches me very slowly. I don't move. How magnificent it is.! Majestic! A polar bear. And it fits so perfectly into this evening as if it's part of it. Suddenly, I hear its snorting. It opens its jaws. I'm not afraid. It's here, just a step away from me. The world has stopped. I gaze toward the Aurora Borealis and feel that I'm joining her in a never-ending dance.

January 12, 2024 15:04

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Jonathan Page
01:01 Jan 13, 2024

Masterful story! Every word fits. You evoke a sense of tension throughout, and the suspense you tease out of the reader in the final paragraphs is expertly done.


Ana M
15:07 Jan 13, 2024

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! I truly appreciate your kind words.


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