Saving the Big Day

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with the narrator revealing a secret.... view prompt



-         Hey! Grandmaaa… you look so little! Sienna, take off your shoes… yeah, come on! It will look much better, trust me!

Poppy watched in horror as Jackson tried to take his new wife’s wedding shoes off from under her long dress.

-         Listen! Grandma looks so short, but you two are like the same height! So… take off your shoes so the photo doesn’t look all skewed!

Sienna was nervously laughing and dodging Jackson’s attempts at lifting her dress, but Poppy could see the rage in her best friend’s eyes. After a few failed attempts, the photographer finally managed to convince Jackson that Sienna can keep her shoes on. With a serious face, he told Jackson that he’ll be able to digitally make Grandma taller.

Poppy almost snorted at the mental image but caught herself before letting a sound out. Sienna was fuming and Poppy didn’t want to invalidate her feelings. In a few weeks, they would laugh at how Sienna’s nostrils were flaring in that photo and her smile looked more like a snare. But right now, Poppy had a job to do.

She motioned to one of the bewildered groomsmen – who was also watching this ordeal – to come to her.

- Ajay, how much did he have to drink during the cocktail hour? I only got him ONE drink!

The groomsman absent-mindedly rubbed his forehead, clearly concerned.

 - I don’t know, man! I only saw that one drink, too, but I wasn’t there the whole time. This is baaaad, we still have a few more hours of pleasantries to go through before dancing starts!

Poppy nodded; her lips pressed together.

- I’ll tell you what, you grab him and take him for a walk. We have a half hour before dinner starts, it should be enough time to get him to sober up. I’ll distract Sienna and get the photographer to do some shoots of the guests.

After the photos were taken, Sienna waited for her confused grandma to walk away to unleash her wrath on Jackson. Thankfully, Poppy managed to snag her just before she exploded.

- Let’s go touch up your make-up, okay? You have a little smudge under your eye.

Poppy took a quick side glance at the groomsmen who were almost dragging Jackson out of the venue.

- You don’t think I should talk to him. Did you see that? He is hammered! It’s not even 6 o’clock yet and he is totally wasted… AT HIS OWN WEDDING!

- Shhh sweetie, I know! I know! But don’t worry about that, he hasn’t had much to drink, probably just an empty stomach and nerves. The groomsmen are taking care of it. He will be in tip top shape for dinner! You shouldn’t let anything get to you today! It’s your wedding day!

Sienna gratefully smiled at Poppy and pressed her hand.

- You’re right! You’re so right! It’s not a big deal. We’ll talk about it later.

She sighed and gracefully walked towards the washroom. Poppy followed her.


-         It’s 6:09 and he is still not here. Where. Is. He? Is he passed out somewhere?

Sienna angrily whispered under her breath.

-         No honey, I’m sure he’ll be here shortly. The groomsmen went to get him a few minutes ago.

Poppy was leaning over her friend’s shoulder pretending to fix her necklace.

-         I don’t trust any of them! Can “you” go? Please?

Sienna gave Poppy an apologetic look, but she wasn’t even sure if she saw it. Without a moment’s hesitation, Poppy obediently got up from the table; pressed Sienna’s shoulder and walked to the lobby.

The lobby was empty. She quickly stepped outside, but the courtyard was empty, too. She was confused; she had only spoken to the groomsmen a few minutes ago. She had clearly instructed them to look for Jackson and bring him in. If he wasn’t hiding somewhere in the courtyard or the bathroom, where could he be?

Poppy nervously walked back in the venue and looked at her phone, hoping to have received a message from anyone in the wedding party.

-         Hey, Sienna is really fidgety, and the guests are starting to feel the unease. Have you seen Jackson?

-         No, Collette. I haven’t seen him. Do you think I’d be standing here if I knew where Jackson was?

Poppy snapped at the bridesmaid who had just entered the lobby. She immediately regretted her words, but it was too late. She could see that the good-natured and cheery Collette was obviously taken aback.

-         I’m sorry, Collette. My anger was misdirected, I am not mad at you. Just getting a little stressed because…

But before she could finish her apology, her cell phone rang. It was Marcus, one of the groomsmen.

-         Marcus, jeez! Where have you guys been? Did you find him? … What? How the hell did he get there?! … Oh wow. Okay, just… I’ll be right up!

-         Is he okay? Is he gonna make it to dinner?

Collette worriedly asked after Poppy hung up.

Poppy sighed. When Sienna had asked her to be her maid of honour, she had jumped on the opportunity. She had known them both since university and was rooting for them since the beginning of their relationship. But given how impulsive they both were, Poppy knew that being her maid of honour was going to be a lot of work, but she had thought she could handle it. Now… she wasn’t so sure any more.

-         Yes. Yes, he is. It won’t be long now. Go in and tell the DJ to prepare for speeches. Oh.. and tell Sienna to meet me in the bathroom in 10 minutes, I should fix her hair before all the videography and photography begins again!

Without saying another word, Poppy disappeared behind the grey stairwell door. Collette stood there for a moment lost in her thoughts. She was thinking about Poppy and how good she was at resolving conflict. It was almost comical how misfortune seemed to follow her at every event, but nothing stopped this woman! She was always ready to handle any misstep. She had a solution for everything! Collette was wallowing in her admiration for Poppy that she received a text message from Sienna. She quickly gathered herself and ran back in the dinner hall.


-         Jackson Maverick Steepson, get down from that ledge this instant!

The four groomsmen turned around to face the young woman who was screaming at the groom.

She was red in the face and breathing heavily. She had her death stare fixed on the groom.

The groomsmen clearly saw the rage in Poppy, and so did Jackson. He slowly stepped off the ledge and stumbled closer to where she was standing. His bowtie was slightly crooked, and his pocket square was sticking out of his pants pocket.

-         What’s the big deal, Poppy? We’re j… just having fun. “I” am having fun! It’s my wedding day for God’s sake. You don’t have to be so… uptight all the time!

Poppy couldn’t believe how Jackson had the audacity to talk to her about her attitude when he was the one slurring his speech! But despite her fury, she took a deep breath and reminded herself that today, she had to put Sienna’s needs ahead of hers.

-         And you can and definitely should have fun! But you can’t be shouting and disturbing the people on the street, nor can you be standing on the ledge of the roof of a 3-storey building while clearly intoxicated!

She calmly responded, but it only seemed to make Jackson more animated.

-         I’m not thaaat intoxicated! This is just how I am!

-         No Jackson, this is not how you are. You are one of the most considerate and thoughtful people I know. You don’t disturb others for the sake of your own amusement. Plus, you never let Sienna down.

She paused to assess the affects of her words on Jackson. He was caught off-guard. He expected his character to be questioned, not praised. Poppy continued.

-         Why start today? She will be heartbroken to find out that you’re causing a scene and making this day about anything but the celebration of your love.

-         She won’t…

-         Sienna is worried. You have been missing for the past half an hour and up until Marcus heard you while smoking outside, we had no idea where you were!

-         What time is it?

Jackson was visibly confused now.

-         It’s time to be with your wife, not up here. Come down to the venue. Sit beside your wife and listen to the multitude of heartfelt speeches that your friends and family have written for you. Okay?

Poppy was surprised to find that Jackson’s eyes were suddenly filled with tears. She could see the setting sun’s gleam reflected in them. He truly had no idea what had happened. She pitifully smiled at him.

-         Okay, but I need… I don’t look so good.

Jackson mumbled.

-         That’s why you have your crew here! They’ll take care of that. Right, guys?

All the men nodded in agreement. They were impressed how easily Poppy had exerted control over a seemingly impossible situation. Moments before, they were scared out of their minds trying to bring Jackson down from the ledge, and now, he was willingly cooperating and almost in tears!

-         Please make him look presentable… and fast!

Poppy confidently addressed the groomsmen. She lifted her long burgundy dress and with a nod to Jackson, went down the stairs.

-         And no drinks but water for the next hour!

Her scream echoed in the stairwell.


-         Did you find him? Where is he?

Sienna’s nervous voice echoed in the small Victorian style bathroom.

-         Oh sweetie, you shouldn’t worry! Everything’s fine! He’s on his way. Now, let’s get your hair fixed, okay?

Poppy affectionately stroked Sienna’s blonde hair to reassure her. She looked gorgeous but her thick brows were tied in a worried knot.

-         Where was he?

-         He was just drinking with his buddies and lost track of time! He was super apologetic when he realized he was late for dinner, he will be with us in a moment.

Sienna sighed, but turned around so Poppy could fix her messy bun. Poppy could see that she was disappointed but didn’t want to fight with Jackson; not today.

-         He always does this, you know? How can he not know his limits? After all this time…

Poppy gently pushed a bobby pin in Sienna’s bun and gave her an empathetic smile through the mirror.

-         You guys have been under a lot of stress planning the wedding, he probably just let his guard down without really meaning to. He doesn’t want to disappoint you. You’re the most important thing in his life, and how do I know? Because…

-         He says it all the time!

Sienna smiled. Poppy always knew the right thing to say.

-         He loves you and disappointing you is the last thing he wants. Do you believe me when I say that?

Sienna hesitated, but she noticed that she was smiling just thinking about his love for her.

-         I do.

-         Good! Now let’s go get some food! I’m starving!

Walking shoulder to shoulder, Poppy and Sienna walked out of the bathroom. Jackson was already sitting at the head table with a wide grin on his face.


-         Ladies and gentlemen, now for the first time on the dance floor as husband and wife: Sienna and Jackson!

The guests loudly cheered as the DJ dimmed the lights and started the music.

This was going to be the first time since the photography incident that Jackson and Sienna could talk privately. Jackson could feel his nerves getting the better of him. He had to apologize. He gently placed his trembling hand on Sienna’s waist.

-         Sienna, I am so so sorry. I never wanted to…

-         I know honey, I know. It’s okay! We’ve been under a lot of pressure. Let’s not think about it anymore! Let’s just… dance and enjoy our wedding day!

She gave him a quick kiss and smiled. Jackson’s face brightened up. He genuinely loved her more than anything else in the world. She was the most forgiving person he knew.

Holding Sienna tight, Jackson appreciatively smiled at Poppy.

It didn’t take long for the whole crowd to join the bride and groom on the dancefloor. Everyone could feel the overflowing love and wanted a piece of it!

Poppy looked around at the guests happily dancing and mingling. She smiled. Luck had definitely been with Jackson and Sienna that day; in the end, everything had turned out the way it was meant to.

But maybe more than Jackson and Sienna, the luck had been with her. After all, no one had discovered that she had spiked Jackson’s whiskey during cocktail hour.

She finished her martini and left the bar to join the happily married couple on the dancefloor.

May 17, 2020 23:20

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