Desi Fiction Sad

 Ryan looks up at the stars in the night sky.A strong chilling breeze is blowing from the right side.He is sitting on a rock enjoying the night sky and the mountains covered with darkness.The fire in front of  the army camp is hardly visible from here.This place is exceptionally quiet and fully covered with snow.

"Comrade Ryan, are you there?" Ryan's train of  thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice.Ryan looks back, a giant figure comes out of the dark.Fellow soldier, Ayush Sharma approaches towards him."Why are you sitting here alone in the darkness?Are you sad?"

Ryan sighs "My mother is admitted to a hospital in a serious condition.My elder brother called me in the evening.I don’t think she will survive.The doctor is not very optimistic. I wish I could go back to home,to my mother."

Ayush sits beside him and puts an arm on his back.In a deep voice he tries to console him, "I can understand your conflict.But you are sacrificing everything for a noble cause.You may not attend your biological mother at this moment,but you can protect your another MOTHER here.That will make your mother proud."

-"Is the news confirmed?"

-"Yes,I had a chat with Lieutenant,the news is confirmed.We might get into action in the next week."

Ryan looks up at the stars again.From his childhood whenever he is sad he quietly looks at the stars.He thinks about his mother, his elder brother, Sumita,his wife and Kush,his 10 years old son whom he has seen only twice since his birth. He wonders if Kush could recognize him if one day Ryan turns up at house.He recalls how happy his mother was when he joined the army.He could see the admiration and pride in his parents' eyes when he came from training.The first time he came home after joining was his father's funeral.The next time he came to attend his marriage and he had to leave Sumita the very next day. Sumita is very supportive for the few times they met and have brought up Kush of her own. He has always wished to serve his country from a early age but at this moment he realizes that he wants to spend some time with his family too and to show them that he cares for them as well.

-“Don’t worry, your mother will be fine.Let’s focus on the task we have in our hand. Major General Anand Tripathi will reveal the full plan tomorrow.Let’s go to the camp now.You need rest.”

Ryan comes down of the rock,almost jumping from his spot.Both of them walks silently towards the camp leaving behind the silence and snow although the night stars keep following Ryan.The fire has been put off and the chilling wind has picked up speed.Ryan is reluctant to have dinner but Ayush insists him.After dinner both of them have a chat with Captain Satraj Singh about their preparation.Afrer the conversation Ryan goes to bed,picks up a story book and starts reading. But his mind is scattered and hardly can concentrate upon the book.

The next morning they have their usual training and exercises. Ryan feels more fresh and enthusiastic in the morning. At around 11 am Major General Tripathi asks them to gather together for the planning and instructions.

-“As many of you might know we have a information that some terrorists are planning to invade the local village and attack on us. According to our source there may be a group of fifty people.We need to be careful and precise with our planning and striking.” For the next 1 hour he revealed the entire planning of the mission. They are supposed to go there the day after tomorrow and ambush themselves. The next two days passes in a blink of eye in all the preparation and arrangement. Lieutenant boosts the troops in the evening.

Next morning they all wake up very early in the morning.After breakfast, as they are about to start their journey a call arrives for Ryan from his elder brother breaking down in tears. Ryan just cannot cry,he becomes speechless.For the first time in his life he curses his job and wishes to leave everything and go to his mother for one last time. Her face keeps appearing in front of his eyes.Then he recalls what Ayush have said, he have to protect his MOTHER.Ryan tries hard to focus on his mission but his mind keeps going back to the house where his mother is asleep on the bed peacefully for the last time.All the memories keeps rushing in.

The troops seek full co-operation from the villagers and urges them to have faith in the troops.The village is evacuated soon.Ryan with his fellow soldiers are positioned in a particular direction. A dense fog, which they saw approaching on the way, covers everything.After few minutes sudden gunshots from a close range followed by scream of Ayush shakes up everyone.Ryan looks to his right side and finds Ayush lying on the ground with a bullet right into his left shoulder.

-“Ayush,Ayush are you okay?” he rushes to Ayush and almost falls on his body.

-“I---will---be---fine.You---should-------start--------moving-----now…” he completes his sentence with utmost difficulty,almost whispering last few words.His heart is beating at a very fast pace.Captain Satraj orders the troops, “We have to move forward now.If we keep waiting here in the fog,we will get shot.Ryan, you stay at the shelter with Ayush.”

Ryan nods.The team vanishes into the fog.The visibility has become less than 50 meters now.After few mintues he could hear rapid gunshots and occasional scream of the victims.Suddenly he reckons the approach of a group of people nearby with faint noise of footsteps.He holds his rifle and becomes alert.He drags Ayush to a corner of the room. Now, Ryan is sure it must be terrorists,somehow sneaked through.THIS IS THE MOMENT TO MAKE BOTH MOTHERS PROUD.As soon as they enter the room the rifle roars and a body falls on the ground,screaming. The others run away leaving behind something at a distance.Ryan approaches to see it. The object is nothing but a grenade and it blasts, BOOM!The last thing Ryan remembers the explosion and tremendous amount of heat and then it all becomes black.The troops comes rushing to shelter only to find his body scattered into pieces.

Ryan feels very light like a thin air as he keeps moving until a soft hand taps on his shoulder.He turns back and finds his mother with a broad smile in her face.

-“I’m very proud of you my son.” She holds his chin.Tears rolling down her wrinkled check.

-“I wanted to go home and see you but I could not leave my national duty.”

-“I know.Now look down and tell me what you can see.” as she embraces Ryan.

Ryan looks down.He can see his own house and a huge crowd in front of his house. A coffin covered with the national flag is placed in the middle.Sumita and Kush wailing in a distance with his elder brother.Finally Ryan could reach home being embraced by both of his MoThErs.

June 17, 2021 18:13

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