The Torture Chamber Champion

Written in response to: Write a story about a tragic hero.... view prompt

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Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

In the modern day “Hunger Games” where all forms of torture are “legalised” by without notice court orders- you have to fight.

This is the reality. Everything you ever believed (or were told to believe) about justice- is a joke. This can be a destabilising realisation, like being told "Santa doesn’t exist"- but after the shock, disbelief and grief that follows… a lot of things make a lot more sense.

The Courts job is not to be just- it is merely “the performance” of the act to be “seen” to be upholding the law. When, in fact, Judges frequently distort, misinterpret, bend, break and assassinate the law for their own power and pleasure.

Legislation exists as a baseline for social standards- the unwritten rules are these laws do not apply to several "chosen ones" of the social hierarchy of "justice"- these roles include:

  1. Police officers.
  2. Social workers
  3. Solicitors (criminals with law degrees)
  4. Registrars
  5. Judges or
  6. Anyone deemed of "high social status" over a certain income bracket.

Although this can not be stipulated in the legislation, as that would be discriminatory, this "unspoken rule" is honoured much like the "unwritten constitution" of New Zealand- oh how whimsical to identify as "a sovereign realm." What this translates to, to the general public is a country that is completely unregulated. Somewhat of a dictatorship masquerading as "a democracy"? For all intensive purposes, quite perplexing to anyone who gives this any real thought.

Those "in the know" have found it is best to keep these "orthodox approaches" to mass human rights violations and acts of misconduct "on the down low" to avoid scrutiny or funding any other “regulating bodies” also “in the loop”, on the payroll to make any complaints disappear. Like snow on the wolves tongue, evidence melts away.

The fight in court is not "fair." We are indoctrinated at school to be told, and accept "life isn't fair." Groomed throughout the education system to comply without resistance or challenge. How easy it is to manipulate the masses when Main Stream media can be bought as if propaganda rags for "light reading" - devoid of thinking. Goodbye critical analysis hello cognitive dissonance. A world run by robots because humanity has devolved to a state that "natural selection" appears unable to keep up with the demand.

Bound and gagged, victims are beaten, tormented, threatened, gas lit, criticised and intimidated before an audience of co abusers who watch on with glee, eagerly consuming their victims anguish as they delve deep into the crowns purse for their wages- like pigs hungrily feeding at the trough- unfortunately this stench of corruption is not masked by the smell of popcorn, which would be apt for this "extreme entertainment" and intense drama that seldom screen writers could imagine let alone script.

Most victims who do survive this gauntlet of gas chambers, isolation and torture simply "exist." Barely human- as living is not possible with their hearts ripped out of their chests…

They are left on their needs begging for mercy, in a pool of emotional and psychological blood- their lives destroyed, while the judge yells vehemently from the bar almost spitting in disdain: "Stop bleeding in this courtroom- you are a disgrace and no judge should have to bare witness to this obscenity." Smirking, the judge revels in the power of punishing the vulnerable for simply being "human" - the judge has read the occupations and is aware of the assets involved and disposable income to invest in his corporation- what pitiful, worthless lives they live. The audacity to "seek justice" from a court they can't even afford to drink water at!

The Queen of Hearts indeed looks rational and kind in comparison to the conduct of the demons in sheeps clothing unregulated and unrestrained- their cruelty knows no limits.

Mere survival becomes the greatest challenge and the greatest success to this abuse- it is modern day hunger games- death in inevitable- you are simply fighting for time.

The weapon of choice for the abusers is time. slowly bleeding the victims emotionally, mentally, financially and physically, like the drip, drip, drip of a water torture technique, the adjournments and vacated fixtures land on the forehead of the victim, time after time …like a hammer crushing their will to live or any strength to keep fighting- all turned to dust from the impact over time. Blunt Force Trauma in Psychological terms.

When the victims call out this systemic abuse, they are defamed harshly and gas lit with criticisms from the court such as: “That’s not what’s happening here!” or; “You have a skewed perception of reality.”

The victims, confused, clutch at the papers, citing the writing on the court documents word for word and asking the Judge desperately : “Have you completely lost your mind?”

Imagine a judge leveraging their position to place children in the custody of a caregiver, employing the judges very own professional network of care givers, “dream au pairs” to care for children the custodians could not- my what a profitable self saucing enterprise this would be- the kids for cash scandal of US- 2.0 New Zealand style- not one finger out of any pie.

Mahon China investments, "Is the Price [HPA] right?" Intercepting criminal cases in Waitakere to protect social workers offending, and obstructing a Judges own harassment case in the Auckland District Court- it is astounding to imagine how this Judge has any time to do any work on his actual case load in the Manukau Family Circuit. Alas a "mans work" is never done- removing children, imprisoning and hospitalising women and removing their husbands as next of kin to ensure there is no escape from this complete and total torture. How dare these wrecked creatures imagine their maternal rights even bare any mention in comparison to the profits to be made off these children- still technically classed as "property" until they turn 16- Plenty of time for Return on That Investment of some courts agents to join the gravy train.

It seems negligent the acute mental health team will not section clearly delusional Judges simply because of their occupation? Does this not breach their rights to medical treatment or was that sold along with their souls to the devil when they swore an oath, in bad faith knowing this position would be Hells Gate to the countries most vulnerable and they were all in to sin.

This systemic abuse, victimising the weak, empowering abusers and trafficking children for maximum profit has worked for centuries, with Family Court successfully trafficking children under the guise of “child welfare”. This sadistic irony is parallel to the thought of pedophile rings being run by catholic priests or police heading the "child protection units". Oh the outrage at the paradox when society wakes up to the reality they have been tricked by the devil they trusted. The trustworthy wolf in sheeps clothing- at least on their heads for judicial cosplay at "worthy" events.

When the realisation that “nothing is real” resonates, there are so many possibilities to change names, assume aliases, delve into property portfolios to see how the judicial laundromat- playing hats with houses to shuffle funds and dip into government funding, charity boards and board members cash cow payments all going undetected- because in the know keep it on the down low.

What fun to play in the circles of those self proclaiming to be “elite.” Coasting on the coat tails of their great grandfathers- still sucking off the silver spoons they’ve had and held since birth.

How far from grace those “elite” have fallen from their ancestors whos' moral fiber has been leached out over time in the toxic culture of corruption, each apple now rotten to the core. One wonders if the drugs of the “good old days” impaired the Judges judgement as obviously as whatever Kool-Aid they are drunk on now? Disorientated and unable to distinguish the applicant from the respondent. The performances of Judge Mahon and Judge Wagner sure to elicit sympathy even from Joe Biden himself in the throes of apparent dementia.

It is a sad state of affairs when a self litigant can simply Google the legislation to high light that no Judge is lawfully able to distort the law, deny facts, refuse to accept any evidence for filing and have the audacity to call their decisions “in the child’s best interests.” as a preface to deeply damaging and lawless orders.

The fact is, statistically, the Family Courts are the lowest court with the least jurisdiction and the most inexperienced Judges - a clown school for the circus. Reasonably, that is why the courts are closed. Exploiting children on baseless claims of “their rights to privacy.” Which literally do not exist for any child under the age of 16 in New Zealand under the Human Rights Act 1993 s21(i)(i) which deliberately states children do not have rights UNTIL the age of 16. This was not an oversight- this was deliberately added in to ensure children are viewed as property, not people, to evade “human rights violations” when they are abused.

Thus, the “unlikely hero”; the court abuse victim, armed with Google and a burning sense of injustice- robbed of everything but their sanity, is born. The error of the courts was that they created this monster, their greatest enemy, unwittingly as the result of judicial gang-rape and countless abortions of justice- planned and executed poorly with the corpses of their lawless orders still decaying in the decision records.

New Zealand Family Court and it’s associated colleagues up the ranks across the judiciary have created their equal and opposite - a self litigant who has literally become them-“Melanie Rolls”. A small price to pay for a question of law- where it all arguably disappears into a "puff of logic" (If not tax evasion, malfeasance, corruption and fraud).

New Zealand judiciary, kudos to you for creating this justice warrior who’s passion for Human Rights and integrity has seen the ownership and birth of “Ponsonby Chambers” a resource for self litigants run by self litigants because without hope- there is nothing.

The irony of this unlikely hero: is that statistically she should have been another suicide statistic like so many others, but because her treatment was so bad, for so long, she adapted and now… has nothing to lose.

This was the fatal error of her torturers and abusers. How the ex police officer , judges wife, solicitor ms Gibbs must cringe at her errors. 2 false arrests, bouts of solitary confinement, isolation from her home, children and family and still Ms Rolls rises back to her feet to file another tort of malicious prosecution or another case of private prosecution- curses…

In a time of destruction create something… Ms Rolls is creating chaos for the corrupt and an uprising for a judicial revolution for the people of New Zealand.

You know you’re in trouble when one of your accomplices is so inconsistent with their lies they have to feign memory loss (as a commercial pilot) to avoid admitting to perjury. MVP for the conspirators silly enough to write up their abduction plan and title it “safety order” to pretend that had any legal standing.

What weight does the family court give McDonald’s wrappers these days? #mcjustice with a side of the fried.

June 30, 2024 12:18

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1 comment

Taz Dunstan
13:19 Jun 30, 2024

Obviously this is a work so outrageous it couldn’t be any other work than that of fiction. All of the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental thus waiving any liability for “alleged” or imagined defamation. Any concerns raised could only be the result of paranoia of any allegedly aggrieved individual who may identify with the characters o...


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