
So much has happened in the last few months. But the most important thing is that our little baby girl, whom we named Kayla was born. Born early. 8 weeks earlier to be exact. I was terrified at first, fearing something was wrong with her. Luckily, my fears dissolved as she's ok. A healthy little thing that could not wait to get out into the world. I guess she's like me - impatient.

For three weeks we had to leave her in the hospital until she gained the proper weight. And do you know what the proper weight is? A mere 4.2 pounds. That is insane!

I was eager to take her home with us, but I was scared. Will I be able to pick up such a small little creature? Taking care of it? She looked so tiny in the incubator. Thankfully, the hospital staff was amazing and helped us through the process.

Four weeks ago we brought Kayla home. The bed looked enormous compared to her infant proportions. I thought It would be hard, but it isn't. She is just a perfect little thing and I am absolutely in love.

In love and exhausted. Waking up in the middle of the night has turned me into somewhat of a zombie. I can't seem to get used to waking up so many times. Going back to sleep is even worse if that ever happens.

Since Jack was working during the day and I was home with the baby, I decided, for now, he didn't need to get up during the night for the baby. But now, I've had enough. He needs to start taking care of the baby as well. This cannot fall solely on me.

Jack thinks that since he's working all day and me, being home with the baby, is not work. How can I explain it to him? How can I show him that he has no idea what it takes? While he's working nine to five, I am working 24/7. And so, during the weekends, I asked to have at least one night off. Try to regain some lost energy. He agreed immediately saying "Of course dear, no sweat. Anything for you". He thinks it is so easy. Well, fine. He will attend to the baby while I'll try to catch up on some much-needed sleep. I have not slept for longer than two hours in a row for what feels like forever. Sometimes not even that.

Friday night arrived. I informed Jack I was going to sleep extra early tonight. He, on the other hand, informed me he's going to sleep extra late since he prefers not to fall asleep before his first shift with Kayla. He was going to stay up until 2 or 3 am. Which is when she usually wakes up.

Knowing Jack won't even listen to me if I try to explain that this may not the best idea, and wishing to avoid an argument, I simply wished him good luck, kissed him good night, and went to the bedroom. I looked at baby Kayla and whispered "good luck on your first night with daddy. He's going to need it".

I woke up at 3:05 in the morning to Kayla's hysterical crying. Jack was snoring next to me.

"Jack" whispered. "Jack wake up. Kayla's crying". No reaction. Not wanting to prolong her crying, I got out of bed and picked her up. "Jack!!!" I called out a bit

louder. Again, nothing. I finally yelled "Jack!!" very loudly. The baby was already up anyway. This finally woke him up.

"What???" he yelled at me. I couldn't believe he was actually yelling at me.

"What do you mean what'?!!! wake the hell up. It's your night, remember?!!"

"What?". He finally lifted his head, looking confused and disoriented. "oh god" he said desperately and put his head back.

"Please, wake up. Go warm the milk. I'll calm her down until it's ready".

"Fine" he replied angrily. As if I woke him up and bothered him for no good reason. As if he was doing me a favor. I was close to grabbing him and throwing him out of the bed. All I asked was one night of sleep. Just one.

He got up and went into the kitchen. I heard him slamming the refrigerator door. I shook my head in disbelief. Although, what was so unbelievable. I knew it would be hard for him, but how could he not hear her hysterical crying. It is not as if it were a cat meowing. It's a baby screaming. She calmed down now. Two more minutes went by and then five more minutes and he is still nowhere to be found.

"Jack, what's going on? Are you bringing the food?". Kayla started crying again and still, it's quiet. He's still in the kitchen. I picked her up again and calmed her down. Where was he? I went into the kitchen with Kayla in my arms, but he wasn't there. The bottle of milk was on the table. Touching it, I realized it was still cold. He hasn't even warmed it up yet. Is he kidding me? it's a tiny apartment. where could he possibly be?

"Jack?" I cried out in frustration. "Jack?" the baby was getting frustrated now and was getting louder and louder. I put the milk in the small pot and put it on the stove, trying to calm her down in the process. I turned and went into the living room. What do you know? Jack was there! Snoring. Facing the couch. That sack of..... UGH, I could just kill him. I'm really tired now. Just one night, please.

Holding the baby, comforting her while the food was warming up, I called him again. That only made him snore even louder as it seemed. Or maybe I was starting to hallucinate now. Since I was holding the baby, I wasn't able to bend over and pull him. I gently kicked him on the back of his foot.

It didn't help much.

Kicking him a bit stronger only made him shift a bit to the other side.

I finally kicked him hard until he woke up and yelled "What? What do you want?". "Are you joking???! You are on the frigging couch! I don't know how you ended up here but take the baby and feed her! Now! I handed him the baby forcefully, or as much force as one can use while holding a baby, which made him wake up immediately and grab her. I went back into the bedroom. Luckily, I was able to fall back asleep.

Three hours later I woke up to more crying. I didn't open my eyes yet, and at first, I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't. Kayla woke up again and clearly Jack did not hear her. I opened my eyes to find jack right next to me. I patted him on the shoulder. "Jack, wake up. She needs to eat ".

"Shhhhhh" was the only sound that came out of Jack. He shushed me to be quiet. The man had no shame. "Shhhhhh" again.

"Jack, stop shushing and get up!" I was yelling again. It was almost not worth it. Would have been easier if I had done the whole thing by myself.

I started getting up when Jack suddenly put his hand on my face. "shhhhhh, go to sleep little one" he said thinking I was the baby. It was the funniest thing. And honestly, quite adorable. My anger disappeared almost immediately, replaced by warm feelings. It was so sweet the way he was touching my face.

I finally decided to let him sleep and fed the baby myself.

The next day, eight in the morning I was already up, sitting in the living room. I was holding Kayla, singing to her when Jack emerged from the bedroom scratching his head and yawning.

"good morning sleepyhead," I said. "Had a good sleep?"

"You are just horrible, you know that?".

"Excuse me?

"Thanks for kicking me! Thanks to you I had the worst first night with Kayla. I hope you're happy!"

"That's what you remember from last night?!! Me kicking you??!" I took a deep breath. And then another one.

Men! They have no idea.

August 25, 2020 07:14

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