I Won’t Grow Up. I Won’t Give Up. Either. Neither. Either. Neither.

Written in response to: Set your story in a world where time travel has been perfected, and people can use it to hop between alternate timelines — but at a cost.... view prompt


Contemporary Kids Teens & Young Adult

I really am considering becoming a vegetarian.

Controlling the narrative. Is one way to do it. Stifle existences that you wish weren’t here. Hierarchical tactics and methods aside. Common themes are all around us. In politics, economics, class, family, religion, identity, violence, nature, science, technology.

Bought and Sold. Sold and Bought.

Control it and the narrative can be controlled? One way or another. Communication has a way of solving problems. It also has a way of creating new problems.

For example. Believe it or not, there was a time—hold on to your hats kids—that we actually got up and out of our chairs to…….wait……here it comes…………change the channel on the television set. (If that is what the giant screen machine is even called anymore). Yes indeed. We had to stand up. Walk a few feet.Turn the channel. And sit back down.

Can you imagine?

What’s the big deal you may ask. Is it possible. Just a little bit even. That the remote controls of today make us lazier. Less satisfied. Another example. Did you know the Nepalese Sherpas, who eat the same meals of potatoes and tea throughout their entire lives, are satisfied because they know nothing else.(wk) Seek knowledge and ye shall find answers.

What do you think the Nepalese would do if given the remote? The remote control. The control of the remote. There are some times where technology is not, does not alleviate the problem it is designed for. Small potatoes, string potatoes. Hash browns.

So. Someone is left holding the bag, Oops, I mean the remote. They may have the control. However, have no knowledge, desire or let’s just say it, clue as to how to use it. Like eating potatoes each and every meal. Sounds rather ok to some. Who may not know. Yucky to others. Who do not like it.

The difference. The differences. The different differences. Because they do not see differences as different😳. More is not always better. Does not automatically lead to efficiencies being better.

How? Control the narrative? Control the story?

Generally does not work that way. Quite so smoothly. Efficiencies can harm our quality of life. How is it that standing up to change the channel would harm you, harm your life?

More than you realize. It can be argued. That the unforeseen impacts of technology are negative.

Oh my goodness. All I just heard were loud groans and sighs and I think I even heard a scream or two.

Point made.

Why would you choose to sell your soul? Your life? I have a guess, however before you come at me, please consider. This. You put it all out there—on socially media-ly places, and whaddya got left?

To share. No more mystery. No more exploring. No more getting to know you. Getting to know all about you. Cause you is already over exposed. And worst of all. You aren’t even earning a living doing it.

Meaningful work is a moral activity to aspire to. We cannot all have the control of the remote. Lying on our couches, in our slippers and comfy pants. It is such a dreadful shortchanging of you, the you that is you.

And a lot more is shrinking around you. More and more. Except perhaps your waist line. Of which you can rest your drink on now because now you do not have to even lean over to reach for it on the coffee table. 🫵🏻

It is just one tool. Technology.

But it is not the only. Not even the best tool. In the land of dystopian remote controls.

Owning it.


They both are meaningful actions, real things.

Jaron Lanier, a digital pioneer, once cited that technologies reflect and encourage the worst aspects of human nature. Lanier has become a technological dystopian: “I think it’s a way of interpreting technology in which people forgot to take responsibility.”


Where is the remote….

I would like to take the batteries out of it.

Hide it under the comfy couch even.


Typical dystopian claims: Persons begin to blame the technology for the changes in lifestyle but also believe that technology is an omnipotence.. Technologies harm our interpersonal communication, relationships, and communities.

There is a creation of decreased communication with family members and friend groups due to increased time in technology use.

Virtual space misleadingly heightens the impact of real presence; people resort to technological medium for communication nowadays.(wk)

One of great concerns: Technologies reinforce hierarchies.

Technologies reinforce hierarchies.

Scarey stuff.

Increases surveillance and erodes privacy.

Scarey stuff.

Widen inequalities of power and wealth.

Scarey stuff

Giving up control to machines.

Scarey stuff.

Never in my life did I think that a walk. A walk in the park. A walk in nature would be regarded as dangerously “anti-social”. In Ray Bradbury’s written story called “Fahrenheit 451” an anti social behavior includes but is not limited to: actions which are considered to violate the rights of others by committing crime or nuisance, such as stealing and physical attack or non criminal behaviors such as lying and manipulation.

A Walk? In the park? A criminal activity? When did this become so?

It is considered to be disruptive to others in society. This can be carried out in various ways, which includes, but is not limited to intentional aggression, as well as covert and overt hostility.

Overt=Done or shown openly, plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden.

Covert=Not openly acknowledged or displayed. A thicket in which game can hide.

Like I said, I really am considering becoming a vegetarian. Hiding in the thick thickets, until the tech game is over.

Until then. A walk in nature, talking with the birds, hanging with the lizards sounds like a safe haven. A safe place to be. Hopping like a happy, fluffy rabbit who has no sense of time. However instinctually has a sense of danger and a knowing of when to high tail it outta there and out-hop its predator. In the interest of survival.

There is a lot to be said about a fluffy, cute, little bundle of fur. Especially the fact it instinctively knows its prey. Doesn’t need to know THE time. Already has a sixth sense. Of time. Of place. It is so easy, almost too easy, to get lost in the fight. The survival of the fittest. The survival of the meat beast.

Control the narrative, control the story. Maybe. But in this technologically surveilled world we are currently living in, right now. The possibilities are not only endless they can cause endlessness. Of hierarchical desperation for some and glorious opportunity for others.

Scarey stuff. Scarey times. To hop or not to hop. That is the question.

May 03, 2023 21:11

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