LGBTQ+ Science Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

      Victoria Godspeed stood outside on her patio trying to get some fresh air, but in the hopes of clearing her mind, it's never possible.

All of her pack members are on her mind every day. All elders and cubs are known to her, as well as their income. On full moons, she runs with them all and ensures they are all safe. Every night, if rouges threaten her pack, she goes after them to end their existence. Due to her huntress nature, her girlfriend Lyric Genesis could get to those rouges first. 

       There is now a new threat to Pinnacle City and her pack. 

"Welcome to my world." Lyric's voice greets her as she walks over to Victoria on the patio. The Princess extends her hand and Lyric wraps her fingers around it.

"Tomorrow it might all be gone because some rouges want to destroy what you have defended for so long." Victoria told her girlfriend. 

It is Lyric's job to protect the innocent humans or supernatural beings from vampires who will kill or take blood without consent, as well as werewolves who will maim or infect any human in order to become a rouge. 

Lyric said, "This will be the third rampage my sisters and I have to deal with.". 

"Your Demonic Hacker sibling found a countdown online the rouges had actually created last year on New Year's Eve that impressed me and scared me." Victoria explained.

Lyric's proud of how they fought off their enemies and celebrated the new year together, but she wishes she had seen Victoria then. 

Lyric remarked, "What a history we have.". 

"What do you think is the most memorable part?" Victoria asks, and Lyric turns to stare at her. 

"It might be the part when you ran in and tried to save me." Lyric suggested, and Victoria smirked. 

Victoria said, "My evil stepbrother was trying to kill you all because of your love of baseball, and I wish I could have seen the Vampire Queen's head get cut off.". Lyric was ambushed in the trainer's room by the vampires with their queen. With the help of her mother, she killed them all with one good leg. 

Lyric asks, "How's your evil stepbrother?"

"I turn on the light for three minutes on every hour in his pitch-black prison." Victoria asks. "What about the time you were about to be released from the human hospital, and we met for the first time?" 

   Lyric reminds her, "And I kissed you.". 

   'I was the aggressor of that kiss just as much as you were, and I followed your lead when it came to where you placed your hands.' Victoria recalled, as Lyric began to kiss her neck. Each playful nipple elicits a whimper from the princess. 

  "The heartbreaking part is when we faced reality. I respect how you put your trials before going to college and becoming queen. I had to deal with my father leaving." Lyric said. 

   Victoria said, "My wolf whispered to me that you are my mate from the moment I saw you stand up like a badass."

   'Fast forward to tonight and our first meeting." Lyric said. 

   Victoria uttered, "Our first kiss.". 

    They share a small sensual kiss on the lips. 

    Lyric told her, "First kiss on this patio.". 

   Victoria said, "Fifteenth interrupted kiss.". 

   "Sixteen. We kiss during our video call." Lyric says. 

   Victoria told her, "You're really calling that a kiss." The couple laughed. 

   "And now to find out that a rouge pack plans on stampeding through the city you protect. To go after my pack, and my mother is behind it." Victoria said. 

   Lyric said, "And my half-sister is involved, I killed her mother, the vampire queen who wanted to end my life all those years ago." 

   Victoria wraps her arms around Lyric and her soul mate returns her warm embrace. 

   "I am aware that my mother must be killed for being a part of this plot, but I must do so to show my dominance. I wish you would fulfill your duties, no matter how horrible my mother is." Victoria said. 

   "Will you marry me?" Lyric asks and that stunned Victoria. She slowly release the embrace which allow Lyric to pull out a small box thinking this would be the perfect time. Victoria saw this happening and was shocked. 

  Lryic said, "We've known each other for four years.". 

 "What are you doing?" Victoria asks curiously. 

 "I'm proposing." Lyric said, and Victoria was a mixture of shock and happiness. 

  Victoria replied, "On a Friday.". 

  "And the funny thing is that if it wasn't for the descendants of those who were burned at the stake. They wouldn't have cursed this world by opening doors and allowing the Supernatural to walk in and change history on a Friday." Lyric says. 

 "I would still have found you." Victoria tells her. 

 "You become my peace and hope that next Friday we will be in bed hoping together not to get up right away because for once the world inside the state border is safe from danger. We can give our next generation hope that they will be loved and never think we don't care. So, this is the easiest decision I've ever made. Will you be my wife?" Lyric asks. 

 Lyric puts on the ring after Victoria says, "Yes.". A passionate kiss ensues. 

 Lyric took Victoria's hand and Victoria told her, "I want to show you something.". They entered a private room through a secret passage. A few lights were turned on, and inside a case was what looked like a crimson color lace corset with see-through sleeves and a long skirt. 

  "The huntsman did not save a woman in red during hunting season. Every Godspeed woman wears this rite of passage before a battle that could end their lineage. My mother did not wear the outfit, but grandma knew I aspired to be like her." Victoria said and pulled out a sword from the glass case. Red was the color of the blade. Lyric snapped her fingers, and the sword she uses appeared in her hands. As instinct took over, the swords touched. They felt a warm impulse going through them from this union.

  Lyric said, "Okay, I had no idea.". 

  "I'm glad I could surprise you." Victoria said, and they began to kiss. They let go of their swords and it stood straight. 

   Victoria asks, "How do my kisses taste?". 

   Lyric says, "Air. Like rose pedals blowing into the wind, swirling around and blending with oxygen.". 

  "There is a hint of meat, which I savor, and strawberry lip gloss. Wow." Victoria said about her fiancé's lips. 

  Lyric asks, "When do you want to get married?". 

  "We must prepare for our wedding before the battle." Victoria replied, "I hope the moon and God prepare us for the madness of preparing for the wedding beforehand. I hope my father will walk me down the aisle." 

   "Lucifer will." Lyric says and Victoria felt happy to finally get marry to the woman who was embracing. 

   "I can't say it." Victoria wants to say how nothing will go wrong since they are finally going to be together. 

   "Although Friday can be chaotic, it can also lead to something wonderful and hopeful but don't tempt it." Lyric told her as she could hear her mate's thoughts.

February 21, 2024 21:16

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