Fiction Teens & Young Adult Suspense

My life has gone down-hill. It was like all my luck disappeared, and it was all because of that box. It was actually a strange day, when I found it. It was raining, I was late to school, got scolded by Mrs. Briggs, a dog stole my lunch and I embarrassed myself in front of the whole school. That day I felt defeated. Especially when my mom told me to rake Ms. Imogien's lawn. After all that embarrassment I really didn't want to rake leaves, however Ms. Imogien is my favorite neighbor. As I was raking her lawn I hit something. It was strange, it felt like a box. Why would anyone leave a box under leaves? That's a bad hiding spot, unless the person wanted people to find it. I moved the leaves and grabbed the box. The box was small with strange marks. I put the box into my pocket, looking around to see if anyone saw me. Then I went off to continue my job. After that I went back home to eat dinner with my mom. "How was your day Ajax?" mom asked. "It was ok mom." I couldn't tell her about what happened today. She would make a big fuss about it, especially if she saw the scratches on my knees and elbows from falling down the stairs at school. "Are you sure? You look a bit down.  Oh! How about I make dump cake for tonight? I know it's your favorite." My mom said encouragingly " Thanks mom" I said, giving her a thankful smile. After finishing dinner and putting the dirty dishes away, I went up to my room to investigate the box. I took it out from my pocket and examined the outside. It didn't have any normal marks that regular boxes have, and of course it was made of wood. I tried to see who made the box but it didn't have any sort of initials on it. I contemplated whether or not to open the box but I opened it anyway. What I found inside was peculiar. There was a CD. The box was encased in foam so there were no scratches on the disk. I went to my closet to find my old CD player. Once I rummaged around a bit I found it. I carefully made sure nothing would interfere with how the CD would play as I plugged the CD player to my small TV. I really hoped it wasn't some weird secret murder recorded or something. I stared anxiously at the TV as the Cd started. ' Warning: We are not responsible for what happens to the individuals who watch this film.' the screen showed. As soon as those words were displayed on the screen I shut off the TV. I was shocked, and I was not about to die because of some stupid film. "Jax! The cake is done! Come down to eat!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. "Okay I'm going Mom!" I say. I unplugged the CD player from the TV and hurriedly walked towards the dining room. " Here come get some." Mom says as she hands me my plate and a spatula. I cut a generous piece of cake and placed it on my plate. As I sat down on my chair I grabbed a fork. I was about to dig in but then suddenly I felt something firm, which was quite unusual for a Dump cake. "Are you alright Jax?" Mom asked, concerned. "Yeah it's just that there is something in the cake." "Really? Made sure not to leave any big clumps." "I don't think it's clumps." I say while looking through the cake with my fork. Then I see it. A piece of glass. I take out the piece and my mom stops eating. "H-how did that get there? I didn't even use any glass utensils to make the cake. Oh my gosh. Ajax are you okay?" my mom asked as she got out of her seat reaching over to me to see if I was hurt. " I'm fine mom." "Let me throw away the cake." She grabbed my plate and hers and threw it in the trash. I felt bad but I helped my mom clean up and gave her a hug. "It's okay mom." I say reassuringly. I leave the dining room and go to my room. Of course I knew it was the CDs doing. Even if it was just a coincidence I was angry. It ruined my mom's cake and I probably could have died and my mom felt guilty about it. I went to the Tv to investigate it. Somehow the CD was still on even though I unplugged the CD player. A weird noise came from it. "skrr...skrr...skrr..." I moved close to the screen, it was dark and the sound was low and quiet."skrr...skrr...skrr..." It freaked me out so I tried to unplug the TV, however like most cliche horror movies and books, I can't. Frustrated, I hit it, and it shuts off. I cautiously removed the CD from the CD player and placed it back in the box. I grabbed the box and rushed out of my room. "Mom I'll be right back, I'm going to the convenience store." "Alright be careful." my mom said worriedly. I rush to the door and grab my bike. I rode to a pawn shop hoping some exorcist or something would take the box and could deal with the CD later on. I know it might have been a coincidence but I don't want my mom to get hurt and I was not about to take that chance. I rush towards the cashier. "Can I sell this?" As I pull the box out of my pocket and hand it to the cashier. The cashier examined the box. " The box has some unique marks, but there is no sign of the creator's initials, but I'm not sure about the CD." "Okay how much is the box?" "The box is about $40 and about $10 for the CD. I can sense some paranormal activity from it. However sensing the activity from the CD it could be possible for you to soon have misfortune since you came in contact with it. "Seriously?" I say exasperated " We can see if an exorcist can fix the problem but it could take a week or two. We can contact you if you'd like." "Yes, here's my number" "Here's your money, have a good evening." "Thanks" I say glumly. I leave the store and head towards the convenience store so I won’t look suspicious when I get home. And of course the cashier was right. I had misfortune for a whole week. Then finally the cashier contacted me saying that the exorcists fixed the problem but they could only lessen the misfortune. She also explained how my misfortune could give me fortune after a certain amount of time. Since then I’ve been able to live with it, I became known for my bad luck at school but no one really cared for it and I was thankful. Also nothing bad has happened to my mom or anyone around me since I’m the one who takes it away from them. But as long as I can protect others then I don’t really mind my ‘bad luck’.

December 10, 2022 02:22

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Jayden Flores
18:36 Dec 12, 2022



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Kyli Patrick
17:19 Jan 04, 2023

i liked it i wish it had more details because it was interesting


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Amarra Soliz
18:44 Dec 12, 2022

i love it this story has inspired me to start writing


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Salma Castaneda
18:41 Dec 12, 2022

close your lips


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Salma Castaneda
18:41 Dec 12, 2022

be quiet amarra


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Jayden Flores
18:40 Dec 12, 2022

i think this story needs works its sounds like it was written by a ten year old and the ending is so upsurd. :(


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Amarra Soliz
18:38 Dec 12, 2022

i like it


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