Fiction Drama

‘If only I could pluck up the courage to tell you what I did. You’re sitting there peacefully like you normally do. I dread to think what you would do if I told you the truth. If only you could hear my thoughts, it would be way easier.’

‘Oh gosh, if only you knew I can actually hear your thoughts! But I don’t want to know. Don’t you dare tell me whatever you did. Don’t you even dare think about it. It’s easier this way … I guess I know what you want to tell me, anyway …’

‘I’m gonna get some tea, you want some?’

‘Sure, thanks.’

‘Great, telling her while sipping tea sounds like a good idea.’

‘No, no, no! I need to steer the conversation somehow. I don’t wanna hear that you’ve got a crush on that new intern. Not on my birthday!’

‘Here’s your white tea. Your favourite as far as I remember?’

‘Yes, thank you, so nice of you to remember such details.’

‘Yes, well … listen, I wanted to –’

‘How is it that you remember all those things?’

‘Er – I don’t know, just pay attention, I suppose. Like I do to you. You’re the only one nice to me. And today you’re not wearing those huge headphones of yours.’

‘I wish I were! But left them at home …’

‘Why do you wear them all the time? It’s as though you don’t want to hear anything else but the sound in your headphones.’

‘Well, something like that. There are just too many distractions around me, too many conversations, if you know what I mean.’

‘I guess so … anyhow, it’s great that today of all days you’re more available to talk.’

‘Um, actually I’m snowed under with paperwork, so I’d better get back to work. If I don’t, I’ll be stuck here till 8:00PM, for sure.’

‘What? Margot, aren’t you supposed to leave in like … twenty minutes? I thought you have a meeting to attend.’

‘Nope. Got cancelled.’


‘What’s wrong? Why do you look so pale?’

‘What to do now? I’ve got to get her out of here.’

‘Out of here? Weird. What does he need our office for?’

I don’t think you should be here.’

‘Why not?’

‘Er – I’ve got a meeting here with that client we both hate … You remember him, for sure.’

‘Yeah, and I know he’s on holidays right now … Why on earth would you come up with such a lame excuse?’

‘If only I could pluck up the courage to tell you what I did.’

‘Well, now I’m getting curious. Perhaps it’s not about the damn intern. He wouldn’t need our office for a meeting with her … Not a good place for a tryst if you ask me, after all.’

‘So, yes, I guess you’d better go somewhere else. Maybe to a restaurant for a lunch break?’

‘Could it be that he’s preparing a secret birthday gathering for me? No … can’t be, we’re not that close, sadly!’

‘Oi, Margot, are you listening to me?’

‘Yes, sorry. It’s just, I’m not hungry, but if you really want me to leave, I guess I could go to the lounge room downstairs and work there.’

‘The Coup De Foudre restaurant serves superb cuisine, you should check it out.’

‘The Coup De Foudre restaurant? Um – it’s half an hour away and — hey, stop pushing me!’

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but you really need to go.’

‘Peter, what is it? Tell me. Or think about it.

‘Listen, I — I’ve organised something.’

‘Perhaps you really organised a surprise birthday party for me?’

‘So now I need you to get out of here. For some time.’

‘Um … well, if you insist … but perhaps you could use my help instead? With whatever you’ve planned?’

‘No. I can manage on my own … Why are you looking at me like that?’

‘You’re not going to ask the new intern for help, are you?’

‘The new intern? What? No, why would you say so? But actually, never mind, there’s no time to talk about that, you need to go.’

‘Right … so see you later!’

‘If only I could pluck up the courage to tell you what I did. I wish I could go with you to the Coup De Foudre.’

‘What? So he’s not going? No birthday party? Wait a second, what is this all about then?’

‘You forgot something? Why’d you stop?’

‘Peter, will you go with me to the Coup De Foudre?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Will you go with me to the restaurant?’

‘Okay, I didn’t see that coming. Could it be that she has feelings for me? Yeah, Peter, in your dreams!’

‘Feelings? Does this mean he likes me? Me? Somebody pinch me!’

‘You really want me to accompany you?’

‘I do.’

‘But why?’

Here it goes, now or never! Isn’t that obvious? I like you.’

‘Oh my gosh, Margot …’

‘That doesn’t sound promising … ’

‘I wish I could go with you, but I can’t.’

‘Bravo, Margot. The moment you’ve most dreaded eventually happened. At your own request.’

‘Please, don’t get me wrong, don’t be sad. Hey, please, show me this lovely smile of yours. That’s better. Listen, you’re the only person I like in this office. The only one who’s been kind to me and has shown me that I matter. You’re the best.’

‘And yet not good enough to have lunch with?’

‘No, it’s not like that. Listen — damn, it’s really late now! Get out of here.’

‘Wait, what? I’m telling you that I like you and you tell me to get out of here? Why do you want to get rid of me so bad?’

‘If only I could pluck up the courage to tell you what I did.’

‘Tell me!’

‘If only I could pluck up the courage …’

‘Just pluck up this damn courage at last!’

‘You’re the only person in this world who has ever been kind to me. And now it appears you even like me more than I’ve ever hoped you would. So I guess, we were meant to share this day together ... It’s too late for you to leave, anyway. I hate everyone. But you. And today everyone in this building will pay for making my life miserable. I did something yesterday, you see. And in a few seconds this place is going to explode. Can’t believe you’re going to die by my side.’


February 24, 2023 18:07

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