
10 am. in the bathroom of a Budget Inn

"Forget her, she's not even beautiful. She didn't deserve me."

"Forget him, he's not interesting anyway. I can't work with him anymore."

"Forget it, it wasn’t a great deal. I can find another apartment easily."

10:5 am. in the room

"Hello. I am well, and you."

"Of course, I'm packing. I can't wait to see you again."

"I'm going to hitchhike."

"No, no need, I have enough money but I'd rather try it this way."

"Okay! Email me the plane tickets. I'll be at the airport in an hour and a half."

"You're nice to me. You save me when I need to. I don't know how I can return the favor.”

10:20 am. in the office of the Budget inn

"Madam, I’d like to checkout."

“Right! Lo and behold $ 60 for five nights.”

"You too Madam, have a nice day."

10:30 am. in a taxi

“Hi! Can you drop me off at the airport please!"

"No, to visit a friend of mine.”

“Currently I'm not doing anything. I had started a business with someone. He ripped me off and I lost my girlfriend, my apartment, my car and my saving too. "

"Sorry, I have to answer that call."

" Hello! I'm on my way to the airport. "

"Sorry! It's a bit late to change my plans. Maybe another time."

"Yes! I see but I gave my word. Maybe I'll visit you when I get back."

"Yes! Thanks for asking. Goodbye!"

“Ah! I received my flight tickets.”

“No, they don't cost me anything. A friend of mine bought them for me. This situation lasts more than 6 months. Every time a friend of mine is on vacation or he's down, he calls me and he pays for plane or train tickets and I show up at his place to help him back up the slop."

"Well, no, now that you say it, I've never asked myself that question. Maybe they never tried to support me to get me back on my feet.”

“You think I'm stupid and naive. From my point of view, they are nice to me and they need me more than I need them. They ask me and I answer their request, but I never asked and it doesn't even occur to me to do so. "

"Thank you, sir, how much did the ride cost? "

"No! Sir, I have to pay you."

"Thank you, Sir. You're nice. Have a good day!"

11:15 am. in the airport hall

"First, I'll check in, then I'll have a coffee.”

“I have 2 hours before boarding. Lots of time to organize my thoughts."

“I can't get rid of her image. Her honey hair, her smile, that sexy southern accent. "

"Not like the neutral accent of Susan Bennett's voice used of Siri by Google."

"Oh my God! Her accent is killing me. I'm not exaggerating if I compare it to Trisha Yearwood's in the song ‘She's In Love With The Boy’."

“Stop it right now! I'm hurting myself overthinking. I have to tell myself a different story. Build a new world around me.”

"And that asshole who took my money, I forget him too! And my lawyer who never calls me. I've to turn over a new leaf and move forward while everything looks very bleak for me."

"Hey mom! I'm at the airport. I'm leaving for Phoenix in an hour.”

"Yes mom! I'm trying to figure out what's happened in my life.”

"Of course, mom, if I can't manage it on my own, I'll turn to you."

"I love you mom! Kisses to dad. Tell him I love him. Anyway, I'll see you next Christmas Eve.”

“The taxi driver's word was harsh! This guy was nice to me, he wants to send me a kind and nice message, I have to figure out what it was?"

"This guy gave me a free ride to the airport. He didn't even know me. Maybe he doesn't have a lot of money, maybe I abused him as he works hard to provide for his family. My family is rich but I am so proud to ask for their help and I am not ashamed to accept help from others."

“He told me if my friends used me instead of advising me to take my destiny in hand or if I liked to let life slip from day to day as Catherine Pulsifer said it in her 'Living The Dream' quote."

“Maybe I like being abused or maybe I'm using everyone I know. Isn't that the truth?”

“As Leah Darrow said: the opposite of love is not hate; it is the use. Maybe my girlfriend is aware of my nature and for that she left me."

"Maybe my friends aren't inviting me to support them instead, they're inviting me out of pity and because they think I'm in a bad spot right now."

"I told the driver that I had lost all my savings, this is not true since my partner gave me back my stake in the company plus 10% interest but I would like to have 25% at the place or at least what my lawyer sold me."

"I never asked my girlfriend why she broke up with me. I let the tidal waves lead me where the wind pushes them. I close my eyes like I did in my dreams when I was young, I don't think about the nature of the shore whether it is sandy or rocky.”

“I’ve to call my girlfriend, I’ve to find out what happened or I’ve to listen to Oprah Winfrey: Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.”

11:45 am. In front of Air Canada office

“Morning Sir, I’d like a ticket to Vancouver please.”

19 days later,

"Hi mum, sorry mum, I'm in your hometown. Yes, mum Vancouver. I created a start-up and I'm waiting for you to be here to celebrate Christmas together. I didn't understand why you left this town mom. "

"I see, I hope you still love this my daddy's charm, otherwise you lost a lot by leaving this town, mum."

“I love this place, this city in my childhood imagination as if it came out of your fairy tales. I think you loved it too my dear mother."

"Goodbye, see you soon in your hometown.”

December 25, 2021 20:21

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18:51 Jan 27, 2022

I like your story. If I may offer a suggestion, I think it looks better if you type out the number in words instead of the number itself. Thanks for reading my stories.


Boutat Driss
07:48 Jan 28, 2022

A lot of thanks dear Kathryn


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Daniel R. Hayes
16:52 Dec 29, 2021

This was wonderful, Boutat! I love how the dialogue flowed like a natural conversation. Well done!! :)


Boutat Driss
18:56 Dec 29, 2021

a lot of thanks dear Daniel.


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F.O. Morier
18:13 Dec 26, 2021

I let the tidal waves lead me where the wind pushes them. I love that! Thank you for sharing this pleasant and sad story. Happy new year! Fati


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