Coming of Age Friendship High School

Brodi Moore stood quietly at the edge of the tree line, watching the world unfold before her. The tall trees formed a comforting boundary around her, providing a false sense of security. Here, she felt secure, hidden in the shadows. But there was something about the game happening just beyond the trees that tugged at her, drawing her out into the open. She took a deep breath and stepped away from the safety of the forest, making her way to the bleachers filled with cheering fans.

Taking a seat at the end of the row, Brodi kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone around her. She chose a spot where she could still see the game being played without feeling too exposed. Her gaze was fixed on the players scurrying around the field, the excitement palpable in the air. The ball zipped back and forth, each pass and kick igniting roars from the crowd.

It was almost unreal how alive the scene was. The energy surrounding the game made people smile and shout, but not Brodi. She sat quietly, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves. She was there for him—Gus Taylor. Number Twelve. Like a magnet, her attention was drawn to him as he raced across the field, his dark curls bouncing with every sprint.

Then, it happened. Gus made a run toward the goal, dodging defenders like a warrior on a quest. With a swift kick, he sent the ball flying into the net, sealing the victory for his team. A wave of cheers erupted from the home crowd, lifting Gus high into the air on his teammates’ shoulders. He was the hero of the day, and in that moment, Brodi felt a rush of pride swell inside her. She had promised to come and see him play, and she had kept that promise, even if she was watching from a distance.

As the cheers echoed around her, Gus quickly scanned the stands for a glimpse of Brodi, hoping to catch her eye. But just at that moment, she decided to stand up and quietly walk away, not feeling brave enough to face the crowd, or him. Gus shrugged off the disappointment, thinking only of the game, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he wanted to know if she had been there. Despite all the excitement and noise of victory, he felt a small flutter of something when he thought about her.

Meanwhile, Brodi slipped back into the shadows of the trees, feeling a mix of emotions. She watched as the team celebrated, their happiness obvious, like a bright light in a child’s eye when given a new toy. Gus stood at the center of the crowd, laughing and joking with his teammates. He projected an aura of popularity and confidence, qualities that made Brodi feel small and invisible.

She wished desperately for the courage to speak with him, to bridge the gap that felt like an ocean between them. But how could she? Gus was adored by so many; he couldn’t possibly be interested in someone who was so shy and uncertain. Even though he had urged her to come to the game, she was still baffled by it. Surely someone like him could find better friends than her. Keeping promises was important to her, yes, but fitting in with his world seemed impossible, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to fit in there anyway. She liked her quiet life, even if she didn’t have many friends, the ones she does have are true.

After the game, once the tension of the match had eased and the players started to head to the locker room, Gus came out looking for her. He changed his jersey and felt a rush of excitement as he hoped to see Brodi in the bleachers. Maybe she had stayed, maybe she had cheered for him, even from the distance. But the stands were clear, and she was nowhere in sight.

Just when he was about to give up, something shiny caught his eye at the tree line. Curiosity tugged at him as he jogged over, thinking it might be a clue, something that could lead him to her. But when he reached the spot, he found not a person, but a necklace glimmering in the fading light, caught on a low branch of an oak tree. He carefully took it down, turning it over in his hands. The delicate silver chain sparkled in the sunlight, and he wondered how it ended up there.

Little did he know, Brodi was watching from her hiding place deeper in the woods, peeking through the leaves. She felt a flutter of excitement as she saw him pick up the necklace. He looked so handsome, with his deep brown eyes shining with curiosity and kindness. His curly black hair and warm smile lit up the space around him, and for a moment, she felt as if the world blurred away, leaving just the two of them.

Standing there, she was reminded of the way her heart raced whenever she saw him. It felt wild, like butterflies had taken flight in her chest. This wasn’t just admiration, it was something deeper, more complicated. How could she feel this way about someone she barely knew? They had only ever exchanged a very few words, yet he seemed to linger in her thoughts more than anyone else.

Brodi remembered how he had encouraged her to come to the game. “It’ll be fun! You have to see how great the team is, and I really want you there,” he had said with that infectious smile. Even from the shadows, she could feel the warmth of his soul. But still, there was a wall she felt she couldn’t break through.

As Gus examined the necklace, Brodi’s breath caught. She knew exactly where it had come from—her own neck. It must have snagged on the branch when she rushed to hide. Now, it dangled from his fingers, glinting in the fading light. She leaned in slightly, her pulse quickening as he glanced around, searching. Part of her wanted to step forward, to say something, to see if he’d smile at her the way he did with everyone else. But instead, she stayed hidden, torn between fear and the pull of something she didn’t quite understand.

But reality crashed over her like a wave. The thought of stepping from behind the trees felt daunting, like standing on a cliff’s edge. What would she say? What would he think? She felt small, invisible, and uncertain. The mix of emotions tangled within her, leaving her feeling both scared and alive.

Gus finally slipped the necklace into his pocket, finishing up his quick search for her before the last remnants of excitement from the game began to fade away. He approached the spot where she had been seated, hoping against hope that she was still there. Disappointed but not yet ready to give up, he started to walk toward the trees, feeling a strange pull compelling him to explore.

Meanwhile, Brodi, feeling anxious about being found, decided it was time to leave. She had stood in the shadows long enough, watching a man shine brightly in his world while she remained hidden. She turned and quietly hurried down the narrow path back to the parking lot, her heart aching a little.

Gus reached the edge of the trees and paused. Was it his imagination, or had he seen a flash of movement deep in the woods? As he leaned closer, straining his ears to catch any sound, he heard a slight rustle, like someone moving through the undergrowth. He stepped cautiously, taking a chance.

“Brodi?” he called, his voice a mixture of hope and curiosity. “Brodi, is that you?”

The name echoed through the trees, and Brodi felt a jolt in her chest. She turned around, pausing for a moment. Did he just call her name? Should she go back? A part of her wanted to stay hidden, but the other part— the part that craved connection— wanted to step out into the light.

Gus took another step forward, unwilling to let the moment slip away. “Hey, I saw you at the game. You were there, right? I thought I caught a glimpse of you. I was hoping you’d tell me what you thought of it,” he continued, his voice gentle yet encouraging.

It felt like an eternity before Brodi found her voice. “I…I was there,” she said softly, barely loud enough for him to hear. She took a small step forward, revealing herself to him. There she was, peeking out from behind the trees like a shy deer.

Gus’s eyes lit up when he saw her. “Brodi!” He stepped closer, his enthusiasm palpable. “I’m so glad you came! I didn’t see you after the game. I thought maybe you didn’t come after all.”

“I— I just…” she stammered, feeling her cheeks grow warm. “I was watching. It was exciting.” The words spilled from her with a nervous energy. “You played really well.”

“Thanks!” he replied, a grin spreading across his face. “That goal was kind of a big deal. I’m glad you got to see it. But why didn’t you stay to celebrate with the others?”

Brodi shrugged, avoiding his gaze for a moment. “I don’t really like crowds much. I thought it would be better to watch from the back.”

Gus nodded, understanding her point. “Yeah, I get that. Not everyone feels comfortable in the spotlight. But I wanted to see you there. You mean a lot to me, you know?”

The impact of his words stunned her. “I do?” she asked, feeling an unexpected wave of joy bubble up.

“Of course! You came to support me, after all. That means the world. I appreciate that you kept your promise,” he said, his voice sincere. “You have no idea how much it meant to me.”

Brodi found herself smiling, caught off guard by the connection forming between them. Maybe she didn’t have to hide anymore. Maybe this was her chance to step out from her shell, to be brave, even if just for a moment.

“I found this, by the way,” Gus said, pulling the necklace from his pocket and holding it out toward her. “I thought it might belong to someone, but it doesn’t ring a bell. Maybe it was yours?”

Her eyes widened as she recognized the delicate silver chain, the one she had worn that day without thinking much about it. Her fingers trembled slightly as she reached for it, brushing against his palm.

“Yes, it’s mine, thanks.” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Gus’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “I thought so.” He let the necklace rest in her hand, but his gaze remained on her. “You must’ve lost it on your way out.”

Brodi swallowed, suddenly feeling exposed. It was just a necklace, just an object, but the way he had found it—like a thread connecting them—made it feel like more.

“Thanks,” she murmured, clutching it tightly.

Gus shifted his weight, tilting his head as he studied her. “You don’t have to run off, you know.”

She glanced toward the parking lot, torn between old habits and the possibility of something different. “I wasn’t really sure if I should stay,” she admitted.

“Well,” Gus said, stepping back with a teasing grin, “if you want to disappear into the trees again, I won’t stop you. But if you want to stick around… I was thinking about grabbing a soda and some ice cream or something.”

Brodi hesitated. She had spent so long avoiding moments like this, keeping her world small and safe. But now, with Gus standing there, warm and open, she wondered if stepping into the light wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Finally, she tucked the necklace into her pocket and met his eyes. “Okay,” she said, surprising herself. “But just for a little while.”

Gus grinned. “That’s all I ask.”

And together, they walked toward the parking lot, the distance between them finally beginning to close.

That’s the day Brodi realized that dreams can come true, her’s just did. 

February 14, 2025 20:22

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