Submitted into Contest #227 in response to: Write a story where someone shares a cup of hot chocolate with a friend.... view prompt


Christian Friendship Happy


Long day--I've been on my feet all day--I'm a server at a local restaurant--Tomorrow I go in at 2-work till 10. I decide to take a nap-I'll lay on the couch--The sun is still up-shining though the window--The sun will shine upon me and keep me warm. My dog comes over-he lays on the floor close by. I reach down and pet him--I fall asleep-I wake up-the house is now dark-the sun has gone down. The phone rings-It's my Mother-she asks me what I'm doing? She tells me to come over for supper. So I guess I will--I'll take my dog. I have my own house-I'm lucky to have it--My Dad made the down payment--Thank You dad--Love you--I drive to my parents house-They live in the same town -not too far away. I see them often--Every Wednesday night-every Sunday after Church. My Mother fixes Dinner--My brother is younger -still in High School. He is there and I ask him how he is doing?-It is good to visit with them. After supper we'll share a cup of hot chocolate.--I have to work tomorrow. My Mom will ask me if I'm going back to school --Prepare for a real job--Like a nurse. I tell my Mom -maybe--Soon I tell my dog -it's time to go home. He's sitting on the couch with my Dad--My dad likes him--He tell him goodbye-he pats his head. I drive home-my house is dark-I forgot to turn on the outside light--I open the garage door-I drive in. I am tired--I will go to bed and think about my life and what I might do. I will fall asleep quickly. My dog sleeps on my bed. At the bottom-opposite corner. He does not move -He does not want to disturb me.-I wake up early--the sun has just come up--I must get up-I must get ready for work. Dog is hungry--I find the dog food-and fill his bowl. I fix a cup of hot chocolate-and I sit at the table--The cup is hot -it warms my hands--I get dressed-I put on my waitress uniform-I fix my hair-put on my makeup. I want to look good for my customers. I have worked at this restaurant for two years.. Many of the customers know me and they want me to wait on them. I say Hi -I ask them -how are you doing?--I might ask them about their parents or their boyfriend or girlfriend-or their husband or wife. I ask them how their kids are doing. Sometimes they show me a picture of their children off their phone.-I tell them their children are beautiful-And they smile--I say -What are you doing today--Where do you work--Do you like your job.--I tell them to always be positive and to be kind to everyone. -I say bye when they get ready to leave.. I say Thank You-see you again.--I think I'm a good people person-The day goes by fast -fairly busy, but not too busy. I visit with the other servers and the cook.-the manager comes by-He asks me if everything is okay. I tell him it is. -No negative comments -I do not complain -I do not tell him about rude customers -Customers who do not tip. I like my job. I like the people that come in --I try to make their day a better day,-I talk to the children and all the babies. I tell the Mothers they have a cute baby.-I try to make the children laugh and they do. it makes me feel good. Some of the servers are not happy people --they think they want something else--A new job-one that pays more and is less stressful. I tell them to be satisfied with what they have--I tell them to always be friendly-even when they are tired and angry--Customers like a positive person-One that cares about them.--I remind them to be thankful for what you have--You could have cancer -you could be disabled-You could be alone with no family or friends. I tell them about Jesus . I tell them that Jesus is part of my life and He can be part of theirs. At break I talk to another server -I try to lift them up--I have heard about the problems in their life. I invite them to come to church with me sometime--I tell them I will pray for them---The server says I'll go to church with you on Sunday. I tell her I will pick her up. At church we will worship Jesus and sing songs.-We go-we sit in a pew with no one else We look to the altar-A picture of Jesus ascending into heaven is on the altar. I tell my friend that Jesus is calling-His arms are wide open--He is asking you to accept Him as your Savior -I know she is worried-she cannot understand what she must do-We leave--I hope she accepts Jesus. She needs Jesus in her life. I go to see my Mom and brother and Dad before I go home -My Mother and my brother and I sit at the table and we talk. I ask them if we can pray-They say-that will be good. And so I say -Thank you Jesus for being with us today. Thank You for Your grace and your mercy and Your love.--Protect us and keep us safe -Help us to do the things we need to do.. Take us to a place we need to be. Amen--We go into the living room-my Dad is watching football on TV -No one talks-it is just so good to be sitting with my family. Time has not washed away our love for each other --Time just keeps going on and we cannot stop it . But I know that Jesus is always with us -I can feel His presence --Sometimes I call my friend -I say -Please come over and watch TV with me. Wonder Woman is coming on. I will make popcorn--I have Dr. Pepper-or hot chocolate or coffee. We will cry-we will laugh. We will pretend that Wonder Woman is real and we could be like her.---But now it is time for bed--I pray--I pray for all the people I know--I say Good night Jesus -If I should die before I wake -I pray The Lord my soul to keep. Amen

December 04, 2023 17:36

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Sabrina Hauer
04:13 Dec 14, 2023

Very interesting.


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Carolyn O'B
03:55 Dec 10, 2023

I like your story. Just want to suggest using commas rather than dashes.


Terry Gartner
21:50 Dec 10, 2023

Okay---used dashes to separate thoughts-Did not want to make it one sentence


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