Vigilant or Vigilante? Be Not Afraid.

Written in response to: Write about a character with questionable morals.... view prompt


Christian Kids Friendship

Know the difference.


Not to be too dramatic. There is a ginormous, gigantic, huge, large, big, bigger very important difference. And it is best to know it. Otherwise while exhaustion overtakes you—however it does—the Lord may pass you by.

No. Not because you are bad. He just figures you have done your work and assumes you believe you “deserve” your sleep. It is all a plan of His glorious lesson and lessons. He teaches us everyday, but sometimes we are caught napping. And that is ok.

What is the difference? Of fear and strength? Inattentive and Responsible.

One tiny little thing. One tiny little bug. One tiny little letter. One tiny little something which can change your whole story. Like a cookie recipe—one little ingredient, a dash of this, a dash of that….

A dash. Indeed.

The quiet little whisper of your own inner idol-ness repeating, on a loop who you are and what you are to do. To yourself. To others.

He reminds us daily to “Come follow me and I will give you rest”. Oftentimes we do not listen. That is why the lesson is a “Daily”.

He addresses all the “situations” and implore us to grow in our faith. The raging waters scenario, walking amid the flames, finding ourselves at the mercy of the power at the gates of hell. Avoid insults when wicked men laugh at you, He gives us tools.

We just do not always attentively listen. And toss the tools arrogantly aside.

He forgives and “keeps at you”. Chases after you. He is not proud. And neither should you scoff at being welcome to being ready. Christian wisdom, no matter which path you walk explores the reasons behind the actions, the events, the “wedding”/banquet, the surprises in life, relations—your habits, actions, reactions.

Vigilant or Vilante.

(See the tiny difference) Hint: No spell check allowed. It may not help.

Consider a story by Eliza Lee Follen:

The Three Little Kittens.

The practical lesson that responsibility leads to reward, which leads to further responsibility. Important to note the lesson was created amidst a so called “cash-less” society too.

”Three little kittens lost their mittens; And they began to cry, “Oh, mother dear, We very much fear That we have lost out mittens.” “Lost your mittens.” You naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie!” “Me-ow, me-ow, me-ow.” “No, you shall have no pie.” “Mee-ow, Mee-ow, Mee-ow.”

The three little kittens found their mittens; And they began to cry, “Oh, mother dear, See here, see here! See,we have found our mittens!” “Put on your mittens, you silly kittens, And you may have some pie.” “Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r,” Oh, let us have some pie! Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r.

The three little kittens put on their mittens, And so one ate up the pie; “Oh, mother dear, We greatly fear. That we have soiled our mittens! “Soiled your mittens!, You naughty kittens!” Then they began to sign, “Mee-ow, me-ow, me-ow.”

The three little kittens washed their mittens, And hung them out to dry; “Oh, mother dear, Do you not see that we have washed our mittens! “Washed your mittens, Oh, my you’re good little kittens! But I smell a RAT close by. Hush-hush! Mee-ow, me-ow” We smell a RAT close by, Mee-ow, me-ow, mee-ow.


Christian wisdom keeps at us. Chases us. To be Vigilant about responsible actions. Avoid and live not to be a Vigilante of looting, destruction—either physical, mental. “Keep the pressure on”. Well I say to you kids.

”Bring It On”

He says, “When wicked men or women insult and hate you all because of Me”, or something else. Blest are you. To have the patience, strength and regard to turn the other cheek. You will run circles around their web instead of being caught in it, inside the web.


Be Not Afraid. “Come follow me and I will give you rest.” The result is inner, boundless energy to genuinely help the least of these. Accountability for and of your actions and reactions. For and on behalf of the least of us. Or them. Or those.


Not a slacker himself, Benjamin Franklin observed, “The noblest question in the world, is “What good May I do in it”? “Hang in there!” Is more than an expression of encouragement to someone experiencing hardship or difficulty; it is sound advice for anyone intent on doing good in the world. Whether by leading or prodding others, or improving oneself, or contributing in the thick of things to some larger cause. Perserverwnce is often crucial to success. (WB)

As recounted in Plato’s “Apology”. Perseverance is essential to the watchdog’s and gadfly’s approaches to working for good in the world. Socrates, serious and vigilant: “As long as I draw breath and am able.” To practice the practice of Vigilant Good. Of God. Of people. Of Beings. If at first you don’t succeed, Try, try again.

Indeed. See where I am going with this my little Vigilante? Good.

In simple terms: Good reaps good. Bad reaps bad. And Good Lord, Christian wisdom is giving us the “Daily” tools we need. We must learn to stop dropping them into the bin of abyss.

Hans Christian Andersen tells us this in “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, not a “happily ever after story”, but a bittersweet ending. We prevail by enduring. By our endurance. And remember, recall, reminder:

A lie has speed, but the truth has endurance.

In the Soldier story: Wild Adventure, mortal danger, Be thy portion, valiant stranger.

Valiant Vigilant Stranger. I like that. Don’t you? When Personal Service comes to mind. And it should. In small and large ways. “Daily”. On many paths. In different ways. That is why it is important to,

Know the difference. Know your friends. Know your so called enemies. Vigilant and Vigilante.

Emerson’s essay in “Friendship” written and was first published in 1841. “Friendships are gifts and expressions of God.; they form when the divine spirit in one FINDs the divine spirit in another, and “both deride and cancel the thick walls of individual character, relation, age, set, and circumstance.”

Be Vigilant , not Vigilante about not falling into the habit of walling friendships in or out.It is simple but not easy. But a certain wisdom shared daily with us tells us to “Come follow me and I will give you rest”. To be better at the task and tasks at hand. Avoid the Cat and Mouse Game as well. (After all, kittens grown up to be Cats). As the Brothers Grimm learned and shared, “Picking the wrong friend can be disappointing or even disastrous. If this occurs. Consider it a life lesson. Pick up your tools and get back on the path.

Christian path. This way. Forward.

August 07, 2022 13:40

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